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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-10-2011, 05:20 PM
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New Sprint Policy on Broken Screens

Shattered my screen the other day. Radio Shack insurance was useless. Went to Sprint and they replace screens for $35 even without the Sprint insurance plan.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-10-2011, 05:23 PM
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Re: New Sprint Policy on Broken Screens

Good to know. Thx
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 01-10-2011, 05:25 PM
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Re: New Sprint Policy on Broken Screens

Originally Posted by manacap View Post
Shattered my screen the other day. Radio Shack insurance was useless. Went to Sprint and they replace screens for $35 even without the Sprint insurance plan.
That's not a sprint policy and, if you've read Radioshack's terms of service for their service plans (which you obviously you did, because it's a legally binding agreement and any intelligent person would've) they don't cover physical damage, only manufacturer defects and regular wear and tear. Accidental and catastrophic damage are not covered at all, ever.

Sprint repair centers have also been fixing phones for a while. I would assume that's why they're called repair center's.

BTW neither of these things relates directly to a Sprint policy and even less to a policy specifically about broken screens. Had you asked on the forum, a lot of people would have told you that this is exactly how this situation was going to play out.

Edit: Also, Radioshack doesn't sell an insurance plan. It's an extended warranty.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 01-10-2011, 06:04 PM
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Re: New Sprint Policy on Broken Screens

The $35 no TEP repair fee is actually fairly new. Sprint started doing it shortly after I started working for them back in October.

As a technician repairing these phones, we see a lot of Evos come in with shattered screens.

So for those of you without an Otterbox or TEP, get one or the other. An Otterbox is a great investment for your phone if you're prone to dropping it.
Sprint Service Technician rocking an Evo 4G.
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Old 01-10-2011, 06:31 PM
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Re: New Sprint Policy on Broken Screens

I almost hate to chime in on this one..

Originally Posted by bradart View Post

1.That's not a sprint policy

2. Accidental and catastrophic damage are not covered at all, ever.

3. Sprint repair centers have also been fixing phones for a while. I would assume that's why they're called repair center's.

4. BTW neither of these things relates directly to a Sprint policy and even less to a policy specifically about broken screens.

1. READ Support - Article guess it's SPRINT POLICY huh

2. "accidents arent covered, ever"... oh Really now??? READ Support - Article

3. Reapir Center have always done repair yes.. but the NEW Policy states: YOU DONT EVEN HAVe HAVE INSURANCE NOW


That being said, this is obviously NEW information to YOU as well.. so enjoy it!

and this has only been going on since around NOV of 2010, so 2 months, I d say its still pretty new to be talked about..... though i will say the info was in my SIG for a month(which doesnt mean much, just saying) and there is a thread on this in Carrier Discussion http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/carrier-di...ep-policy.html

Sprints new slogan should be " Whether its a Early Upgrade or charges for nothing, We'll be there"

Last edited by WarChild; 01-11-2011 at 01:16 PM.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 01-10-2011, 06:36 PM
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Re: New Sprint Policy on Broken Screens

Thanks for the defense. I put this out there for the reasons cited above (Sprint told me it is new policy) and because a search in this forum on broken screens did not show the information I needed. Interesting enough, Radio Shack took a quite a bit of time on the phone (1/2 hour) to verify that the screen was not covered, especially when I just looking or a yes/no (having read the document, it seem to fall under "abuse" but I wanted to make sure).
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 01-10-2011, 06:45 PM
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Re: New Sprint Policy on Broken Screens

Yeah OP, glad you got phone fixed and on yur way!
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 01-10-2011, 06:48 PM
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Re: New Sprint Policy on Broken Screens

Originally Posted by manacap View Post
Thanks for the defense. I put this out there for the reasons cited above (Sprint told me it is new policy) and because a search in this forum on broken screens did not show the information I needed. Interesting enough, Radio Shack took a quite a bit of time on the phone (1/2 hour) to verify that the screen was not covered, especially when I just looking or a yes/no (having read the document, it seem to fall under "abuse" but I wanted to make sure).
first off welcome here and i know you have been here awhile but its your first (second now) post and i agree lots of people dont know this useful info. and yes it was posted here before on site but i cant even find it so im sure seach didnt help much be anyway its a good thread imo.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 01-10-2011, 09:02 PM
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Re: New Sprint Policy on Broken Screens

Last week, a girl at work dropped her phone and broke the screen. She used TEP, paid $100 and got a new phone. When the new phone was three days old, she dropped it and broke the glass. I told her about the $35 deal. She went to Sprint repair and they were going to repair her screen but they did not have her type in stock. So they ordered her a replacement FOR FREE.

Whether this is policy and just good customer relationship, I think it was a good deal.

BTW - I convinced her to order a Ballistics
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 01-10-2011, 11:45 PM
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Re: New Sprint Policy on Broken Screens

I guess I'll be the end all of this thread, seeing as I deal with this every day.

1. It is Sprint policy.

2. TEP is a combination of two types of insurance, ESRP and ERP. ESRP is service and repair, ERP is replacement. ESRP covers software troubleshooting, parts repairs, etc. ERP covers everything outside of ESRP, including liquid damage and physical damage to the charging port or motherboard. Asurion handles ERP.

3. If you do not have ESRP or TEP, there is a $35 charge for repairing the phone physically. No charge for software problems (termed as "triage").

4. Shattered Evo screens are covered under ESRP/TEP, no matter how "abused" they look. If there is any other physical or liquid damage outside of the LCD shatter, then it is not covered. An insurance claim through Asurion would have to be made.

5. If the part is in stock at the particular repair location, it can be replaced. Note that there are TWO types of Evo screens. Those made by Sharp and those made by AUO. The repair location may have some of one, but none of the other. Most Evos have AUO screens, though.

6. If the part is not in stock, then they will exchange the device. No charge with TEP/ESRP, $35 with ERP/No TEP.

Any other questions?
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