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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 11-14-2010, 07:38 PM
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Originally Posted by kjhadfield View Post
THANKED it doesnt matter how right you are or how wrong they are, it comes w/ the job
So i take it youve never worked in retail huh.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 11-14-2010, 09:42 PM
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Re: HOW to approach reps at the stores

Originally Posted by akmzero View Post
So i take it youve never worked in retail huh.
how did you come up with that assumption from this...
Originally Posted by kjhadfield View Post
THANKED it doesnt matter how right you are or how wrong they are, it comes w/ the job

yes i worked in retail and also in a restaurant (which, imo, is worse of the 2) there was many times the customer would complain "this isnt med. rare, there is blood, see..." where in my head i say thats what the hell med rare is, you should of asked for med but would in fact say "im so sorry, let me take this back right away and bring you out another one"

it never mattered how wrong they were or how right i was, the customer is always right. i just bite my tongue and let it go then smoked a fattie after work

when i 1st got hired at home depot, in training, they would tell you a story bout this 1 customer that came in w/ a (1) tire (every1 knows home depot dont sell tires) but said he bought it here and wanted his $ back. true story...they gave him store credit for the 1 tire and kept the tire to make a point.
It is, wat it is...nothing more, nothing less
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 11-14-2010, 11:02 PM
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Re: HOW to approach reps at the stores

Hrmmmm, I work indirect and we have customers coming from 2 corporate and at least 4 multi carriers in the area. They keep coming back to my store because of the customer service they receive from my store.
Remember 3-19-10, Sprint Winmo 6.5 release date

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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 11-15-2010, 08:52 AM
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Re: HOW to approach reps at the stores

Originally Posted by 99accordv6 View Post
Hrmmmm, I work indirect and we have customers coming from 2 corporate and at least 4 multi carriers in the area. They keep coming back to my store because of the customer service they receive from my store.
That's good for them and good to hear retail has good CS! That's one reason people come back, I personally prefer Corporate because i can shake the coconut tree and not worry, while with retail and premium there's a lot less leverage I have. but if they're nice and give you the service you ask for in the beginning, like in that case, then i can see why they skip the Corporate route.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 02-08-2011, 12:39 AM
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Re: HOW to approach reps at the stores

My store is the only Sprint S&R store in 20 miles, though we are indirect.

A few tips for would-be customers (mainly personal peeves/advice):

1. Managers will usually side with the technician, since we know what we're talking about. Very rarely will they just give into you with consulting the tech for other possible options.

2. If I say your phone is liquid/physically damaged, it probably is. Don't argue with me about it. I've had training to spot these kinds of things, you haven't. I don't care if you didn't spill anything in it or drop it off of a 4th story balcony. Something happened to it to cause it to do what it is or isn't doing, it didn't magically decide to stop working. Humidity is not an excuse either.

3. The more amicable you are with me, the better I will treat you. I absolutely hate when a customer comes in pissed at the world and then starts in on me. That makes me do the absolute minimum to get you out of the store, survey be damned. Customers with huge tempers can be written off of our CSAT results.

Just my personal things, don't mind me.
Sprint Service Technician rocking an Evo 4G.
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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 02-08-2011, 05:23 PM
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Re: HOW to approach reps at the stores

Its funny how all these techs feel they have Superior powers and if they sabotage customers property they feel its part of it cause of the "I-don't-have-to-take-it" attitude.

Please people you guys must think that life stops when you clock in for your work....KARMA is a beast and just because you are at work does not mean you are immune to its more awesome power than you think you might have. Remember YOU are also a consumer after you clock out. You would not want subpar service for something you did to someone else?! Unless you are a tech who clocks out and immediately goes to that rock they live in. You know the Anti-Social techs who will look at every customer as a number.

Sometimes a smile is all you need to break down a customers temper but how can you smile if you yourself ain't happy?!

CORRECTION Are not happy!?

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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 02-08-2011, 08:36 PM
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Re: HOW to approach reps at the stores

Originally Posted by Del30 View Post
Its funny how all these techs feel they have Superior powers and if they sabotage customers property they feel its part of it cause of the "I-don't-have-to-take-it" attitude.

Please people you guys must think that life stops when you clock in for your work....KARMA is a beast and just because you are at work does not mean you are immune to its more awesome power than you think you might have. Remember YOU are also a consumer after you clock out. You would not want subpar service for something you did to someone else?! Unless you are a tech who clocks out and immediately goes to that rock they live in. You know the Anti-Social techs who will look at every customer as a number.

Sometimes a smile is all you need to break down a customers temper but how can you smile if you yourself ain't happy?!

CORRECTION Are not happy!?
thanks you for this, as i tried explaining before this basic concept.

you will never know everything just b/c you had "training" and someone will always be smarter than you (as will someone to me) its YOUR job to have to put up w/ customer BS....you know why? cause your in retail or customer service. i work/ed in retail and above poster is right, squash it w/ a SMILE bit your tongue and deal or you really need to look into another job field
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 02-11-2011, 04:49 PM
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Re: HOW to approach reps at the stores

Originally Posted by akmzero View Post
Being a tech for sprint here are my suggestions.

Dont lie, be upfront.

Be friendly and crack a joke about your situtation without swearing.

Use proper english. If you ever "axe" me a question, your contacts may become corrupt.

And most importany, dont tell me how to do my job. EVER

Gotta love racism at it's best.

I agree with 1 an 3 but 2 is just plain "ole" wrong.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 02-11-2011, 04:57 PM
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Re: HOW to approach reps at the stores

LOL. How is improper grammar racism? Illiteracy isn't racist.

It's the same as making fun of someone for using country words like "ain't" or "youngin's". Its not racism, its just not polite.

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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 02-16-2011, 09:03 PM
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Re: HOW to approach reps at the stores

Originally Posted by Sunsparc View Post
My store is the only Sprint S&R store in 20 miles, though we are indirect.

A few tips for would-be customers (mainly personal peeves/advice):

1. Managers will usually side with the technician, since we know what we're talking about. Very rarely will they just give into you with consulting the tech for other possible options.

2. If I say your phone is liquid/physically damaged, it probably is. Don't argue with me about it. I've had training to spot these kinds of things, you haven't. I don't care if you didn't spill anything in it or drop it off of a 4th story balcony. Something happened to it to cause it to do what it is or isn't doing, it didn't magically decide to stop working. Humidity is not an excuse either.

3. The more amicable you are with me, the better I will treat you. I absolutely hate when a customer comes in pissed at the world and then starts in on me. That makes me do the absolute minimum to get you out of the store, survey be damned. Customers with huge tempers can be written off of our CSAT results.

Just my personal things, don't mind me.
You should learn to treat every customer with equal respect as they are the ones who ultimately keep you employed. You have a very condescending attitude towards people. Everyone should treat others nicely , especially when they are the one sustaining you. Remember , customers do not have to buy the product you sell or service . You are dependent upon them, not the other way around. I am sure you have undergone training in the field of phone repairs but to tell people to not argue with you because you say something is so , is fairly silly . You are probably right in MOST instances but I seriously doubt ALL instances. Having owned businesses and working with extremely high profile clients, I know that everyone is better off when you give a bit of respect to the hand that feeds you. Not every customer is going to be happy when something breaks, it's human nature. When you flaunt your Sprint Service technician arrogance( especially here) , it could possibly rub some already unhappy customers the wrong way and make them even more upset or irritated. If you are old enough, you will have heard the phrase " The customer is always right" Well, this may not literally be true, but think about it, there is a reason why that phrase exists.............a happy customer comes back for more because they want to, a pissed off customer tells his friends and family what an A$$ whip it was to deal with people who would not listen to them ....and word of mouth ( and web talk) can bring regimes and rulers alike down. Ask any of the Sprint techs in Egypt.
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