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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 03-27-2012, 01:55 PM
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Phone can't sleep after playing music And no sound after incremental kernel updates

OK here's my problem. I have a Sprint TP2 that I installed with FRX07.1 a few weeks ago. It seemed to be working fine except that sometimes the battery would drain very quickly and other times it wouldn't. I installed XdaLedRegime to diagnose sleep issues. I set it for amber/awake, off/sleeping. It seemed to sleep just fine most of the time and the LEd would stay off when the screen was off. However after playing Pandora or any other music player, after ending the program and turning the screen off, the amber light would flash on and off. Nothing stopped it and it would continue until rebooting android. If left alone the battery would drain in 2 hours tops so I assumed that meant the phone wasn't sleeping properly. It did this even after using advanced task killer to kill all the running tasks so I knew the music players weren't still running anything in the background. I also had Wifi off, GPS off, background data off for all programs.

So then I decided to try the incremental updates for rootfs, zImage, and the modules. I was able to update rootfs with the latest update just fine. But when I updated zImage and the modules file, I would have no sounds at all. No Ringer, no speaker, nothing. I reverted them back to the files from the original build and the sounds worked fine. I left the rootfs updated with no problem. I even tried this with the incremental updates posted before the latest ones with the same result. To further check this, I did the same update procedure on another Sprint TP2 I have with exactly the same results, no sound with the latest kernel updates.

So here are my questions:

Is there any reason why my phone won't sleep after playing music?
Is there any significance to the flashing amber light in XdaLedRegime as opposed to a constantly lit amber light?
Is there a simple explanation why I get no sounds after doing the incremental updates?

By the way, thank you guys so much for all the help you give and the work you do with these phones.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 03-27-2012, 02:07 PM
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Re: Phone can't sleep after playing music And no sound after incremental kernel updat

You get no sounds because you updated to a kernel that has the new acoustic paradigm, and FRX07.1 does not. Use that new kernel with acoustic builds only.

No clue why the phone wouldn't sleep after playing music. You didn't provide any logs, or any proof other than you're not real sure how the LED regime app works... I'm betting you have BT enabled, and that is butting heads with Pandora. Well known issue.

As for the flashing and not flashing, I thought this was pretty straightforward. FRX07.1 should already be updated for userland notifications however. Basically the solid green meant sleeping, solid orange meant awake. People didn't like it, and obviously would rather use the LED to get userland notifications - so blinking green for a new SMS message for example. Blinking orange for almost dead battery, solid orange for charging, solid green for full - etc.

Please do some reading/searching before clicking that 'new thread' button. Thanks.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 03-27-2012, 02:27 PM
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Re: Phone can't sleep after playing music And no sound after incremental kernel updat

Bluetooth is turned off in Android and I kill the process in Win Mo before booting to Android.

In the LED Regime app, I have the setting for amber when awake and off when sleeping. After using any music player, Pandora, Xiia, StreamFurious, etc. the amber light will flash on and off with a regular pattern. No mew messages, no low battery. Seemingly the way the program works would indicate that the phone is bouncing in and out of sleep every half second.

I'm unaware of what logs would be helpful in determining the problem but I would be happy to post them if you tell me what you need.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 03-27-2012, 02:53 PM
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Re: Phone can't sleep after playing music And no sound after incremental kernel updat

Originally Posted by monmouthguy View Post
Bluetooth is turned off in Android and I kill the process in Win Mo before booting to Android.

In the LED Regime app, I have the setting for amber when awake and off when sleeping. After using any music player, Pandora, Xiia, StreamFurious, etc. the amber light will flash on and off with a regular pattern. No mew messages, no low battery. Seemingly the way the program works would indicate that the phone is bouncing in and out of sleep every half second.

I'm unaware of what logs would be helpful in determining the problem but I would be happy to post them if you tell me what you need.
No clue what you mean by kill the process in WinMo. You mean you turn off BT in WinMo before booting Android? That's not enough. You need to turn off BT, reboot WinMo, then boot Android. You cannot have BT on at all in WinMo!

Those are all 3rd party music players - what about the built-in one?

Do you use BT in Android? I think there's a setting in Pandora for BT as well. This is the classic issue with BT and music player apps...

As for logs, I know GetLogs has been mentioned more than once. Same with this page. http://xdandroid.com/wiki/Logs
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 03-27-2012, 03:37 PM
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Re: Phone can't sleep after playing music And no sound after incremental kernel updat

I don't use Bluetooth at all and it's off in Windows mobile. I have never even enabled it in Win Mo. I even began using task manager to kill the bttrayce.exe process in Win Mo before booting to Android to avoid any complications. So I assume that means it's off in Windows before booting to Android but if not I am willing to do whatever it takes to get rid of any bluetooth issues because I don't use bluetooth for anything.

I haven't tried the built in music player in Android because I don't keep music on my phone and only stream music. None of the streams I listen to have been able to be opened by the native music player. It always says the type of stream is not compatible. I also checked Pandora for a BT setting but didn't find anything in there.

If the sleep issue is being caused by music streaming, then I may just have to live with rebooting after listening to music. If it turns out I just have one of those issues that's too hard to solve, I'll live with it for now, but I appreciate your help anyway.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 03-27-2012, 03:39 PM
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Re: Phone can't sleep after playing music And no sound after incremental kernel updat

Originally Posted by monmouthguy View Post
I don't use Bluetooth at all and it's off in Windows mobile. I have never even enabled it in Win Mo. I even began using task manager to kill the bttrayce.exe process in Win Mo before booting to Android to avoid any complications. So I assume that means it's off in Windows before booting to Android but if not I am willing to do whatever it takes to get rid of any bluetooth issues because I don't use bluetooth for anything.

I haven't tried the built in music player in Android because I don't keep music on my phone and only stream music. None of the streams I listen to have been able to be opened by the native music player. It always says the type of stream is not compatible. I also checked Pandora for a BT setting but didn't find anything in there.

If the sleep issue is being caused by music streaming, then I may just have to live with rebooting after listening to music. If it turns out I just have one of those issues that's too hard to solve, I'll live with it for now, but I appreciate your help anyway.
Well it sounds like you've done the BT steps properly. I used to listen to Pandora all the time, no problems.

Pull logs, see if the phone is sleeping. This won't be easy to solve tho, as it sounds like you have A LOT of apps installed. Have you tried renaming your data.img, booting with a fresh one, ONLY installing Pandora and listening to music - then seeing if it sleeps? I'd be curious to see if that works.
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