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  #261 (permalink)  
Old 08-29-2011, 03:52 PM
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Re: Workarounds/known issues 7/22: Updated for FRX07

Originally Posted by Solo1 View Post
Hi again -

THx for reply.

I am new to setting this up so I am undoubtedly missing something.

When you say, is DNS taking care of it, I guess not. DNS of which device??

I assume you start wireless hot spot on phone, either open or wpa2, then connect the Touch Pad to the phone's wifi hotspot. I described what the kluged Tablet's auto IP settings are saying. And I cannot find the ip config settings on the phone to manually input into the Touchpad. (ie its gateway address, device ip and dns server ip address.)

I assume I want the phone's wi-fi hotspot to connect to 3g Sprint / Boost network.... hence I have not started the phone's wireless ap. (well, i tried that several times, as well).

Not sure what else to say except I've been trying for 24 hrs


I'm talking about DHCP, not DNS. Please don't mix up terms here, it's very important.

I guess I'll see if I can manually configure... I've never needed to, it's always 'just worked'.

I haven't used this feature in a while, and I can't seem to 'see' the network on my work PC. I don't have a lot of options to muck with this computer, I'll test more when I'm home. However, last time I did attempt to use the built in wifi tethering it was fraught with problems. Honestly I think you'd be better served using WinMo's wifi tethering app.

Ironically I've had good success in WinMo with wifi tethering, but horrible success USB tethering. The exact opposite was true with Android - great success USB tethering, but I always had issues with wifi tethering in Android. Food for thought.

Last edited by arrrghhh; 08-29-2011 at 04:00 PM.
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  #262 (permalink)  
Old 08-29-2011, 04:05 PM
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Re: Workarounds/known issues 7/22: Updated for FRX07

trying to connect laptop now..... will report back. thx. shoulda tried that!
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  #263 (permalink)  
Old 08-29-2011, 04:25 PM
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Re: Workarounds/known issues 7/22: Updated for FRX07

THX for reply... sorry I meant DHCP. Do you know how to pull up the IP info from within the phone Wi-fi hotspot ap?


Interesting.... laptop email works through phone wi-fi hotspot AP, as does Etrade Trading platform (not web based), but web browsing does not. I can see the gateway ip address and device ip address from Windows 7 Home on laptop, but there is no DNS IP address....

My knowledge of this stuff is strictly surface level...

maybe there is a connections setting I need to do to connect with Sprint / Boost...

I just set this up yesterday, but have had no problems accessing internet from the phone itself to internet via phone / Sprint boost (as opposed to accessing internet from another device through the wi-fi hotspot ap to Sprint / Boost.)

Perhaps Sprint / Boost has port 80 turned off to stop tethering....?

Still trying. Any help appreciated. THX.
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  #264 (permalink)  
Old 08-29-2011, 04:35 PM
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Re: Workarounds/known issues 7/22: Updated for FRX07

Originally Posted by Solo1 View Post
THX for reply... sorry I meant DHCP. Do you know how to pull up the IP info from within the phone Wi-fi hotspot ap?


Interesting.... laptop email works through phone wi-fi hotspot AP, as does Etrade Trading platform (not web based), but web browsing does not. I can see the gateway ip address and device ip address from Windows 7 Home on laptop, but there is no DNS IP address....

My knowledge of this stuff is strictly surface level...

maybe there is a connections setting I need to do to connect with Sprint / Boost...

I just set this up yesterday, but have had no problems accessing internet from the phone itself to internet via phone / Sprint boost (as opposed to accessing internet from another device through the wi-fi hotspot ap to Sprint / Boost.)

Perhaps Sprint / Boost has port 80 turned off to stop tethering....?

Still trying. Any help appreciated. THX.
You keep saying Sprint / Boost. I don't think those two can be lumped together, even tho they ride the same backbone - doesn't Boost require some proxy crap to connect to the internet?

On Sprint, I know for a fact the service is wide open. So if you're online, that should be all you need.

Have you tried pinging an IP directly? Ping in cmd on your laptop when tethered, see if you get a reply. Then ping www.google.com - that will test if DNS is resolving names correctly.

You can always try a manual DNS entry, like or
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  #265 (permalink)  
Old 08-29-2011, 04:55 PM
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Re: Workarounds/known issues 7/22: Updated for FRX07

Sprint owns Boost.... Boost uses Sprint network. Will have to investigate wether there is proxy crap. None that I am aware of..as I said....regular internet works great from the phone itself.

Will try to ping away.

Btw my 3 "collectors items" (read HP Touch Pads) cost $100 for the 16 gig and $150 for 32gb. (plus taxes). Very impressed with the device (esp. after tweaks to overclock / boost performance)!

Now if my android install will behaaave!!

THX for input. Still want to know how to acess detailed DHCP settings in anfroid 2.2 FXR07 if possible.
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  #266 (permalink)  
Old 08-29-2011, 05:05 PM
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Re: Workarounds/known issues 7/22: Updated for FRX07

SWEET!!!!!!! I manualy input the DNS IP address, accepted the device ip address and gateway ip address as provided by the Touchpad..

CONNECTED!!! Amen, relief...

THX for suggestion ARRRRGGHHHHH spells relief!! (after 24 hours

BTW CNBC just reported: Samsung has Hired HP Personal Systems Group VP and is rumored to be looking at acquiring webos, personal computer divisions... hehe. All is well that ends well!!!
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  #267 (permalink)  
Old 08-29-2011, 05:11 PM
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Re: Workarounds/known issues 7/22: Updated for FRX07

Originally Posted by Solo1 View Post
Sprint owns Boost.... Boost uses Sprint network. Will have to investigate wether there is proxy crap. None that I am aware of..as I said....regular internet works great from the phone itself.

Will try to ping away.

Btw my 3 "collectors items" (read HP Touch Pads) cost $100 for the 16 gig and $150 for 32gb. (plus taxes). Very impressed with the device (esp. after tweaks to overclock / boost performance)!

Now if my android install will behaaave!!

THX for input. Still want to know how to acess detailed DHCP settings in anfroid 2.2 FXR07 if possible.
I know, Nextel spawned Boost back in the day, so it is effectively owned by Sprint. But that doesn't mean they have different requirements to get online... I'm not sure, all I know is from the Sprint perspective.

I was trying to get my hands on a TouchPad, since it seemed like a pretty cheap solution - not sure how the hell you got three, I can't even seem to find one!

Either way, there is no way to access the DHCP settings in Android. At least not that I'm aware of. There aren't any to my knowledge - either it works or it doesn't. If it doesn't work, something is configured wrong (again, I said wifi tethering is flaky at best in Android. You'll probably have better luck using WinMo's tethering app, which AFAIK uses ad-hoc like most tethering apps in Android...)

Just saw your update. Hope it stays stable for you .
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  #268 (permalink)  
Old 08-29-2011, 05:45 PM
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Re: Workarounds/known issues 7/22: Updated for FRX07

read my last post! it's working!!!!!! HP Touchpad could not see my WinMo 6.5 tether. From what I understand, its because its ad-hoc and TP doesn't do ad-hoc.

I think it was someone earlier in this thread that led me to FXR07 4 easy steps.... saying he got his Touch Pro 2 to connect to TPad...

many hours later, I (we) et al, proved him right!!

I have found in my old age, that if you keep beating your head against the wall, it gives way! (the wall that is!)

As I said, sweet relief!

Last edited by Solo1; 08-29-2011 at 05:47 PM.
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  #269 (permalink)  
Old 09-13-2011, 01:49 PM
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Wifi tethering issues

I've been having issues tethering with my rhod 400 running frx07.1. I installed the "wireless tether for root users" recommended in the faq, but I receive an error everytime " unable to start tethering please try again.". Using the built in tethering hotspot only works if i set up the wpa password each time. And it has been causing my phone to reboot back into winmo. Any ideas on how i can attempt to solve this issue, or if there are any known workarounds? TIA.
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  #270 (permalink)  
Old 09-13-2011, 01:54 PM
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Re: Wifi tethering issues

Originally Posted by overgrower View Post
I've been having issues tethering with my rhod 400 running frx07.1. I installed the "wireless tether for root users" recommended in the faq, but I receive an error everytime " unable to start tethering please try again.". Using the built in tethering hotspot only works if i set up the wpa password each time. And it has been causing my phone to reboot back into winmo. Any ideas on how i can attempt to solve this issue, or if there are any known workarounds? TIA.
None of the portable hotspot solutions are very solid. I found wifi tethering in WinMo to be pretty good... I hate to offer that as a suggestion, but I've never had much luck wifi tethering in Android. Worked great in WinMo. The irony is, I could never get USB tethering to work (consistently) in WinMo, but that works great in Android. Go figure.

USB tethering is solid for me in Android - have you tried that?
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