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  #161 (permalink)  
Old 01-31-2011, 03:07 AM
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Re: Unofficial known issues list - 1/26 Workaround available for USB tethering

Originally Posted by Grafton View Post
it's crazy tried deleting the data file and The error is still there
Has this always been present on your phone? What kind of Rhod is a USCC? Anyone else, especially on USCC, seeing this?
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  #162 (permalink)  
Old 02-01-2011, 02:25 AM
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Re: READ BEFORE YOU POST SOMETHING ISN'T WORKING: known issues affecting all builds 1

Originally Posted by manekineko View Post
I edited the title to make it a little more eye-catching, since it seems like most of the newbs are cruising right by this thread in order to clog up the build threads with their questions about why Bluetooth isn't working, etc.

Hopefully this will clean up the duplicate questions a bit.

If anyone feels this is inappropriate for me to do, I'll take it under advisement and reconsider.
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  #163 (permalink)  
Old 02-01-2011, 02:30 PM
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Re: Unofficial known issues list - 1/26 Workaround available for USB tethering

Originally Posted by manekineko View Post
Has this always been present on your phone? What kind of Rhod is a USCC? Anyone else, especially on USCC, seeing this?
i have a USCC phone, it is a RHOD400, and no - i have never seen that happen, i've been playing around with different setups of android from here A LOT and this has never happened to me.
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  #164 (permalink)  
Old 02-02-2011, 05:42 PM
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Re: READ BEFORE YOU POST SOMETHING ISN'T WORKING: Known issues affecting all builds 1

Is anyone having issues with launching Google Talk (RHOD400 - Sprint TP2) on FRX04? Was working for the past 2 weeks, now clicking on Talk doesn't launch anything.
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  #165 (permalink)  
Old 02-02-2011, 06:58 PM
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Re: READ BEFORE YOU POST SOMETHING ISN'T WORKING: Known issues affecting all builds 1

Originally Posted by jinro View Post
Is anyone having issues with launching Google Talk (RHOD400 - Sprint TP2) on FRX04? Was working for the past 2 weeks, now clicking on Talk doesn't launch anything.
Strange, works perfectly for me, and I also have a Sprint Rhod400 on FRX04.

Maybe you data.img has gotten corrupted?
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  #166 (permalink)  
Old 02-02-2011, 07:37 PM
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Re: READ BEFORE YOU POST SOMETHING ISN'T WORKING: Known issues affecting all builds 1

Originally Posted by jinro View Post
Is anyone having issues with launching Google Talk (RHOD400 - Sprint TP2) on FRX04? Was working for the past 2 weeks, now clicking on Talk doesn't launch anything.
Since it did work previously, I'm going to agree with manekineko - delete your data.img, boot again.
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  #167 (permalink)  
Old 02-02-2011, 09:39 PM
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Thumbs up Re: READ BEFORE YOU POST SOMETHING ISN'T WORKING: Known issues affecting all builds 1

Originally Posted by manekineko View Post
  • Speakerphone mute button on back doesn't do anything. I have made an alternative rootfs that makes it call mute.
  • Special keyboard keys like mail don't do anything in the default setup. I have made an alternative rootfs that enables them.
  • Home Button is missing in the default setup. There are two solutions to this: (1) You can go into the program Spare Parts, and choose on End Call to go to Home. However, this means you will not be able to switch between programs on long press, or execute actions in programs that require a long press of Home. (2) You can replace your rootfs with one of the alternative rootfs that sets up the buttons differently. Manekineko's rootfs or MassStash's rootfs
If I'm missing anything, just let me know and I'll add it to the list.
There is actually a third rootfs option as those who have been quietly running it for the past 3 or so months already know. The latest incarnation of it may be found in the New Rhodium Key Maps & Layouts - Latest Rootfs thread over on xda-devs. I didn't start pushing it heavily until this latest release though. It includes support for the rhod100 (DE, FR, IT, Nordic, NL & UK), 200, 300, 400 & 500. I expect to add the 110 tomorrow.

Traditionally I've preferred making the end button home/recent apps while keeping the power button as power/sleep. That option exists in my rootfs. I also added in support for power as home and end as power at one point, but that required a modified kernel as well, and the kernel mods that were needed were discouraged by some of the other kernel devs. So I dropped it. It does now appear that a modified kernel may no longer be required however. It's not in my current rootfs, but I may add the option to make the power button home back in at some point in the near future.

Last edited by F22; 02-02-2011 at 09:44 PM.
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  #168 (permalink)  
Old 02-02-2011, 11:43 PM
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Re: READ BEFORE YOU POST SOMETHING ISN'T WORKING: Known issues affecting all builds 1

Originally Posted by F22 View Post
There is actually a third rootfs option as those who have been quietly running it for the past 3 or so months already know. The latest incarnation of it may be found in the New Rhodium Key Maps & Layouts - Latest Rootfs thread over on xda-devs. I didn't start pushing it heavily until this latest release though. It includes support for the rhod100 (DE, FR, IT, Nordic, NL & UK), 200, 300, 400 & 500. I expect to add the 110 tomorrow.

Traditionally I've preferred making the end button home/recent apps while keeping the power button as power/sleep. That option exists in my rootfs. I also added in support for power as home and end as power at one point, but that required a modified kernel as well, and the kernel mods that were needed were discouraged by some of the other kernel devs. So I dropped it. It does now appear that a modified kernel may no longer be required however. It's not in my current rootfs, but I may add the option to make the power button home back in at some point in the near future.
Thanks for the tip! I've updated the front post to reflect this.

Did you enable the rear mute as well? After I enabled it in my patched rootfs, I think it's a good modification. Virtually impossible to accidentally hit, and useful for the speakerphone like in WinMo.

It would be great if you could manage to add in the power button home in the future. In my opinion, it makes the most sense conceptually, since the power button as call end is pretty unorthodox, whereas power button home is easy in that it's just power button = power on, end call = power off.
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  #169 (permalink)  
Old 02-03-2011, 03:17 AM
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Re: READ BEFORE YOU POST SOMETHING ISN'T WORKING: Known issues affecting all builds 1

Originally Posted by manekineko View Post
Thanks for the tip! I've updated the front post to reflect this.

Did you enable the rear mute as well? After I enabled it in my patched rootfs, I think it's a good modification. Virtually impossible to accidentally hit, and useful for the speakerphone like in WinMo.
Yup, it's been in all of my more recent rootfs images, and I entirely agree. The funny thing is that I forgot to mention that it was present in my announcement until I read your post earlier today. Your post reminded me that I really should mention that it's in there. It really is a nice little feature. I have no idea why the button was originally mapped to REAR_MUTE instead of MUTE to begin with in the layout file, there is no REAR_MUTE keycode in android, so the framework didn't have a clue about what to do with it.

It would be great if you could manage to add in the power button home in the future. In my opinion, it makes the most sense conceptually, since the power button as call end is pretty unorthodox, whereas power button home is easy in that it's just power button = power on, end call = power off.
I don't know, personally I find thinking of the power button as a toggle between awake and asleep to be fully intuitive.

When I polled the users on XDA a few months back, almost nobody liked the current setup, but those who didn't like the current setup were split between those favoring power as power with end as home, and those favoring end as power with power as home. The ratio was about 2:1 in favor of the former over the latter. Nevertheless those favoring the later possibility such as yourself were just as highly passionate regarding their preference. Even the devs were split on the issue, and that's probably why there hasn't been a decision to change the current status quo which next to nobody likes. We'd like to eventually make this all reassignable from within android's framework by the individual user at some point, just like short-cuts, but that's later down the road.

Last edited by F22; 02-03-2011 at 03:50 AM.
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  #170 (permalink)  
Old 02-03-2011, 03:49 AM
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Re: READ BEFORE YOU POST SOMETHING ISN'T WORKING: Known issues affecting all builds 1

Originally Posted by F22 View Post
When I polled the users on XDA a few months back, almost nobody liked the current setup, but those who didn't like the current setup were split between those favoring power as power with end as home, and those favoring end as power with power as home. The ratio was about 2:1 in favor of the former over the latter. Nevertheless those favoring the later possibility such as yourself were just as highly passionate regarding their preference. Even the devs were split on the issue, and that's probably why there hasn't been a decision to change the current status quo which next to nobody likes. We'd like to eventually make this all reassignable from within android's framework by the individual user at some point, just like short-cuts, but that's later down the road.
Yup, it'd be great to be able to see options for both camps down (home = top vs. home = end) the road in the official rootfs. I was using your home = end rootfs prior to rolling my own, and in the end it's mostly just picking your poison, either it's weird how you turn off the screen, or it's weird how you end calls.

It's really true that the current default setup makes nobody happy. It's supposed to be for the newbs but it just confuses them that there is no Home button by default, and even after Spare Parts they lose the key multitasking recent apps button.

Maybe you should make your home = end the default, and make the startup.txt option necessary for the current system that nobody likes.
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