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  #3031 (permalink)  
Old 11-30-2010, 08:03 PM
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Re: [CAB] GSM&CDMA Project Android Port and Startup Utility [11/221] FRX03 Reference!

Originally Posted by tacotoy View Post
eh i use mac addresses to make it more entertaining..... all the appearances of an open network with nothing for the devices to worry about. let the router act as god.... so much easier
Unfortunately MACs can easily be spoofed, and if you are running open it'd be very easy to inject some packets and figure out what MAC addresses are in use... Just to let ya know, and sorry for continuing this OT discussion
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  #3032 (permalink)  
Old 11-30-2010, 08:09 PM
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Re: [CAB] GSM&CDMA Project Android Port and Startup Utility [11/221] FRX03 Reference!

Originally Posted by arrrghhh View Post
Unfortunately MACs can easily be spoofed, and if you are running open it'd be very easy to inject some packets and figure out what MAC addresses are in use... Just to let ya know, and sorry for continuing this OT discussion
You guys all scare me... I'm gonna break out my aluminum foil hat so you can't steal my brainwaves...
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  #3033 (permalink)  
Old 11-30-2010, 08:58 PM
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Re: [CAB] GSM&CDMA Project Android Port and Startup Utility [11/221] FRX03 Reference!

Originally Posted by fishingmedic View Post
You guys all scare me... I'm gonna break out my aluminum foil hat so you can't steal my brainwaves...
LOL sorry I just like doing penetration testing stuff... it's interesting, and helps me in my job
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  #3034 (permalink)  
Old 11-30-2010, 09:04 PM
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Re: [CAB] GSM&CDMA Project Android Port and Startup Utility [11/221] FRX03 Reference!

Originally Posted by arrrghhh View Post
LOL sorry I just like doing penetration testing stuff... it's interesting, and helps me in my job
It's quite alright, as I sit here resembling the freaking tinman from the Wizard of Oz cuz I don't want anyone stealing my thoughts... lmao
  #3035 (permalink)  
Old 11-30-2010, 09:06 PM
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Re: [CAB] GSM&CDMA Project Android Port and Startup Utility [11/221] FRX03 Reference!

arrrghhh: Thanks. The reformatting using a different (non-window) utility did the trick.

The internal memory is now recognized as a 4GB SD, and flash and skyfire work. They also appear in marketplace.

Thanks for your help. Now the Diamond works in every way except camera. So a very usable android solution.
Old school PDA... Toshiba Libretto 70-> Kyocera 6035 Palm -> Samsung SPH-I500 Palm clamshell... Now 6900
  #3036 (permalink)  
Old 12-01-2010, 12:28 AM
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Re: [CAB] GSM&CDMA Project Android Port and Startup Utility [11/221] FRX03 Reference!

Originally Posted by arrrghhh View Post
The TP2 is a good solid phone, but performance-wise it's identical to the DIAM and RAPH - they all share the same processor & RAM specs, believe it or not...
Actually, while they have the same processor and RAM, the TP2 has always performed better in WinMo than DIAM and RAPH. Maybe it's driver differences, or something else like chipset differences, but you would actually think it would run slower with increased resolution, but benchmarks suggest otherwise. Also, in my own experience, the TP2 was definitely smoother in WinMo than my old DIAM.

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  #3037 (permalink)  
Old 12-01-2010, 01:48 AM
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Re: [CAB] GSM&CDMA Project Android Port and Startup Utility [11/221] FRX03 Reference!

Originally Posted by tk76 View Post
arrrghhh: Thanks. The reformatting using a different (non-window) utility did the trick.

The internal memory is now recognized as a 4GB SD, and flash and skyfire work. They also appear in marketplace.

Thanks for your help. Now the Diamond works in every way except camera. So a very usable android solution.
Congrats and i hate you all at the same time lol! I really want flash and skyfire working on our TP2's and youre here telling me it's running on your Diamond!
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  #3038 (permalink)  
Old 12-01-2010, 01:48 AM
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Re: [CAB] GSM&CDMA Project Android Port and Startup Utility [11/221] FRX03 Reference!

Originally Posted by arrrghhh View Post
Unfortunately MACs can easily be spoofed, and if you are running open it'd be very easy to inject some packets and figure out what MAC addresses are in use... Just to let ya know, and sorry for continuing this OT discussion
if someone is that determined to get in they are going to anyways.... im just saying. it is easy enough to spoof just about anything if you are able to catch a few packets

that and i already hacked my neighbors networks to make sure none of them were geeks that could hack me lol
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  #3039 (permalink)  
Old 12-01-2010, 05:23 AM
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Re: [CAB] GSM&CDMA Project Android Port and Startup Utility [11/221] FRX03 Reference!

Originally Posted by fishingmedic View Post
You guys all scare me... I'm gonna break out my aluminum foil hat so you can't steal my brainwaves...
I bet you'd be surprised to know that aluminum foil hats actually amplify the signals used for GPS and Cellular Data. MIT students are hilarious: http://berkeley.intel-research.net/arahimi/helmet/

As Arrrghhh has said, MAC address spoofing is extremely simple, and technically one could grab the MAC address of your router, then deauth all clients, and re-route all clients to their machine by spoofing the MAC/IP of the wireless router. Now they have access to all of your sessions as a man in the middle attack

I wouldn't even bother setting up MAC address filtering as its a waste of your time. The only viable solution is WPA2, and always run Firefox with the Blacksheep addon if you really have to connect to a public use Wifi.

OK, sorry for the OT. Time for bed
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  #3040 (permalink)  
Old 12-01-2010, 11:24 AM
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Re: [CAB] GSM&CDMA Project Android Port and Startup Utility [11/221] FRX03 Reference!

Originally Posted by natemcnutty View Post
I bet you'd be surprised to know that aluminum foil hats actually amplify the signals used for GPS and Cellular Data. MIT students are hilarious: http://berkeley.intel-research.net/arahimi/helmet/

As Arrrghhh has said, MAC address spoofing is extremely simple, and technically one could grab the MAC address of your router, then deauth all clients, and re-route all clients to their machine by spoofing the MAC/IP of the wireless router. Now they have access to all of your sessions as a man in the middle attack

I wouldn't even bother setting up MAC address filtering as its a waste of your time. The only viable solution is WPA2, and always run Firefox with the Blacksheep addon if you really have to connect to a public use Wifi.

OK, sorry for the OT. Time for bed
I repeat... you guys scare me... I just beg, please don't steal my pron!!! lol (And yes, I use WPA2 at home...)
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