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  #1601 (permalink)  
Old 03-10-2011, 03:43 AM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 03-08: Full NAND FRX05 Testing (Data not working for some)

release huh?

stuck in first Friggin Full Nand Dead Battery Loop O' Death.....

i mean FFNDBLO'DEATH............
Rockin' The Official TouchPro 2 aka "The dopest phone with keyboard still":
F**k windows mobile, NAND flash to droid....

Last edited by MassStash; 03-10-2011 at 04:17 AM.
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  #1602 (permalink)  
Old 03-10-2011, 05:38 AM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 03-08: Full NAND FRX05 Testing (Data not working for some)

Originally Posted by MassStash View Post
release huh?

stuck in first Friggin Full Nand Dead Battery Loop O' Death.....

i mean FFNDBLO'DEATH............
Just leave it plugged in for 10 minutes, unplug, yank the battery, let it rest for a few seconds, put it back together and turn it on.
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  #1603 (permalink)  
Old 03-10-2011, 08:21 AM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 03-08: Full NAND FRX05 Testing (Data not working for some)

Originally Posted by [ACL] View Post
Ahh man dont wait on me fellas. i dont want to slow down progress. If we need a menu right away, then by all means plan it out and nate can commit. mtd parts? yall test?

this is how far i gotten in the recovery ..lol the image says it all
Looks great!

Nate did you get a chance to test my MTDparts last night?

Also I can try to add a patch to for the replimenu.

1. How are we going to add the ln -s data/ppp etc/ppp?

2. Permissions? We can just use the script the Vogue team has used, but we will need to change a couple of things around to fit our needs. I'm going to work more on this today.

EDIT: Permissions File so far...
set_perm 1000 1000 0771 /data/app
set_perm_recursive 1000 1000 0644 0644 /data/app
set_perm_recursive 0 0 0777 0777 /data/modules
set_perm_recursive 0 2000 0755 0755 /data/ppp

set_perm_recursive 0 0 0755 0644 /system
set_perm 1002 1002 0444 /system/etc/dbus.conf
set_perm 0 0 0700 /system/init
set_perm_recursive 0 2000 0755 0755 /system/bin
set_perm_recursive 0 2000 0755 0755 /system/xbin
set_perm 0 0 04755 /system/bin/pppd
set_perm 0 0 04755 /system/bin/su
set_perm 0 3003 02755 /system/bin/netcfg
set_perm 0 3004 02755 /system/bin/ping
set_perm 1014 2000 0550 /system/etc/dhcpcd/dhcpcd-run-hooks
These Functions are being called:
set_perm() {
    chown $1:$2 $4
    chmod $3 $4

set_perm_recursive() {
    chown -R $1:$2 $5
    chmod -R $3:$4 $5

Last edited by Lmiller1708; 03-10-2011 at 09:39 AM.
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  #1604 (permalink)  
Old 03-10-2011, 11:59 AM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 03-08: Full NAND FRX05 Testing (Data not working for some)

Originally Posted by Lmiller1708 View Post
Looks great!

Nate did you get a chance to test my MTDparts last night?

Also I can try to add a patch to for the replimenu.

1. How are we going to add the ln -s data/ppp etc/ppp?

2. Permissions? We can just use the script the Vogue team has used, but we will need to change a couple of things around to fit our needs. I'm going to work more on this today.

EDIT: Permissions File so far...
set_perm 1000 1000 0771 /data/app
set_perm_recursive 1000 1000 0644 0644 /data/app
set_perm_recursive 0 0 0777 0777 /data/modules
set_perm_recursive 0 2000 0755 0755 /data/ppp

set_perm_recursive 0 0 0755 0644 /system
set_perm 1002 1002 0444 /system/etc/dbus.conf
set_perm 0 0 0700 /system/init
set_perm_recursive 0 2000 0755 0755 /system/bin
set_perm_recursive 0 2000 0755 0755 /system/xbin
set_perm 0 0 04755 /system/bin/pppd
set_perm 0 0 04755 /system/bin/su
set_perm 0 3003 02755 /system/bin/netcfg
set_perm 0 3004 02755 /system/bin/ping
set_perm 1014 2000 0550 /system/etc/dhcpcd/dhcpcd-run-hooks
These Functions are being called:
set_perm() {
    chown $1:$2 $4
    chmod $3 $4

set_perm_recursive() {
    chown -R $1:$2 $5
    chmod -R $3:$4 $5
Well, we could try to figure out why the damn current link is getting trashed. Remember we have tons of links that android handles and they are all fine, so for 1 link to fail makes no sense. For now just either do it in the install script or the first-time.sh script inside system that gets executed once right after install. The initrd is already set for this so you can test that script out if you wish.

nate: i saw the kb commit.. i copied it to the download locations for the masses to enjoy.

edit: Also i do like your script so we can add that wherever we decide on the data/ppp link.

Last edited by [ACL]; 03-10-2011 at 12:09 PM.
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  #1605 (permalink)  
Old 03-10-2011, 12:05 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 03-08: Full NAND FRX05 Testing (Data not working for some)

it boots automatically when it gets enough charge then dies mid boot cuz it doesn't friggin charge while running code.....

last time it happened i just held bootloader button combo til it booted and flash task29, this time the friggin light just turns off until i let go of the buttons, then it turns on adn gets me nowhere. Seriously pissed at this point. Prolly slowly ruining my battery every time it charges enough to boot then drains battery completely dry.... wtf....

derkaderka, got into replimenu but died mid attempt to wipe phone....waiting for second attempt....

Last edited by MassStash; 03-10-2011 at 01:11 PM.
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  #1606 (permalink)  
Old 03-10-2011, 01:15 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 03-08: Full NAND FRX05 Testing (Data not working for some)

Originally Posted by MassStash View Post
it boots automatically when it gets enough charge then dies mid boot cuz it doesn't friggin charge while running code.....

last time it happened i just held bootloader button combo til it booted and flash task29, this time the friggin light just turns off until i let go of the buttons, then it turns on adn gets me nowhere. Seriously pissed at this point. Prolly slowly ruining my battery every time it charges enough to boot then drains battery completely dry.... wtf....

derkaderka, got into replimenu but died mid attempt to wipe phone....waiting for second attempt....

Pull the battery. Put the battery back in. Connect it to the charger, it will boot but let it. Do not touch it for a while. Atleast 30 minutes if not longer. It will charge.

Once that time has expired pull the battery and turn it back on. You will have a working phone again. If it does not boot then just put it and bootloader and reflash.
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  #1607 (permalink)  
Old 03-10-2011, 01:15 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 03-08: Full NAND FRX05 Testing (Data not working for some)

Originally Posted by MassStash View Post
it boots automatically when it gets enough charge then dies mid boot cuz it doesn't friggin charge while running code.....

last time it happened i just held bootloader button combo til it booted and flash task29, this time the friggin light just turns off until i let go of the buttons, then it turns on adn gets me nowhere. Seriously pissed at this point. Prolly slowly ruining my battery every time it charges enough to boot then drains battery completely dry.... wtf....

derkaderka, got into replimenu but died mid attempt to wipe phone....waiting for second attempt....

Can you charge your battery externaly first ?
If I was any help please hit thanks, my goal is one billion Reputation points, for a free trip to Sparta!
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  #1608 (permalink)  
Old 03-10-2011, 02:20 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 03-08: Full NAND FRX05 Testing (Data not working for some)

Originally Posted by [ACL] View Post
Well, we could try to figure out why the damn current link is getting trashed. Remember we have tons of links that android handles and they are all fine, so for 1 link to fail makes no sense. For now just either do it in the install script or the first-time.sh script inside system that gets executed once right after install. The initrd is already set for this so you can test that script out if you wish.

nate: i saw the kb commit.. i copied it to the download locations for the masses to enjoy.

edit: Also i do like your script so we can add that wherever we decide on the data/ppp link.
ACL, I just pushed the rest of the changes for the keyboard, and I enabled the recovery partition in the script while I was at it. I disabled the ln -s on the moduels because it doesn't actually do what we want. The statement we have in there just links /data/modules to /data/modules/'uname'/modules whereas the old --bind would link the directory trees together. That was still bad since it made the directory indefinitely recursive...
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  #1609 (permalink)  
Old 03-10-2011, 02:23 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 03-08: Full NAND FRX05 Testing (Data not working for some)

Originally Posted by Lmiller1708 View Post
Looks great!

Nate did you get a chance to test my MTDparts last night?

Also I can try to add a patch to for the replimenu.

1. How are we going to add the ln -s data/ppp etc/ppp?

2. Permissions? We can just use the script the Vogue team has used, but we will need to change a couple of things around to fit our needs. I'm going to work more on this today.

EDIT: Permissions File so far...
set_perm 1000 1000 0771 /data/app
set_perm_recursive 1000 1000 0644 0644 /data/app
set_perm_recursive 0 0 0777 0777 /data/modules
set_perm_recursive 0 2000 0755 0755 /data/ppp

set_perm_recursive 0 0 0755 0644 /system
set_perm 1002 1002 0444 /system/etc/dbus.conf
set_perm 0 0 0700 /system/init
set_perm_recursive 0 2000 0755 0755 /system/bin
set_perm_recursive 0 2000 0755 0755 /system/xbin
set_perm 0 0 04755 /system/bin/pppd
set_perm 0 0 04755 /system/bin/su
set_perm 0 3003 02755 /system/bin/netcfg
set_perm 0 3004 02755 /system/bin/ping
set_perm 1014 2000 0550 /system/etc/dhcpcd/dhcpcd-run-hooks
These Functions are being called:
set_perm() {
    chown $1:$2 $4
    chmod $3 $4

set_perm_recursive() {
    chown -R $1:$2 $5
    chmod -R $3:$4 $5
I haven't tried the mtdparts yet, but I did just push the change for the ppp. It's this: ln -s /data/ppp /system/etc
That will create a directory link that says any calls to /system/etc/ppp will go to /data/ppp. I believe this will work when /etc is mounted from /system/etc because it will still see the /etc/ppp directory as /data/ppp.

As for permissions, I really don't know much about them, and I feel that a lot of our issues may be stemming from them. Wish I knew more to help there, but I haven't gotten in to that yet.
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  #1610 (permalink)  
Old 03-10-2011, 02:39 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 03-08: Full NAND FRX05 Testing (Data not working for some)

Originally Posted by natemcnutty View Post
I haven't tried the mtdparts yet, but I did just push the change for the ppp. It's this: ln -s /data/ppp /system/etc
That will create a directory link that says any calls to /system/etc/ppp will go to /data/ppp. I believe this will work when /etc is mounted from /system/etc because it will still see the /etc/ppp directory as /data/ppp.

As for permissions, I really don't know much about them, and I feel that a lot of our issues may be stemming from them. Wish I knew more to help there, but I haven't gotten in to that yet.
We just figured out that the symlink /data/ppp /etc/ppp was not working because of this line in the init: mount -o remount,ro /system
Remove it and it will work like a charm.
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