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  #91 (permalink)  
Old 10-04-2010, 03:03 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - Keyboard Mapping Fixed, HW3D, and Battery Algo Update

ok heres my initial findings:

1. Battery charges on usb, but the indicator actually shows the battery going down?
2. Battery status indicator is leaps and bounds better! It actually shows a pretty accurate reading!
3. On standby my LED indicator flickers A LOT, but im sure thats not too big of a deal

as soon as the screen backlight can be turned off completely on standby I am jumping ship to this full time, amazing work everyone, thank you!
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  #92 (permalink)  
Old 10-04-2010, 03:23 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - Keyboard Mapping Fixed, HW3D, and Battery Algo Update

Originally Posted by Lmiller1708 View Post
Thanks for the hard work on this guys!

Is lcd.density still set to 210 or can it be changed?
Im still crafting a clever way to change this without making an nbh each time. Right now we are running our own rootfs so we can probably modify it the same way. I promise the next kernel we put out will have the option..

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  #93 (permalink)  
Old 10-04-2010, 03:25 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - Keyboard Mapping Fixed, HW3D, and Battery Algo Update

Originally Posted by lemeiux1 View Post
ok heres my initial findings:

1. Battery charges on usb, but the indicator actually shows the battery going down?
2. Battery status indicator is leaps and bounds better! It actually shows a pretty accurate reading!
3. On standby my LED indicator flickers A LOT, but im sure thats not too big of a deal

as soon as the screen backlight can be turned off completely on standby I am jumping ship to this full time, amazing work everyone, thank you!
There are some final changes to the batt code so hopefully they fix the issue you reported.

LED indicator may need to be revisitied. Put some code in there to control LEDs but now we have the christmas light effect where all the colors show up.
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  #94 (permalink)  
Old 10-05-2010, 12:25 AM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - Keyboard Mapping Fixed, HW3D, and Battery Algo Update

Final batt code was uploaded for both nand/haret. fyi.
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  #95 (permalink)  
Old 10-05-2010, 12:28 AM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - Keyboard Mapping Fixed, HW3D, and Battery Algo Update

acl where is the final batt code located and thx for the info making sure i hit the thx button
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  #96 (permalink)  
Old 10-05-2010, 08:40 AM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - Keyboard Mapping Fixed, HW3D, and Battery Algo Update

Thx for pushing the update ACL.

Nate, I have some info for you from jonpry:

Originally Posted by jonpry
somebody want to detect device id? we have that in nand, even have a userland interface for it.
its just a unicode string at the same place in smem. says like RHOD30000 and such
I hope that helps!

Last edited by arrrghhh; 10-05-2010 at 01:12 PM.
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  #97 (permalink)  
Old 10-05-2010, 12:59 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - Keyboard Mapping Fixed, HW3D, and Battery Algo Update

Is there any workaround in getting the headphone jack to work running NAND like in the storage card?
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  #98 (permalink)  
Old 10-05-2010, 02:08 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - Keyboard Mapping Fixed, HW3D, and Battery Algo Update

Originally Posted by arrrghhh View Post
Thx for pushing the update ACL.

Nate, I have some info for you from jonpry:

I hope that helps!
Wozzer has the code and it was never committed. Still trying to get that pushed.
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  #99 (permalink)  
Old 10-05-2010, 05:32 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - Keyboard Mapping Fixed, HW3D, and Battery Algo Update

Originally Posted by [ACL] View Post
Wozzer has the code and it was never committed. Still trying to get that pushed.
I was digging around in wifi-nvram.txt last night and was trying to see if anything in there was different. I would love to get that automated for keyboard control but still allow an override by using the .kb file (for testing purposes).

Unfortunately, my wife is sick right now, so I've been taking care of a lot of extra work around the house. I'll get a compile going on the updated battery code ACL pushed to the nand, but I have a feeling I'm still going to have issues with the 3d patch since nothing has changed in there.

Also, ACL, if I wanted to start researching turning off the backlight, where should I start looking?

Last edited by natemcnutty; 10-05-2010 at 07:53 PM.
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  #100 (permalink)  
Old 10-05-2010, 09:21 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - Keyboard Mapping Fixed, HW3D, and Battery Algo Update

Originally Posted by natemcnutty View Post
I was digging around in wifi-nvram.txt last night and was trying to see if anything in there was different. I would love to get that automated for keyboard control but still allow an override by using the .kb file (for testing purposes).

Unfortunately, my wife is sick right now, so I've been taking care of a lot of extra work around the house. I'll get a compile going on the updated battery code ACL pushed to the nand, but I have a feeling I'm still going to have issues with the 3d patch since nothing has changed in there.

Also, ACL, if I wanted to start researching turning off the backlight, where should I start looking?
ahh.. im in the process of getting crown on a root canal so im kinda out of it myself. Back-light is related to panel which jonpry and tmzt are working on. We can turn it off but we cant turn it back on. They will probably need a nand tester since sometimes wince f*cks sh*t up. So you can always help them.

I'm not sure what to attack next. I wanted to implement a blit scaler similar to what dzo did for the vogue. It would allow us to run our device at different resolutions so we dont need to worry about certain roms not fitting properly (like sense ui). If this works, we can in theory run the 2.2 froyo from the wildfire without modifying anything since the gpu will scale it for us. Or if you dont mind an old release, run the hero/eris 2.1 sense ui. If i dont tackle that, i guess i can start looking at something more useful, headset? hmm maybe seeing if we can squeeze more ouf of the gpu. Not sure.. or i can help join the fight against .35 now thats a big project
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