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  #1591 (permalink)  
Old 03-09-2011, 06:57 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 03-08: Full NAND FRX05 Testing (Data not working for some)

Originally Posted by lionedas View Post
If you install Lmillers updates istead of the one on the OP you have a choice of awd launcher, and it pops up on first boot.

I have tried both builds, at least 3 times each, task29 everytime,
I even flashed winmo back on and then task29, flashed nbh,
wireless just says obtaining ip then disconnects over and over.

Me and a buch of others had the axact same wifi problem with one of tiad8's releases
even though he didnt have the issue, but he was able to fix it in his 03/06 release.

Anywho ill wait someone will think of something.

I have an optimus s running 2.2 but I cant stand the phone
i'm hoping someone gets the TP2 closer to prime time
before I smack the Optimus in the wall !
Wait until tonight fellas as we have a new release to bring out. Thanks
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  #1592 (permalink)  
Old 03-09-2011, 06:58 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 03-08: Full NAND FRX05 Testing (Data not working for some)

The build two nights ago had working wi-fi. So either the system files since then have broke wi-fi or it is user error.

From my tests, I have not found a need to Task29 at all. I do quick format my sd card between tests, just to make sure I don't get any odd issues, but I have not had a single problem caused by flashing over another flash to NAND.
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  #1593 (permalink)  
Old 03-09-2011, 07:29 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 03-08: Full NAND FRX05 Testing (Data not working for some)

Originally Posted by steveholtam View Post
The build two nights ago had working wi-fi. So either the system files since then have broke wi-fi or it is user error.

From my tests, I have not found a need to Task29 at all. I do quick format my sd card between tests, just to make sure I don't get any odd issues, but I have not had a single problem caused by flashing over another flash to NAND.
As ACL stated there will be something tonight.
I have only used Task29 once and it did not fix anything... So I will not use it again. Also if you format your card just once that should be good enough.
Biggest thing is that you have you are using the correct package.
Meaning the androidupdate.tar/tgz and the NBH (what you flash) come from the same place (Nate, ACL, or myself).
My androidupdate.tar had a bunch of apks added to the data/app folder, this is how the cooks will be doing it also. (For the most part)...

ACL is working on the recovery to replace the replimenu! It should be great!

@ Nate, here is my latest MTDParts:
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  #1594 (permalink)  
Old 03-09-2011, 08:49 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 03-08: Full NAND FRX05 Testing (Data not working for some)

Originally Posted by Lmiller1708 View Post
As ACL stated there will be something tonight.
I have only used Task29 once and it did not fix anything... So I will not use it again. Also if you format your card just once that should be good enough.
Biggest thing is that you have you are using the correct package.
Meaning the androidupdate.tar/tgz and the NBH (what you flash) come from the same place (Nate, ACL, or myself).
My androidupdate.tar had a bunch of apks added to the data/app folder, this is how the cooks will be doing it also. (For the most part)...

ACL is working on the recovery to replace the replimenu! It should be great!

@ Nate, here is my latest MTDParts:
I guess I'll wait until you guys release whatever you are working on. I have a ton of changes that I need to make, but I don't want to overwrite any work

Just a short list of things I noticed:
1) In sysinit.rc, we changed netd from /bin/netd to /system/bin/netd. /bin/netd was a script that we may need to run:

modprobe ipt_MASQUERADE
modprobe xt_state
modprobe xt_multiport
modprobe iptable_filter
modprobe iptable_nat

2) In initrd, there were no adverse reactions to adding ueventd to /sbin, adding ueventd.rc to root, and changing out init.android for the one from our rootfs. I think it might be a good idea to use an init.android that we know the origin of.

3) I discovered that the qwerty.kcm.bin actually just pointed to microp-keypad.kcm.bin and qwerty.kl pointed to raph_navi_pad.kl. We can just copy the appropriate kl over as qwerty.kl to fix it. I fixed that code in my install-seq.sh

4) I was able to successfully format recovery and mount it and all that using this mtdparts:
5) I also made a bunch of changes to create our own installer replacing the replimenu, but I'll see what you guys have first
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  #1595 (permalink)  
Old 03-09-2011, 09:33 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 03-08: Full NAND FRX05 Testing (Data not working for some)

Originally Posted by natemcnutty View Post
I guess I'll wait until you guys release whatever you are working on. I have a ton of changes that I need to make, but I don't want to overwrite any work

Just a short list of things I noticed:
1) In sysinit.rc, we changed netd from /bin/netd to /system/bin/netd. /bin/netd was a script that we may need to run:

modprobe ipt_MASQUERADE
modprobe xt_state
modprobe xt_multiport
modprobe iptable_filter
modprobe iptable_nat

2) In initrd, there were no adverse reactions to adding ueventd to /sbin, adding ueventd.rc to root, and changing out init.android for the one from our rootfs. I think it might be a good idea to use an init.android that we know the origin of.

3) I discovered that the qwerty.kcm.bin actually just pointed to microp-keypad.kcm.bin and qwerty.kl pointed to raph_navi_pad.kl. We can just copy the appropriate kl over as qwerty.kl to fix it. I fixed that code in my install-seq.sh

4) I was able to successfully format recovery and mount it and all that using this mtdparts:
5) I also made a bunch of changes to create our own installer replacing the replimenu, but I'll see what you guys have first
Lets agree on the mtd parts. Did you fully test this? My mtd parts loads and formats but its broken but i havent tested Lmillers yet since he added a new partition. I guess we could always just ignore that partition and load recovery on that specific offset.

yes please commit that kb bullsh*t on the install script on git . i saw a cp in there but i guess i forgot where the files were. I'll pull them from rootfs for autobuild.

That netd script is useless since all modules need to be loaded by android and not scripts. So dont commit that and see if the init.rc can load the modules for you on boot. Or maybe the modules are already loaded. That looks like a haretized script to me.

For the init.android. We need to just include them in /system. The initrd will check for it and load it if its named "init" (which is the official name). So for frx05, lets included it in there and i'll try to see where i can get the frx4 version. If you have them, then put em up so i can upload them.

This way we can also remove the init.android inside initrd and have the recovery version (which has its own) for more flexibility.

own installer ? ooo.. i was going to use the recovery but if you have something better then share please ..
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  #1596 (permalink)  
Old 03-09-2011, 09:40 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 03-08: Full NAND FRX05 Testing (Data not working for some)

Originally Posted by [ACL] View Post
Lets agree on the mtd parts. Did you fully test this? My mtd parts loads and formats but its broken but i havent tested Lmillers yet since he added a new partition. I guess we could always just ignore that partition and load recovery on that specific offset.

yes please commit that kb bullsh*t on the install script on git . i saw a cp in there but i guess i forgot where the files were. I'll pull them from rootfs for autobuild.

That netd script is useless since all modules need to be loaded by android and not scripts. So dont commit that and see if the init.rc can load the modules for you on boot. Or maybe the modules are already loaded. That looks like a haretized script to me.

For the init.android. We need to just include them in /system. The initrd will check for it and load it if its named "init" (which is the official name). So for frx05, lets included it in there and i'll try to see where i can get the frx4 version. If you have them, then put em up so i can upload them.

This way we can also remove the init.android inside initrd and have the recovery version (which has its own) for more flexibility.

own installer ? ooo.. i was going to use the recovery but if you have something better then share please ..
For the mtdparts I posted, I am able to format it without any issues, but I haven't attempted to write anything to the recovery partition. LMiller's recent mtdparts just replaces the nand reference size thing for a boot partition. Not really sure if we even need either really.

Cool, I just wanted to check on some of that stuff. For the keyboard crap, I'll get that taken care of when I get home.

I thought the netd script was interesting. Didn't know if it was needed or not.

I like the idea of moving it into system as /system/init and then using the recovery version in initrd. I haven't tested it, but I should

And by installer, I just meant I have a chunk of code that checks for /sdcard/andboot/androidupdate.tgz. If found, it applies it and then renames the file to androidupdate-disabled.tgz. I saw it as a way to update system or data partition files while being able to remove replimenu, but it won't help with kernel updates or anything like that.
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  #1597 (permalink)  
Old 03-09-2011, 11:53 PM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 03-08: Full NAND FRX05 Testing (Data not working for some)

Originally Posted by natemcnutty View Post
For the mtdparts I posted, I am able to format it without any issues, but I haven't attempted to write anything to the recovery partition. LMiller's recent mtdparts just replaces the nand reference size thing for a boot partition. Not really sure if we even need either really.

Cool, I just wanted to check on some of that stuff. For the keyboard crap, I'll get that taken care of when I get home.

I thought the netd script was interesting. Didn't know if it was needed or not.

I like the idea of moving it into system as /system/init and then using the recovery version in initrd. I haven't tested it, but I should

And by installer, I just meant I have a chunk of code that checks for /sdcard/andboot/androidupdate.tgz. If found, it applies it and then renames the file to androidupdate-disabled.tgz. I saw it as a way to update system or data partition files while being able to remove replimenu, but it won't help with kernel updates or anything like that.
For my mtdparts I did remove the 0x20000000@0x0(nand) because I found that it was trying to write to different locations, thus giving us the errors.
But we still need to match up the mtd numbers so thats why I have a boot part in there.. Its small and can most likly go smaller it need be. I was also able to get it to work starting at a higher location like you did but it seemed like a waste of space. I then noticed the Vogue is setup this way so I gave it a try. And it works just fine for me, and we are not losing much space.

My replimenu will take the install-seq.sh from the sdcard/andboot and run that (if they select the correct option). It will find the install-seq-disabled.sh and use that if need be. Once the install-seq.sh is finished it runs the fixperms after. We could really do the same for your install system. My goal is to not have to remove the sdcard if you don't have to, just me being lazy!

I have the replimenu working good, but would like to see what ACL has in-store for us!
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  #1598 (permalink)  
Old 03-10-2011, 01:07 AM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 03-08: Full NAND FRX05 Testing (Data not working for some)

what time will you be releasing your new version? just wondering if i should just go ahead and flash the nand android onto my touch pro 2 now or wait for the new release with updates.
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  #1599 (permalink)  
Old 03-10-2011, 01:30 AM
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Originally Posted by iiinycboi View Post
what time will you be releasing your new version? just wondering if i should just go ahead and flash the nand android onto my touch pro 2 now or wait for the new release with updates.
I'm guessing wait. I'm ready to join the testing soon, won't have free time until Friday however Thanks to all involved. Very excited to try.

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= <3
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  #1600 (permalink)  
Old 03-10-2011, 03:27 AM
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Re: NAND Boot Testing - 03-08: Full NAND FRX05 Testing (Data not working for some)

Originally Posted by Lmiller1708 View Post
For my mtdparts I did remove the 0x20000000@0x0(nand) because I found that it was trying to write to different locations, thus giving us the errors.
But we still need to match up the mtd numbers so thats why I have a boot part in there.. Its small and can most likly go smaller it need be. I was also able to get it to work starting at a higher location like you did but it seemed like a waste of space. I then noticed the Vogue is setup this way so I gave it a try. And it works just fine for me, and we are not losing much space.

My replimenu will take the install-seq.sh from the sdcard/andboot and run that (if they select the correct option). It will find the install-seq-disabled.sh and use that if need be. Once the install-seq.sh is finished it runs the fixperms after. We could really do the same for your install system. My goal is to not have to remove the sdcard if you don't have to, just me being lazy!

I have the replimenu working good, but would like to see what ACL has in-store for us!
Ahh man dont wait on me fellas. i dont want to slow down progress. If we need a menu right away, then by all means plan it out and nate can commit. mtd parts? yall test?

this is how far i gotten in the recovery ..lol the image says it all
Attached Images
File Type: jpg 2011-03-10 02.21.26.jpg (73.8 KB, 50 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: jpg 2011-03-10 02.42.56.jpg (60.1 KB, 54 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by [ACL]; 03-10-2011 at 03:46 AM.
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