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  #851 (permalink)  
Old 06-30-2010, 03:30 PM
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Re: WM 6.5 Custom Taskbar

I may take some of the ideas from the Android icons and incorpoarate them with updated GadgetROM Icons. I'm still using that set 1 year later. I just think droping the borders to increase the avaialbe icon information will make a huge difference. Over all these glossy and a tricked out icons look cool, but are darn near impossible to read.

WM 6.5 Taskbars | GadgetROM for Touch Diamond

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  #852 (permalink)  
Old 07-01-2010, 11:41 AM
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Re: WM 6.5 Custom Taskbar

Originally Posted by gadgetfreak View Post
I may take some of the ideas from the Android icons and incorpoarate them with updated GadgetROM Icons. I'm still using that set 1 year later. I just think droping the borders to increase the avaialbe icon information will make a huge difference. Over all these glossy and a tricked out icons look cool, but are darn near impossible to read.
Well bring it on!! lol
Lets see some action!!

If I helped you out,Hit the THANKS
  #853 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2010, 05:12 PM
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Re: WM 6.5 Custom Taskbar

Did ya decide anything yet Gadget?
  #854 (permalink)  
Old 07-09-2010, 12:35 AM
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Re: WM 6.5 Custom Taskbar

Yeah. That chasing a three year old is exhausting...
  #855 (permalink)  
Old 07-09-2010, 12:45 AM
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Re: WM 6.5 Custom Taskbar

Originally Posted by gadgetfreak View Post
Yeah. That chasing a three year old is exhausting...
Try chasing a 6, 10, 12, and 15 year olds around all day! lol!
  #856 (permalink)  
Old 08-06-2010, 07:16 PM
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Re: WM 6.5 Custom Taskbar

Hi All,
I am sorry but I don't understand nothing; I have spent 3 days looking everywhere but all that I found never completely works.
I had on a Xperia X1 GSM the Tsowen (very nice) V6.3 taskbar version under WM6.1, I bought a HTC Touch Pro2 (GSM) under WM6.5 and I would find the same taskbar as on my X1.
Last try came to hard reset my device because impossible to access the Windows start panel. The try before the last was with the taskbar of one of the first posts with the file called "tsowentaskbar6 WM6.5 version" but I didn't get any speaker icon and the battery icon didn't react when I tap it.
Could someone help me and tell where I can find a right version ?
Many thanks.
Best regards?
  #857 (permalink)  
Old 08-24-2010, 09:30 PM
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Re: WM 6.5 Custom Taskbar

gadgetfreak hows the new taskbar comin? i cant wait to try it bro
{$}i'M a HoOD$taR BaBy!!!{$}
  #858 (permalink)  
Old 08-25-2010, 03:21 PM
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Re: WM 6.5 Custom Taskbar

Slowly. Between work, the kids, the fleas the cat got, and 108 degree heat, I've had maybe an hour in the last week to work on it. Still, once i get all of my base work done, it won't take long all that long to actually load it...
  #859 (permalink)  
Old 08-28-2010, 08:22 PM
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Re: WM 6.5 Custom Taskbar

Originally Posted by hookahzorr View Post
Still Have the message and email issue where i have an X in replace of the reply symbol
I've looked for a solution for this, but after searching the forums I haven't found one. It seems to work fine if a chef cooks the custom taskbar into the ROM, though. I tried replacing the .dll files one at a time, and the x appeared in place of the reply symbol when i copied over the outres.192.dll, but not with any of the others. As for what that moving beyond that point, it's beyond my level of expertise.

It's not gamebreaking, but I just didn't know if someone had solved the issue yet.
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  #860 (permalink)  
Old 09-03-2010, 12:05 AM
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Re: WM 6.5 Custom Taskbar

Originally Posted by mobileguy2108 View Post
I've looked for a solution for this, but after searching the forums I haven't found one. It seems to work fine if a chef cooks the custom taskbar into the ROM, though. I tried replacing the .dll files one at a time, and the x appeared in place of the reply symbol when i copied over the outres.192.dll, but not with any of the others. As for what that moving beyond that point, it's beyond my level of expertise.

It's not gamebreaking, but I just didn't know if someone had solved the issue yet.
Ok I managed to solve the problem on my phone (at least for the 3.1 tsowen taskbar, and I assume it would work on others). Used ResHacker to add in a new resource on the outres.192.dll file - 11017 under Bitmaps which added in these icons:

After installing the taskbar, I copied the file over and soft reset - it worked perfectly. Hope that helps anyone who was looking into this problem. I've included the modified .dll and the bmp if anyone wants to use them.

EDIT: Apparently adding the modified .dll kills the sound on notifications....back to work...
Attached Files
File Type: zip outres_192_&_bitmap.zip (139.7 KB, 12 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by mobileguy2108; 09-03-2010 at 10:35 PM.
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