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Old 09-03-2010, 12:05 AM
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Re: WM 6.5 Custom Taskbar

Originally Posted by mobileguy2108 View Post
I've looked for a solution for this, but after searching the forums I haven't found one. It seems to work fine if a chef cooks the custom taskbar into the ROM, though. I tried replacing the .dll files one at a time, and the x appeared in place of the reply symbol when i copied over the outres.192.dll, but not with any of the others. As for what that moving beyond that point, it's beyond my level of expertise.

It's not gamebreaking, but I just didn't know if someone had solved the issue yet.
Ok I managed to solve the problem on my phone (at least for the 3.1 tsowen taskbar, and I assume it would work on others). Used ResHacker to add in a new resource on the outres.192.dll file - 11017 under Bitmaps which added in these icons:

After installing the taskbar, I copied the file over and soft reset - it worked perfectly. Hope that helps anyone who was looking into this problem. I've included the modified .dll and the bmp if anyone wants to use them.

EDIT: Apparently adding the modified .dll kills the sound on notifications....back to work...
Attached Files
File Type: zip outres_192_& (139.7 KB, 12 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by mobileguy2108; 09-03-2010 at 10:35 PM.
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