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  #1771 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2009, 05:41 PM
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Re: WM 6.5 Kitchen QVGA and VGA Developer Edition

Originally Posted by Tplane37 View Post

Did you get the "Acces to *.dsm denied" error in PPCK? I just DLed ur files and have not tested them. But that is where I got hung up on 21195 and 21198. If so, how did you get around it/fix it? It looks to be in <SYS_21198_Common> but I am not sure. I have verified that there is no request for the file in my <option.xml>. Basically, I am lost and have been looking around for a way to correct the issue, with no luck obviously.

Had the same error for 21193, but all I had to do was copy the *.dsm file manually from <orig_*> to <*temp> in my Aplications Data folder. But in 21195 and 21198, the requested *.dsm is not on my PC anywhere (And do you know how long it takes to use the "Search" function on 6 TB???? A LONG time!)
Its from the option.xml (or lack thereof) in the both common & qvga . These options have a dsm in them to include or exclude the pkg mainly for welcome center, sim_tkit etc. Make sure the dsm in the option.xml actually matches whats in the sys_21198_common and sys_96DPI for ppck. In other words check the dsm and modify the option.xml as needed. Dsm is different from vga to qvga on certain items like transcriber etc and sometimes with using modded CHS resources the dsm are different from the WWE ones. Also, check the attributes on the dsm. Are they set to hidden, read only and system?? They should be set to unhidden, non read only and non system for ppck as the kitchen sets the proper attrib at the right point in the build process. I gave you the dos batch file to unhide them tplane use that one.
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Last edited by Getitnowmarketing; 03-26-2009 at 05:55 PM.
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  #1772 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2009, 05:49 PM
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Re: WM 6.5 Kitchen QVGA and VGA Developer Edition

Originally Posted by da_reeseboy View Post
If your referring to the way windows looks, thats in the today themes.
these changes were far more drastic than anything I've seen a today theme do.
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  #1773 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2009, 05:58 PM
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Re: WM 6.5 Kitchen QVGA and VGA Developer Edition

Originally Posted by Tplane37 View Post

Did you get the "Acces to *.dsm denied" error in PPCK? I just DLed ur files and have not tested them. But that is where I got hung up on 21195 and 21198. If so, how did you get around it/fix it? It looks to be in <SYS_21198_Common> but I am not sure. I have verified that there is no request for the file in my <option.xml>. Basically, I am lost and have been looking around for a way to correct the issue, with no luck obviously.

Had the same error for 21193, but all I had to do was copy the *.dsm file manually from <orig_*> to <*temp> in my Aplications Data folder. But in 21195 and 21198, the requested *.dsm is not on my PC anywhere (And do you know how long it takes to use the "Search" function on 6 TB???? A LONG time!)
I dealt with that quite a bit the other day and it was one of two things. Either a module had both a file and folder of the same name when it should only have the folder. For example, mscoree.dll which is part of .Net was one that gave me trouble.

The 2nd cause is actually directly related to the first I think. If your SYS contains a module in folder form, but another kitchen has it in file form, you see this.

Ultimately I think it's because Vista freaks out when you ask it to overwrite a file with a folder of the same name. File -> File or Folder -> Folder is fine, but not one to the other.

My solution was to clean out file instances or entire modules from SYS when they existed somewhere else.

EDIT: After reading Drellisdee's response, I'm remembering another issue I had and perhaps this was what I experienced. Following are other steps I took that ultimately did the trick, though I'm not positive which did it.
  • "Take Ownership" of your temp folder. Though this should already be done, in my case it wasn't and I have no explanation (and I'm the domain admin)
  • Drop to a cmd window. CD to the \Kitchens folder, and run "attrib -H -S -R *.* /S /D" to ensure all files are visible, and writable.
  • Consider leaving the 2119x SYS folders expanded instead of archived. (Thanks to dan-htc for that tip). Things run quicker and it saves you time setting things up.

Last edited by rainabba; 03-26-2009 at 06:04 PM.
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  #1774 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2009, 06:08 PM
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Re: WM 6.5 Kitchen QVGA and VGA Developer Edition

Originally Posted by rainabba View Post
I dealt with that quite a bit the other day and it was one of two things. Either a module had both a file and folder of the same name when it should only have the folder. For example, mscoree.dll which is part of .Net was one that gave me trouble.

The 2nd cause is actually directly related to the first I think. If your SYS contains a module in folder form, but another kitchen has it in file form, you see this.

Ultimately I think it's because Vista freaks out when you ask it to overwrite a file with a folder of the same name. File -> File or Folder -> Folder is fine, but not one to the other.

My solution was to clean out file instances or entire modules from SYS when they existed somewhere else.

EDIT: After reading Drellisdee's response, I'm remembering another issue I had and perhaps this was what I experienced. Following are other steps I took that ultimately did the trick, though I'm not positive which did it.
  • "Take Ownership" of your temp folder. Though this should already be done, in my case it wasn't and I have no explanation (and I'm the domain admin)
  • Drop to a cmd window. CD to the \Kitchens folder, and run "attrib -H -S -R *.* /S /D" to ensure all files are visible, and writable.
  • Consider leaving the 2119x SYS folders expanded instead of archived. (Thanks to dan-htc for that tip). Things run quicker and it saves you time setting things up.
Its step2. Without that the overwrite function in PPCK for duplicates will not work and you will get permission errors. Here is a bat to run from root of SYS_common & the dpi to prep the files for ppck. This will cause trouble on an ervius kitchen so bewarned.
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File Type: rar unhide.rar (149 Bytes, 24 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by Getitnowmarketing; 03-26-2009 at 06:10 PM.
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  #1775 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2009, 06:49 PM
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Re: WM 6.5 Kitchen QVGA and VGA Developer Edition

Originally Posted by rainabba View Post
I dealt with that quite a bit the other day and it was one of two things. Either a module had both a file and folder of the same name when it should only have the folder. For example, mscoree.dll which is part of .Net was one that gave me trouble.

The 2nd cause is actually directly related to the first I think. If your SYS contains a module in folder form, but another kitchen has it in file form, you see this.

Ultimately I think it's because Vista freaks out when you ask it to overwrite a file with a folder of the same name. File -> File or Folder -> Folder is fine, but not one to the other.

My solution was to clean out file instances or entire modules from SYS when they existed somewhere else.

EDIT: After reading Drellisdee's response, I'm remembering another issue I had and perhaps this was what I experienced. Following are other steps I took that ultimately did the trick, though I'm not positive which did it.
  • "Take Ownership" of your temp folder. Though this should already be done, in my case it wasn't and I have no explanation (and I'm the domain admin)
  • Drop to a cmd window. CD to the \Kitchens folder, and run "attrib -H -S -R *.* /S /D" to ensure all files are visible, and writable.
  • Consider leaving the 2119x SYS folders expanded instead of archived. (Thanks to dan-htc for that tip). Things run quicker and it saves you time setting things up.
If Drellisdee's option doesn't work, I'll try this. Drell played a big role in getting me this far, and hasn't steered me wrong yet! But I take all the input I can get, because you never know when an issue is going to come up that very few people have come accross.
Originally Posted by drellisdee View Post
Its from the option.xml (or lack thereof) in the both common & qvga . These options have a dsm in them to include or exclude the pkg mainly for welcome center, sim_tkit etc. Make sure the dsm in the option.xml actually matches whats in the sys_21198_common and sys_96DPI for ppck. In other words check the dsm and modify the option.xml as needed. Dsm is different from vga to qvga on certain items like transcriber etc and sometimes with using modded CHS resources the dsm are different from the WWE ones. Also, check the attributes on the dsm. Are they set to hidden, read only and system?? They should be set to unhidden, non read only and non system for ppck as the kitchen sets the proper attrib at the right point in the build process. I gave you the dos batch file to unhide them tplane use that one.
I'll give that a shot. Thanks. I did notice during the 0804 to 0409 MUI switching marathon that many files were not visible in the Chinese SYS for both 21195 and 21198. I checked all my properties in my File Explorer and made sure that "View Hidden Files" and everything was selected....but I did not think to use that BAT file...thought it was for closing files, not setting permissions.
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  #1776 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2009, 07:07 PM
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Re: WM 6.5 Kitchen QVGA and VGA Developer Edition


Here is 21198 XIP for Diamond. If you have any problem, let me know. It works OK with my device and I confirmed it is 21198.
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  #1777 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2009, 07:28 PM
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Re: WM 6.5 Kitchen QVGA and VGA Developer Edition

Here is a 21198 ROM for the Verizon Vogue. from what I can see everything works. the initial boot for me seemed to take a long time so don't think it got stuck. it will say windows 6.1 on the splash screen because I didnt change it in ppc kitchen. just put the welcomehead.96.png in the windows folder to overwrite the existing one. the RUU will say something other than 21198 because I didn't edit the text files to reflect the new build. this is my first Rom using ppcgeeks kitchen. http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?oul1tuiyi0x
I will get everything fixed later. it has the vogue 6.1 dialer on it but if you want the 6.5 one just install the cab.
Attached Images
File Type: jpg welcomehead.96.jpg (6.3 KB, 65 views) Click for barcode!
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File Type: cab office2007.CAB (6.58 MB, 36 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: cab wm6.5 dialer skin.cab (4.07 MB, 137 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by jtuite; 03-29-2009 at 04:08 PM.
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  #1778 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2009, 07:34 PM
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Re: WM 6.5 Kitchen QVGA and VGA Developer Edition

Okay, follow the link below. I have posted links to some builds for the Titan. Build 21193 I worked on from start to finish with the help of the members listed in the first post. Build 21198 I used the SYS files posted by Dan-HTC-Touch.

All of my posted builds to date use Dan-HTC-Touch's XIP's. Thanks to everyone who has helped me along the way!

Titan_2119x_Beta_x ROMS
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  #1779 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2009, 07:37 PM
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Re: WM 6.5 Kitchen QVGA and VGA Developer Edition

i put Titan_21193_Beta_1_USO_Edition_RUU on my mogul but then went back to my old rom (r4r)....but the two splash screens (boat and flag/uso) remnained...why did they stay?

if i ever have to go back to stock rom, will they go away?
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  #1780 (permalink)  
Old 03-26-2009, 07:43 PM
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Re: WM 6.5 Kitchen QVGA and VGA Developer Edition

Originally Posted by rainabba View Post
I'm now realizing that all the windows and menus had a different looks. Everything was rounded, with larger borders, and better spaced out.

How was that done?
Maby from previous builds?
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