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  #7941 (permalink)  
Old 09-16-2009, 02:10 PM
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Re: WM 6.5 Kitchen QVGA and VGA Developer Edition

I am using a 21851 sys in VK, but my messaging doesnt work. It will open, and show me the list of messages, but I cant compose or view existing emails. This is the only issue with the sys. Any ideas?
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  #7942 (permalink)  
Old 09-16-2009, 03:08 PM
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Re: WM 6.5 Kitchen QVGA and VGA Developer Edition

Originally Posted by qball1616 View Post

i checked before cooking to see if i had those settings and i do, but i am still having the changing ringtone issue. could it have anything to do with switching to the 6.5 native kernel? when i switched i just replaced the OEMXIPKernel in my kitchen and not the payload file. I am using VK btw
Did you check the "Real WM 6.5 AKU" box?

Changing the payload is not necessary. Also, did u recreate your SYS Common files with a non-recmodded version to take advantage old the new kernel and VM Slot mapping?
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  #7943 (permalink)  
Old 09-16-2009, 03:46 PM
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Re: WM 6.5 Kitchen QVGA and VGA Developer Edition

Originally Posted by MassStash View Post
remove that ginormous sig n maybe people would feel more inclined to assist you mate... n even actually donate! but are you using joojoo's ppck files in a different kitchen?
nope im not using the joojoo ppck. just the one from htcpedia's tom codon. but i got the same problem from previous new builds
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  #7944 (permalink)  
Old 09-16-2009, 03:50 PM
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Re: WM 6.5 Kitchen QVGA and VGA Developer Edition

Originally Posted by joojoobee666 View Post
Did you check the "Real WM 6.5 AKU" box?

Changing the payload is not necessary. Also, did u recreate your SYS Common files with a non-recmodded version to take advantage old the new kernel and VM Slot mapping?
Yes I made sure to check that box. Would I need to copy the .VM file that came with everything? I also did recreate the SYS Common files, but I noticed that after I switched to the new kernel i have an insane amount of Warning Duplicate Module on Module warnings.

I will attach my build log for you to take a look at when you have a few minutes if you don't mind.
Attached Files
File Type: rar Build_log.rar (8.1 KB, 3 views) Click for barcode!
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  #7945 (permalink)  
Old 09-16-2009, 04:15 PM
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Re: WM 6.5 Kitchen QVGA and VGA Developer Edition

Originally Posted by qball1616 View Post
Yes I made sure to check that box. Would I need to copy the .VM file that came with everything? I also did recreate the SYS Common files, but I noticed that after I switched to the new kernel i have an insane amount of Warning Duplicate Module on Module warnings.

I will attach my build log for you to take a look at when you have a few minutes if you don't mind.
The .VM is not needed with Ervius visual kitchen. You can just remove it from the OEM\Device folder and still have a bootable rom. As far as your log....WHOA!! You have over 30,000 of the following errors:

Warning!!! Found Module duplicate on Module...
Clearly something is VERY wrong there.

Also, I see this:

XIP: xip.bin not found!
XIP not Inserted!
ERROR! (errorlevel: -2146234327)
That means you are not building a XIP, and lastly, I see NO allocation happening at all. So something is MAJORLY flubbed up in your kitchen. After the "platformrebuilder.exe Executed successfull!!!" line you should be seeing the following, followed by list of EVERY file/module in your ROM (that's the allocation process)

This is from the most recent build I made:
Wait some seconds...

Executing: kitchen_build_rom.bat.....
Copying OS.nb.payload...
        1 file(s) copied.
Implantxip & Payload Resizer v. 1.1 by ervius!!!
  BLOCKS SIZE IS: 00020000
  ROM Block is  : 00000800
  ImgStart MIN Val. SETTED - ULDR Reducing...
Preparing payload to be resized.....
  XIP.BIN Target   Size: 003015C8 AdjSize:          0031FFFF
  ULRD in Payload  Start:00001000 Size:0001EFFF End:0001FFFF
  XIP  in Payload  Start:00020000 Size:002DFFFF End:002FFFFF
  IMG  in Payload  Start:00300000 Size:0001FFFF End:0031FFFF
  FAT  in Payload  Start:00320000 Size:1D59FFFF End:1D8BFFFF
  XIP.BIN Target   Size: 003015C8 AdjSize:          0031FFFF
  ULRD in Payload  Start:00001000 Size:0001EFFF End:0001FFFF
  XIP  in Payload  Start:00020000 Size:0031FFFF End:0033FFFF
  IMG  in Payload  Start:00340000 Size:0001FFFF End:0035FFFF
  FAT  in Payload  Start:00360000 Size:1D59FFFF End:1D8FFFFF
    XIP PagePool Patched!
    XIP PagePool from: 6 Mb, to: 9 Mb
    XIP Successfully Nocert patched!
Payload resized and XIP Inserted into: OS.nb.payload
ImgfsFromNb 2.1rc2
Sector size is 0x800 bytes
ImgFs partition starts at 0x00340000 and ends at 0x00360000
Dumping IMGFS at offset 0x00340000 (size 0x00020000)
ImgfsFromDump 2.1rc2
Using compression type 'XPR'!
Sector size is 0x800
Processing ".hst" as file
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  #7946 (permalink)  
Old 09-16-2009, 05:33 PM
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Re: WM 6.5 Kitchen QVGA and VGA Developer Edition

Originally Posted by joojoobee666 View Post
The .VM is not needed with Ervius visual kitchen. You can just remove it from the OEM\Device folder and still have a bootable rom. As far as your log....WHOA!! You have over 30,000 of the following errors:

Warning!!! Found Module duplicate on Module...
Clearly something is VERY wrong there.

Also, I see this:

XIP: xip.bin not found!
XIP not Inserted!
ERROR! (errorlevel: -2146234327)
That means you are not building a XIP, and lastly, I see NO allocation happening at all. So something is MAJORLY flubbed up in your kitchen. After the "platformrebuilder.exe Executed successfull!!!" line you should be seeing the following, followed by list of EVERY file/module in your ROM (that's the allocation process)

This is from the most recent build I made:
Wait some seconds...

Executing: kitchen_build_rom.bat.....
Copying OS.nb.payload...
        1 file(s) copied.
Implantxip & Payload Resizer v. 1.1 by ervius!!!
  BLOCKS SIZE IS: 00020000
  ROM Block is  : 00000800
  ImgStart MIN Val. SETTED - ULDR Reducing...
Preparing payload to be resized.....
  XIP.BIN Target   Size: 003015C8 AdjSize:          0031FFFF
  ULRD in Payload  Start:00001000 Size:0001EFFF End:0001FFFF
  XIP  in Payload  Start:00020000 Size:002DFFFF End:002FFFFF
  IMG  in Payload  Start:00300000 Size:0001FFFF End:0031FFFF
  FAT  in Payload  Start:00320000 Size:1D59FFFF End:1D8BFFFF
  XIP.BIN Target   Size: 003015C8 AdjSize:          0031FFFF
  ULRD in Payload  Start:00001000 Size:0001EFFF End:0001FFFF
  XIP  in Payload  Start:00020000 Size:0031FFFF End:0033FFFF
  IMG  in Payload  Start:00340000 Size:0001FFFF End:0035FFFF
  FAT  in Payload  Start:00360000 Size:1D59FFFF End:1D8FFFFF
    XIP PagePool Patched!
    XIP PagePool from: 6 Mb, to: 9 Mb
    XIP Successfully Nocert patched!
Payload resized and XIP Inserted into: OS.nb.payload
ImgfsFromNb 2.1rc2
Sector size is 0x800 bytes
ImgFs partition starts at 0x00340000 and ends at 0x00360000
Dumping IMGFS at offset 0x00340000 (size 0x00020000)
ImgfsFromDump 2.1rc2
Using compression type 'XPR'!
Sector size is 0x800
Processing ".hst" as file
I got the ROM to build and I had to modify the kitchen.bat file and it went through and inserted the the xip.

I was hoping you would know what has gone wrong with my kitchen that i have like you said 30,000 of the duplicate module errors lol.

All of this has seemed to happen once I used the native kernel & added the newest version of manila 2.1 (I had manila 2.1 in my ROM intially I just updated it to the R 1.5 from 1.1)
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated
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  #7947 (permalink)  
Old 09-16-2009, 06:04 PM
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Re: WM 6.5 Kitchen QVGA and VGA Developer Edition

Originally Posted by qball1616 View Post
I got the ROM to build and I had to modify the kitchen.bat file and it went through and inserted the the xip.

I was hoping you would know what has gone wrong with my kitchen that i have like you said 30,000 of the duplicate module errors lol.

All of this has seemed to happen once I used the native kernel & added the newest version of manila 2.1 (I had manila 2.1 in my ROM intially I just updated it to the R 1.5 from 1.1)
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated
The only suggestion I have at this point is to disabled ALL ext packages, and move all but the bare minimum out of the OEM\Herman folder. Also, make sure that your SYS\2xxxx folder is organized properly, then try again.
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  #7948 (permalink)  
Old 09-16-2009, 07:22 PM
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Re: WM 6.5 Kitchen QVGA and VGA Developer Edition

Originally Posted by cya View Post
Just use UpGradePPK_Build for 23049 ... this sure makes the process simple, quick and easy!

Thanks for sharing your work!
Glad to help! If you see any improvements that need to be made let me know!
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  #7949 (permalink)  
Old 09-16-2009, 07:54 PM
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Re: WM 6.5 Kitchen QVGA and VGA Developer Edition

none of the base_dpi_192 files are showing up for me in the new builds
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  #7950 (permalink)  
Old 09-16-2009, 09:39 PM
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Re: WM 6.5 Kitchen QVGA and VGA Developer Edition

Re .ROM and .VM - the imageinfo.bin files in these two folders define the virtual memory slots for the platform, and the virtual memory that is available after taking away that which is allocated to the XIP. This info isn't used by the device (this same mapping is coded into nk.exe or some other OEMXIPKernel file, part of what makes it device-specific) - instead it is used by the kitchen, specifically g'reloc.exe or wmreloc.exe to relocate modules into the appropriate VM slots while avoiding the locations used by the XIP. I have always operated under the assumption that these files should NOT change from what you get when you dump the stock ROM for your exact device. I have in the past successfully changed the virtual memory slot sizing when removing stuff from the XIP, but the WM6.5 builds didn't like this so I've since reverted to the stock .ROM and .VM files. My recommendation is to give that a shot.

I believe that the CDMA Touch Pro nk.exe that is out there as a native WM6.5 kernel is a hacked version. Done by a very capable expert, but a hacked version none the less. I don't believe that HTC has released a CDMA Touch Pro test ROM built for WM6.5 so there wouldn't be a true source. I'm not saying this is a problem, but could be a cause of other problems. My $0.02 on this.
ROM: WM6.5 nk.exe (Da_G), sys 23518 (Da_G), VZW OEM pack (scrosler)
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