Originally Posted by joojoobee666
PPCKitchen files. WinCENLS_WWE is in tha 0409. IPSECVPN and Enterprise are options under system. Browsingie and AdobeFlash are reccmodded. The 96 DPI are put together from the 21815 DPI. So hopefully all is well there. Let me know and I will update this post. Again, no promises on anything here. This is the development thread after all
CDMA Herman, CDMA Titan XIPs, Kaiser, Vogue (fixed, the first one that was up for the first 30mins had overlaps and I had to manually fix) and CDMA Diamond (Victor) XIPs. All but the Herman are confirmed working.
Thanks for the goods, Da_G  (your MISXIPKernel was all good, I just flubbed it)
I tired your files and im having a problem, the problem is the About shows:
CE OS 5.2.21819 (Build 21820.5.0.40)
Any ideas why is it showing 21819 instead of 21820?? I also tried XIP from Da_G's Kitchen according to me this is a XIP problem or maybe im wrong, it could also be a SYS problem, so plz do tell me, THNX