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  #61 (permalink)  
Old 02-11-2008, 11:36 PM
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I could go on and on about piracy...

What really PISSES ME OFF is how the RIAA, MPAA, BSA etc work. They are abusing the legal system! How are their actions right? First off, the BSA bullies corporations into paying a membership fee so they can put their logo on their site. If they deny the membership, the BSA puts a bad word out about their stance on piracy. All three corporations THREATEN people with legal action. The RIAA and MPAA file suit by starting with a John Doe subpoena. They subpoena your ISP for your information, without your name. Basically all the evidence they have is an IP address. If your ISP argues about not enough evidence, the corporations threaten them with the DMCA stating that they will be found guilty of aiding piracy if they do not give you up. Of course, your ISP gives up your information. Then they basically sue you. Even if they information is inaccurate; there are many cases where there is mistaken identity, and defendants have to spend life savings defending themselves on charges they are not guilty of.

Another ANNOYING thing is HOW BLOWN OUT OF PROPORTION PIRACY IS! Just take a look at the BSA's statistics. They are absolute BS (pun intended) Also, hear this: "Of the people who've so far been attacked by the music industry since 2003, not one has been found guilty of anything and not one has appeared in court."

Seriously folks, you need to look around you and realize that these corporations are abusive monsters. Yes, I do justify it in my head because I am right. Put everything in your mind aside, and look at these links unbiasedly. Maybe you will realize that pirates do it for a reason. Due process doesn't apply when the music industry is involved.

I am not trying to start a flame war in any way, but I believe in what I believe. So if you want me to change my views, BACK OFF because I am stand firm. I have studied this for much more than you think. I also have good knowledge of the legal system to understand exactly whats going on. As for me:

DOWN WITH THE RIAA, MPAA, DMCA, and BSA. Shame on you for abusing the integrity of our legal system. I really do not support piracy. You may think I'm just saying that, but I stand up for my rights. If I follow the law and still get sued... something is wrong.

And for some laughs on the issue, go here: http://thepiratebay.org/legal they have some funny e-mails and responses.

Last edited by [sammich]; 02-11-2008 at 11:42 PM.
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  #62 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2008, 06:58 PM
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As a small business owner doing Computer Aided Design, this is a simple issue for me. The software we run (SolidWorks) is expensive--damn expensive. Annual maintenance os over four figures per seat. And we have two seats to care and feed for. Could it be pirated? Probably. Would I even investigate doing so? No way... way too much on the line for us. So paying say, $20, tops for a PPC app is simply a no-brainer. It's all about the law, fair compensation for fair effort, and doing the moral and right thing.

Try the software, know the price, and if you think it's worth it, buy it. Period.

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  #63 (permalink)  
Old 02-12-2008, 09:03 PM
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Originally Posted by tbhausen View Post
paying say, $20, tops for a PPC app is simply a no-brainer. It's all about the law, fair compensation for fair effort, and doing the moral and right thing.

Try the software, know the price, and if you think it's worth it, buy it. Period.

Very well said. I absolutely agree. If I see a program I truly like, I will purchase it. If its from a small company like powerISO, I even offer my graphic design services to compensate them for their work. Also, look at Adobe CS3! $2000 per license? WHY? There is a free version called the Gimp! Its all about control over the market.
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  #64 (permalink)  
Old 02-20-2008, 12:06 AM
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Re: Piracy, warez and You.

Market forces, if unspoiled by outside influences like piracy, dictate the value proposition. If something's overpriced and the value proposition isn't there, that seller will perish or adjust accordingly. Piracy skews this equation, by driving prices artificially high.

Theft is theft, and attempts to jutify it through long-winded diatribes are simply the thief's attempt to like what he/she sees a bit more when looking in the mirror.

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  #65 (permalink)  
Old 02-20-2008, 08:37 AM
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Re: Piracy, warez and You.

In the famous words of The person who said it, "Cry me a river!"
Whatever you do, be the BEST at it!!!
Rolling with
Energy Rom

You'll be back!!!
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  #66 (permalink)  
Old 02-20-2008, 08:43 AM
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Re: Piracy, warez and You.

I cease any attempt at trying to persuade anyone on the matter. It's too hard because it has to do with YOUR moral standards and how you've developed.
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  #67 (permalink)  
Old 02-22-2008, 07:13 PM
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Re: Piracy, warez and You.

I realize what I am about to say is going to piss some people off and perhaps even change peoples minds about me for the remainder of my time on here. Perhaps people will just think I have not been here long enough to voice an opinion. To each there own everyone is aloud to view as they please.

I understand where people are coming from about piracy. I have to ask how did you get your start on computers and coding? You know what I to am a developer or geek or whatever you please to call me. I fully support the free knowledge act and piracy! Damn I really want paid a decent amount for what I do I would like to make over $500 total in the end after I spent 5 months solid 16hr days 5day sleepless streaks deprived of all social life for the time. I am 24now received first computer at 15 I have to stop and think about how I got my start.

Usenet and hacking is my story AKA supernews do you think any of us broke kids could obtain this knowledge if we paid for our stuff? Man we would be out doing drugs causing trouble broke like everyone else. If it was not for the free knowledge believes and disgruntled programmers backing this in piracy half of you and I would know didaly about computers. School you say, please what do you actually learn there? Half of you and I were either kicked out of our C class for telling the teacher they were wrong or just new better then going.

How many of you out there could afford to buy photoshop, Borland, macromedia stuff, VB, 3dsmax, bryce, windows even? If you can’t afford it then how do you learn? None of you would be anywhere right now if it was not for the people before you realizing this and providing you who push to learn the ability to obtain this knowledge! It is because of piracy that I and many others stand before you with any type of knowledge; the reason software is as good as it is. It is truly us who drive the industry. Who better to test bugs you don’t think longhorn was leaked by purpose? Please we were free guiny pigs for 2yrs of testing!

Majority of the pirated copies the people would not have paid for in the first place. But it’s free so they give it a shot. My only beef is piracy needs to go back to being as hard as it was to obtain 10yrs ago. It needs to go back to usenet back to SSL accounts back to underground IRC accounts.

I also believe in supporting your developers. I and coders who are willing to actually say hey donate to me as a way of saying thank you. They all know damn well that they are not going to get there money for time out of it. We do it because it puts a smile on our face to see people say they enjoy it people that say you really made my day with this app people that say hey I have 10$ free bux on me here is my way of saying thank you. This is the heart of a true enthusiast someone who knows how they started.

I ramble as an easy target to flame I preach but what have I ever done. I write as I believe every program I have written has always been freeware to start. After the application is a solid working platform people are happy I relies it open source. I then revise a 2.0 version with great enhancements such as config configurations utility tools better memory management and less hog resources make it more users definable. Offer the program and a very reasonable price or donations closed source. I also include a self destructing setup you could say because I built it where any 14yrold with any type of hexing knowledge could crack the app in 20 minutes. It keeps honest people honest and tinkers busy.

If you use someone’s software to make money you need to pay for it and support the people who brought it to you! If not show some support or do as you please is my view.
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  #68 (permalink)  
Old 02-23-2008, 12:21 AM
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Re: Piracy, warez and You.

Originally Posted by iceblue View Post
I realize what I am about to say is going to piss some people off and perhaps even change peoples minds about me for the remainder of my time on here. Perhaps people will just think I have not been here long enough to voice an opinion. To each there own everyone is aloud to view as they please.

I understand where people are coming from about piracy. I have to ask how did you get your start on computers and coding? You know what I to am a developer or geek or whatever you please to call me. I fully support the free knowledge act and piracy! Damn I really want paid a decent amount for what I do I would like to make over $500 total in the end after I spent 5 months solid 16hr days 5day sleepless streaks deprived of all social life for the time. I am 24now received first computer at 15 I have to stop and think about how I got my start.

Usenet and hacking is my story AKA supernews do you think any of us broke kids could obtain this knowledge if we paid for our stuff? Man we would be out doing drugs causing trouble broke like everyone else. If it was not for the free knowledge believes and disgruntled programmers backing this in piracy half of you and I would know didaly about computers. School you say, please what do you actually learn there? Half of you and I were either kicked out of our C class for telling the teacher they were wrong or just new better then going.

How many of you out there could afford to buy photoshop, Borland, macromedia stuff, VB, 3dsmax, bryce, windows even? If you can’t afford it then how do you learn? None of you would be anywhere right now if it was not for the people before you realizing this and providing you who push to learn the ability to obtain this knowledge! It is because of piracy that I and many others stand before you with any type of knowledge; the reason software is as good as it is. It is truly us who drive the industry. Who better to test bugs you don’t think longhorn was leaked by purpose? Please we were free guiny pigs for 2yrs of testing!

Majority of the pirated copies the people would not have paid for in the first place. But it’s free so they give it a shot. My only beef is piracy needs to go back to being as hard as it was to obtain 10yrs ago. It needs to go back to usenet back to SSL accounts back to underground IRC accounts.

I also believe in supporting your developers. I and coders who are willing to actually say hey donate to me as a way of saying thank you. They all know damn well that they are not going to get there money for time out of it. We do it because it puts a smile on our face to see people say they enjoy it people that say you really made my day with this app people that say hey I have 10$ free bux on me here is my way of saying thank you. This is the heart of a true enthusiast someone who knows how they started.

I ramble as an easy target to flame I preach but what have I ever done. I write as I believe every program I have written has always been freeware to start. After the application is a solid working platform people are happy I relies it open source. I then revise a 2.0 version with great enhancements such as config configurations utility tools better memory management and less hog resources make it more users definable. Offer the program and a very reasonable price or donations closed source. I also include a self destructing setup you could say because I built it where any 14yrold with any type of hexing knowledge could crack the app in 20 minutes. It keeps honest people honest and tinkers busy.

If you use someone’s software to make money you need to pay for it and support the people who brought it to you! If not show some support or do as you please is my view.

Bravo. Wow. Just wow.

I have never even looked at the education aspect. You bring up an absolutely great point. This is going on my list of arguments when I defend myself and all other pirates.
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  #69 (permalink)  
Old 03-06-2008, 06:40 AM
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Re: Piracy, warez and You.

Hi there,

I would like to add my two cents if I may.

I download a lot of cracked/serials software, now I know its wrong and it bugs me sometimes. I'm not trying to justify my wrong doings but if I may explain why I do this.

Lets take the new SPB Mobile Shell, cost is USD 29,95. So for the US people this is a pretty fair price if you look at the average salary. For people living in the UK it equates to 15 pounds. Again looking at the average salary this is a fair price. Now I live in South Africa and this is eqaul to ZAR 234,00. That is a lot of money where the average income is below ZAR 6000,00. If I had to pay ZAR 50,00 then hell yeah, I would have no pirated software on my ppc. Even if you look at the fact that a lot of these companies offer no support in SA, I have to rely on site like this to get support on most of the stuff.

So yes, what I'm doing is wrong and I do feel guilty.

If anyone can give me a different way of looking at this I would love to here from you.

Thanks for listening.

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  #70 (permalink)  
Old 03-07-2008, 03:16 PM
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Re: Piracy, warez and You.

Originally Posted by vip3r69 View Post
Hi there,

I would like to add my two cents if I may.

I download a lot of cracked/serials software, now I know its wrong and it bugs me sometimes. I'm not trying to justify my wrong doings but if I may explain why I do this.

Lets take the new SPB Mobile Shell, cost is USD 29,95. So for the US people this is a pretty fair price if you look at the average salary. For people living in the UK it equates to 15 pounds. Again looking at the average salary this is a fair price. Now I live in South Africa and this is eqaul to ZAR 234,00. That is a lot of money where the average income is below ZAR 6000,00. If I had to pay ZAR 50,00 then hell yeah, I would have no pirated software on my ppc. Even if you look at the fact that a lot of these companies offer no support in SA, I have to rely on site like this to get support on most of the stuff.

So yes, what I'm doing is wrong and I do feel guilty.

If anyone can give me a different way of looking at this I would love to here from you.

Thanks for listening.

I respect your opinion, and know where your coming from with the price of software, and the fact that it keeps getting redone, and re-sold....life and family make it tough to keep up. But if you request another way of looking at it, I would add that there is a lot of support, no matter your location, on their (you mentioned SPB, so I will stick with them) forum, in fact, they are very good to their customers there!! and as you mentioned, sites like this are great for that as well.

As for the price, another way of looking at it is like this: These companies are NOT stupid, they know as soon as they release something, there will be a crack, or serial generator hot on it's heels, so I can imagine they are thinking (logically) that if they release a study that can be sold for $15 and for every one they sell will be ripped off 2-3 times, then if they charge $30, they can still make a profit with all the cracked copies out there!!

As I said, just another way of thinking about it!!!

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