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Old 02-22-2008, 07:13 PM
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Re: Piracy, warez and You.

I realize what I am about to say is going to piss some people off and perhaps even change peoples minds about me for the remainder of my time on here. Perhaps people will just think I have not been here long enough to voice an opinion. To each there own everyone is aloud to view as they please.

I understand where people are coming from about piracy. I have to ask how did you get your start on computers and coding? You know what I to am a developer or geek or whatever you please to call me. I fully support the free knowledge act and piracy! Damn I really want paid a decent amount for what I do I would like to make over $500 total in the end after I spent 5 months solid 16hr days 5day sleepless streaks deprived of all social life for the time. I am 24now received first computer at 15 I have to stop and think about how I got my start.

Usenet and hacking is my story AKA supernews do you think any of us broke kids could obtain this knowledge if we paid for our stuff? Man we would be out doing drugs causing trouble broke like everyone else. If it was not for the free knowledge believes and disgruntled programmers backing this in piracy half of you and I would know didaly about computers. School you say, please what do you actually learn there? Half of you and I were either kicked out of our C class for telling the teacher they were wrong or just new better then going.

How many of you out there could afford to buy photoshop, Borland, macromedia stuff, VB, 3dsmax, bryce, windows even? If you can’t afford it then how do you learn? None of you would be anywhere right now if it was not for the people before you realizing this and providing you who push to learn the ability to obtain this knowledge! It is because of piracy that I and many others stand before you with any type of knowledge; the reason software is as good as it is. It is truly us who drive the industry. Who better to test bugs you don’t think longhorn was leaked by purpose? Please we were free guiny pigs for 2yrs of testing!

Majority of the pirated copies the people would not have paid for in the first place. But it’s free so they give it a shot. My only beef is piracy needs to go back to being as hard as it was to obtain 10yrs ago. It needs to go back to usenet back to SSL accounts back to underground IRC accounts.

I also believe in supporting your developers. I and coders who are willing to actually say hey donate to me as a way of saying thank you. They all know damn well that they are not going to get there money for time out of it. We do it because it puts a smile on our face to see people say they enjoy it people that say you really made my day with this app people that say hey I have 10$ free bux on me here is my way of saying thank you. This is the heart of a true enthusiast someone who knows how they started.

I ramble as an easy target to flame I preach but what have I ever done. I write as I believe every program I have written has always been freeware to start. After the application is a solid working platform people are happy I relies it open source. I then revise a 2.0 version with great enhancements such as config configurations utility tools better memory management and less hog resources make it more users definable. Offer the program and a very reasonable price or donations closed source. I also include a self destructing setup you could say because I built it where any 14yrold with any type of hexing knowledge could crack the app in 20 minutes. It keeps honest people honest and tinkers busy.

If you use someone’s software to make money you need to pay for it and support the people who brought it to you! If not show some support or do as you please is my view.
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