I could go on and on about piracy...
What really PISSES ME OFF is how the RIAA, MPAA, BSA etc work. They are abusing the legal system! How are their actions right? First off, the BSA bullies corporations into paying a membership fee so they can put their logo on their site. If they deny the membership, the BSA puts a bad word out about their stance on piracy. All three corporations THREATEN people with legal action. The RIAA and MPAA file suit by starting with a John Doe subpoena. They subpoena your ISP for your information, without your name. Basically all the evidence they have is an IP address. If your ISP argues about not enough evidence, the corporations threaten them with the DMCA stating that they will be found guilty of aiding piracy if they do not give you up. Of course, your ISP gives up your information. Then they basically sue you. Even if they information is inaccurate; there are many cases where there is mistaken identity, and defendants have to spend life savings defending themselves on charges they are not guilty of.
Another ANNOYING thing is HOW BLOWN OUT OF PROPORTION PIRACY IS! Just take a look at the BSA's statistics. They are absolute BS (pun intended) Also, hear this: "Of the people who've so far been attacked by the music industry since 2003, not one has been found guilty of anything and not one has appeared in court."
Seriously folks, you need to look around you and realize that these corporations are abusive monsters. Yes, I do justify it in my head because I am right. Put everything in your mind aside, and look at these links unbiasedly. Maybe you will realize that pirates do it for a reason. Due process doesn't apply when the music industry is involved.
I am not trying to start a flame war in any way, but I believe in what I believe. So if you want me to change my views, BACK OFF because I am stand firm. I have studied this for much more than you think. I also have good knowledge of the legal system to understand exactly whats going on. As for me:
DOWN WITH THE RIAA, MPAA, DMCA, and BSA. Shame on you for abusing the integrity of our legal system. I really do not support piracy. You may think I'm just saying that, but I stand up for my rights. If I follow the law and still get sued... something is wrong.
And for some laughs on the issue, go here:
http://thepiratebay.org/legal they have some funny e-mails and responses.