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  #511 (permalink)  
Old 10-03-2010, 10:53 PM
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Re: {{Manila Mod}}[26-Sep-2010] Co0kie's Home Tab v2.0.0 Beta

Wow talk about fast working man

One thing that would be nice? if its easy to do at least.

When I RETURN to the home tab I would like it to always be AT the core level and core setup (ie normal home tab with the quick links slide also in its normal center position.

right now it "remembers" what the home tab looked like and displays that again when I return to it. I would prefer it to "reset" to "default" when I return to the home tab.

if thats unclear let me know I can up a short video showing what I mean.

ahh heck only takes a few seconds so here is a video.

This is not a bug simply a "desire" if its something easy to do or not much trouble and your willing it would be nice to have a check box to remember or "not" remember where you left unchecking would cause it to not remember and always return to your "default" layout when you close an app or swipe back to the home tab etc.

YouTube - CHT Home Screen Default Request
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  #512 (permalink)  
Old 10-03-2010, 11:53 PM
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Re: {{Manila Mod}}[26-Sep-2010] Co0kie's Home Tab v2.0.0 Beta

Originally Posted by santod View Post
The skinning of the bars is actually done by CHTwall.exe, not a part of CHTE, but anyhow, this is not truly possible, in the manner you speak of, at least not as of now. Getting the taskbars to skin in real-time, as you move the screens, would cause serious performance issues, even if possible.
Basically, CHT still uses your WinMo taskbar, which uses one predetermined image for this area.

Anyhow, great idea, possible with a full screen mode, but not through WinMo. It would have to overlay it. So, for now, not it's not gonna happen.
But that's not to say that a full screen mode isn't possible in a later revision of CHT(CHTwall.exe).
Thanks for the explanation! Yeah, I see what you mean regarding performance impact. I looked at what was moving, and yup, the taskbar & softkey bar are fixed.

I'm not sure how the screen data is stored (data structure-wise), or how it's manipulated by the OS, but maybe the task & softkey bars could be "emulated" ... meaning they could be converted to image data & superimposed over the wallpaper image for each page? Then, the entire wallpaper could be moved back & forth. To enable task & softkey functionality, not sure exactly how to implement this since I have no clue how the OS is designed, but obviously we could just look for presses at locations associated with tasks/softkeys. So, this might require a complete re-write of the taskbar/softkey routines?

What a PIA!! LMAO!! But hell, it would be tight as hell! :P

Thanks again for the explanation.


Last edited by Recursion; 10-03-2010 at 11:56 PM.
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  #513 (permalink)  
Old 10-04-2010, 02:06 AM
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Re: {{Manila Mod}}[26-Sep-2010] Co0kie's Home Tab v2.0.0 Beta

Very cool new update cookie, thanks for the update. I just had one very minor thing that I noticed. I did a search and didn't see anyone else post about this. In the tasks in previous versions, you could have it display only the due date, but now the only option is to show start and due date both. This shows "..." for start dates if they don't have any. Maybe i'm missing the option to set to only due date, but i've looked all over. If anyone has an idea how to fix it, please let me know.
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  #514 (permalink)  
Old 10-04-2010, 02:10 AM
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Re: {{Manila Mod}}[26-Sep-2010] Co0kie's Home Tab v2.0.0 Beta

Originally Posted by sbarnhouse View Post
The ROM version (Energy.RHODCDMA.21916.Sense2.5.DinikGlass.Cookie. 2 .0.Sep.29) you are using comes with Version 2.0 of CHT, not It is a beta version with many changes and is why you are not seeing the same quicklinks. You cannot use teh restore feature from 1.8.5 to restore quicklinks to 2.0. You will have to go back to a previous ROM or rebuild your CHT screens to what you want. It is substantially different, however, so you have to spend some time learning it.
Thanks, I didn't realize it was 2.0 Beta. How would I rebuild CHT Screens? Is there any way to clear out all the settings (or delete a config file) that will clear all of these links? I have no problem starting over with CHT.
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  #515 (permalink)  
Old 10-04-2010, 02:40 PM
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Re: {{Manila Mod}}[26-Sep-2010] Co0kie's Home Tab v2.0.0 Beta

Originally Posted by MHatter569 View Post
Is there any way to clear out all the settings (or delete a config file) that will clear all of these links?
- You leave Sense enabled, run CHTE, and select "Restore Defaults" from the menu.
- If the HomeTab IS still useable, you can run CHT Editor from the menu or find it in your start menu.

Originally Posted by MHatter569 View Post
How would I rebuild CHT Screens? I have no problem starting over with CHT.
- You are going to have to use CHTE to set up the # of Pages and # of Levels that you are used to.
- And then use the CHT "Edit Home Screen" (HomeTab Menu OR Press&Hold in free space on the HomeScreen) to edit everything to the way you are used to.

Good Luck.
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  #516 (permalink)  
Old 10-04-2010, 02:50 PM
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Re: {{Manila Mod}}[26-Sep-2010] Co0kie's Home Tab v2.0.0 Beta

Can someone help me create a "Custom" Softkey that takes me directly to the HTC People tab (not the HTC People list, I can do this but I want to go to the "favorites" tab or whatever you call it) ???

Better yet - where does CHT store the path data for Quick Links? Obviously the path to get to the Favorites tab is stored here when you create a Quick Link> Tab Link > People

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  #517 (permalink)  
Old 10-04-2010, 06:35 PM
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Re: {{Manila Mod}}[26-Sep-2010] Co0kie's Home Tab v2.0.0 Beta

Originally Posted by nayr1482 View Post
Can someone help me create a "Custom" Softkey that takes me directly to the HTC People tab (not the HTC People list, I can do this but I want to go to the "favorites" tab or whatever you call it) ???

Better yet - where does CHT store the path data for Quick Links? Obviously the path to get to the Favorites tab is stored here when you create a Quick Link> Tab Link > People

The CHT Softkeys for the Custom Softkey Bar are in:
(There are only 3 availible to config: KeyCustom1, KeyCustom2, & KeyCustom3)

You can find the Quicklinks here:

[HKLM\Software\HTC\Manila\Home\0] - [HKLM\Software\HTC\Manila\Home\178]
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  #518 (permalink)  
Old 10-04-2010, 07:19 PM
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Re: {{Manila Mod}}[26-Sep-2010] Co0kie's Home Tab v2.0.0 Beta

Originally Posted by sc00b4s7eve View Post
The CHT Softkeys for the Custom Softkey Bar are in:
(There are only 3 availible to config: KeyCustom1, KeyCustom2, & KeyCustom3)

You can find the Quicklinks here:

[HKLM\Software\HTC\Manila\Home\0] - [HKLM\Software\HTC\Manila\Home\178]
Hey - thanks for trying to help.

I still cant get it to work. I tried putting:

Manila://people.page in for the Custom Path

I also tried [[IDS_FAVORITEPEOPLETITLE]] for the Custom Path

but I get an error message for both...

For Quick Links, I meant where do the paths for Co0kie's Quick Links get stored (not the start menu - but the Quick Links on your Home Page).
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  #519 (permalink)  
Old 10-04-2010, 08:26 PM
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Re: {{Manila Mod}}[26-Sep-2010] Co0kie's Home Tab v2.0.0 Beta

tried the link for cht s 2.01 and it wouldnt work, come to find out it was prolly down due to new fix on 2.02
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  #520 (permalink)  
Old 10-04-2010, 08:53 PM
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Re: {{Manila Mod}}[26-Sep-2010] Co0kie's Home Tab v2.0.0 Beta

Originally Posted by nayr1482 View Post
Hey - thanks for trying to help.

I still cant get it to work. I tried putting:

Manila://people.page in for the Custom Path

I also tried [[IDS_FAVORITEPEOPLETITLE]] for the Custom Path

but I get an error message for both...

For Quick Links, I meant where do the paths for Co0kie's Quick Links get stored (not the start menu - but the Quick Links on your Home Page).
OK I got it to work...here is what I did.

HKCU\Software\HTC\Manila\CHT.Softkeys.KeyCustom1.Path = "Windows\manila.exe"

HKCU\Software\HTC\Manila\CHT.Softkeys.KeyCustom1.Args = --switchtopage Manila://people.page
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