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  #301 (permalink)  
Old 06-23-2010, 05:02 PM
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Re: {{Manila Mod}}Co0kie's Home Tab v1.8.5{{19-Jun-2010}}

Ok I've got some issues i used the hq background option and now i have no weather animation on the home screen also when it auto locks it goes to the animated wallpaper for x.rom, and I have to slide back & forth to get the wallpaper to stick but when i unlock it it goes back to the animated wallpaper. Please help.
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  #302 (permalink)  
Old 06-23-2010, 05:15 PM
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Re: {{Manila Mod}}Co0kie's Home Tab v1.8.5{{19-Jun-2010}}

Originally Posted by blackrain View Post
Ok I've got some issues i used the hq background option and now i have no weather animation on the home screen also when it auto locks it goes to the animated wallpaper for x.rom, and I have to slide back & forth to get the wallpaper to stick but when i unlock it it goes back to the animated wallpaper. Please help.
Are you sure you did not change the clock to the one without weather by chance? and Me personally I still have all kinds of issues with Cookies lock screen and just don't use it but thats just me.
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  #303 (permalink)  
Old 06-23-2010, 06:03 PM
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Re: {{Manila Mod}}Co0kie's Home Tab v1.8.5{{19-Jun-2010}}

no been using the dual flip with analog option
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  #304 (permalink)  
Old 06-23-2010, 06:09 PM
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Re: {{Manila Mod}}Co0kie's Home Tab v1.8.5{{19-Jun-2010}}

Originally Posted by deuce01 View Post
I think I know that answer to this but will ask anyway. My company requires me to use Good Mobile Messaging (GMM) on my phone which has a built in unlock code requirement. It doesn't seem to use the WinMo lock function so I'm wondering if it'll work with CHT. Also, has anyone else used GMM with this and did it work well?

Unfortunately, I cant answer for that particular Messaging system.
I know you can not use the built in pin lock with CHT, but some third party apps will work along with it, if you are wanting to double unlock.
But you can also use CHT with the CHT lockscreen off, and just use your forced, err imposed company lock software.

If you try it out, please do report your results and findings, in case it may help someone else with the same setup.

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  #305 (permalink)  
Old 06-23-2010, 06:13 PM
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Re: {{Manila Mod}}Co0kie's Home Tab v1.8.5{{19-Jun-2010}}

Originally Posted by blackrain View Post
Ok I've got some issues i used the hq background option and now i have no weather animation on the home screen also when it auto locks it goes to the animated wallpaper for x.rom, and I have to slide back & forth to get the wallpaper to stick but when i unlock it it goes back to the animated wallpaper. Please help.
Sounds like you have installed, either BG4all,
the HQwallpaper patch, or some other mode9 mod, that has effected your setup.
Not to mention the fact, that CHT 1.8.5 disables all animated wallpapers on install.
Have you installed any mods?
Especially BG4all or the HDwalls HQwallpaper patch?
You do not need those on CHT 1.8.5 and if you have them installed, you will need to uninstall them and reinstall CHT.
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  #306 (permalink)  
Old 06-24-2010, 08:52 AM
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Re: {{Manila Mod}}Co0kie's Home Tab v1.8.5{{19-Jun-2010}}

I dont know if this has been answered but Does CHT support animated wallpaper and lockscreen?

Are there any examples?

Thank you
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  #307 (permalink)  
Old 06-24-2010, 08:55 AM
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Re: {{Manila Mod}}Co0kie's Home Tab v1.8.5{{19-Jun-2010}}

Originally Posted by ModmyPPC View Post
I dont know if this has been answered but Does CHT support animated wallpaper and lockscreen?

Are there any examples?

Thank you
not on 1.8 or on 1.8.5,if i recall correctly it does on previous versions

edit: well damn i shall read next time lol,santod answered the question in the post above

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  #308 (permalink)  
Old 06-24-2010, 09:26 AM
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Wirelessly posted (Opera/9.7 (WindowsMobile; PPC; Opera Mobi/35267; U; en; Presto/2.1.1))

noticing memory leaks to the point where my palringo, or internet browser will close because of the leaks....i know u have to cut off the weather animations to cut down on the leaks but is there anything else to help cut down on the memory leaking? i kinda wanna keep my weather animations going.
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  #309 (permalink)  
Old 06-24-2010, 10:40 AM
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Re: {{Manila Mod}}Co0kie's Home Tab v1.8.5{{19-Jun-2010}}

When you say memory leaking - what % are you running at?
Cause 70+% is normal on the TP2.
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  #310 (permalink)  
Old 06-24-2010, 10:47 AM
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Re: {{Manila Mod}}Co0kie's Home Tab v1.8.5{{19-Jun-2010}}

Yeah, as I stated once already, there are no memory leaks associated directly to CHT.
These devices have low ram to start with, especially on 2.5 roms.
But there are no actual memory "leaks" associated with CHT.
I said before and will say it again, it was tested for that specifically and if any part of it actually was leaking"wasting" ram, that would have been one of the first things fixed in the Alpha Beta stages of the release.
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