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View Poll Results: Why would you NOT use MaxManila?
It Slows Down My Device. Not as Quick. 115 33.14%
Does Not Have Any Options That Appeal to Me. 26 7.49%
It Does Not Work with my Manila 2.1 41 11.82%
Didn't Know About it 82 23.63%
NOT use MaxManila...haha...Had it since i knew about it 83 23.92%
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  #321 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2010, 01:16 AM
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Re: {BiGnAdAd MaxManila} Take Control Your Manila Home Screen - Manila 2.5.1920-1923

Is it real fast?! I bet it's real fast.
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  #322 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2010, 08:03 AM
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Re: {BiGnAdAd MaxManila} Take Control Your Manila Home Screen - Manila 2.5.1920-1923

Originally Posted by Chuck_IV View Post
FYI, based on a post I saw about someone getting 2.9 to work with 2011 Manila by cooking it in, I tried it and it DOES work.

I took the maxmanila 2.9 cab file and converted it to an EXT using a cab to EXT converter found over at XDA http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=525302

Then I dropped into Calkulin's 1.5 b3 kitchen and built a 2011 ROM using a 28223 SYS and it seems to work great. EVERYTHING seems to work

Looks like NRG will have it in his next build.
i heard the same thing, and went to cook yesterday, but could not figure out how to add maxmanila.... i used caulkin's tools to do it and thought i had it, but no dice...... will try the link you have or wait on Energy.... Thanks Chuck

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  #323 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2010, 08:27 AM
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Re: {BiGnAdAd MaxManila} Take Control Your Manila Home Screen - Manila 2.5.1920-1923

Originally Posted by bignadad View Post
i heard the same thing, and went to cook yesterday, but could not figure out how to add maxmanila.... i used caulkin's tools to do it and thought i had it, but no dice...... will try the link you have or wait on Energy.... Thanks Chuck
While it does work, since it was built on the prior version of manila, it essestially replaces version 2011 with 1922. Where I caught it was when I went to use the new delete feature on the email tab and it wasn't there. So in reality you will end up with almost 1922 all over again.

I'm guessing all those manila files needed to be replaced because of the full screen option. What I'd like to do is just have it only replace the home tab's files and leave every thing else alone since I don't use full screen anyway. The problem is I don;t know which manila files pertain to what tab since their naming convention isn't easy to follow.
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  #324 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2010, 08:36 AM
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Re: {BiGnAdAd MaxManila} Take Control Your Manila Home Screen - Manila 2.5.1920-1923

Originally Posted by Chuck_IV View Post
While it does work, since it was built on the prior version of manila, it essestially replaces version 2011 with 1922. Where I caught it was when I went to use the new delete feature on the email tab and it wasn't there. So in reality you will end up with almost 1922 all over again.

I'm guessing all those manila files needed to be replaced because of the full screen option. What I'd like to do is just have it only replace the home tab's files and leave every thing else alone since I don't use full screen anyway. The problem is I don;t know which manila files pertain to what tab since their naming convention isn't easy to follow.
mmm........ i might be able to help with the names....let me see if i can do anything.....

btw...about to try and cook max with caulkins... if i use the tool u posted from xda to get EXT, where does that go? into the OEM folder, or does the kitchen have to bring it in.....just getting feet wet with this kitchen....
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  #325 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2010, 09:03 AM
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Re: {BiGnAdAd MaxManila} Take Control Your Manila Home Screen - Manila 2.5.1920-1923

Originally Posted by bignadad View Post
mmm........ i might be able to help with the names....let me see if i can do anything.....

btw...about to try and cook max with caulkins... if i use the tool u posted from xda to get EXT, where does that go? into the OEM folder, or does the kitchen have to bring it in.....just getting feet wet with this kitchen....
Here's a link to the actual EXT that I used(it already includes patch4)...

I am trying to remember the directory it goes in but I am at work so I can't look it up. I wanna say OEM\Shared\EXT or something like that. In the directory it goes in, you will see separate directories for things like Manila 2011, Manila options like transparent top and bottom curtains and slider. The naming convention I used on the directory of the attached file, matches Calkulin's naming convention, so once you find the directory, it will be obvious it's the right directory. I also added a line in the packages.txt file as well.

Last edited by Chuck_IV; 02-04-2010 at 10:18 AM.
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  #326 (permalink)  
Old 02-04-2010, 10:20 AM
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Re: {BiGnAdAd MaxManila} Take Control Your Manila Home Screen - Manila 2.5.1920-1923

Originally Posted by Chuck_IV View Post
Here's a link to the actual EXT that I used(it already includes patch4)...

I am trying to remember the directory it goes in but I am at work so I can't look it up. I wanna say OEM\Shared\EXT or something like that. In the directory it goes in, you will see separate directories for things like Manila 2011, Manila options like transparent top and bottom curtains and slider. The naming convention I used on the directory of the attached file, matches Calkulin's naming convention, so once you find the directory, it will be obvious it's the right directory. I also added a line in the packages.txt file as well.
cooking now..... went ahead and added my taskbar and a couple other edit's.....very nice......thanks for help
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  #327 (permalink)  
Old 02-05-2010, 01:48 PM
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Re: {BiGnAdAd MaxManila} Take Control Your Manila Home Screen - Manila 2.5.1920-1923

my current screen....
EnergyROM Feb4 23519 Manila 2.52011

i got Max 2.7 special edition to load with no reg edits, but its buggy....
i went into the mode9.home files for Max and the default 2011 and its got quite a bit of differences....too much for me to go through and edit/test.... so hopefully Max will have something available soon. if anyone has had success let me know..

for now i having to NOT use Max, because manila 2.52011 is blazing!

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  #328 (permalink)  
Old 02-05-2010, 03:27 PM
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Re: {BiGnAdAd}{MaxManila} Take Control Your Manila 2.5.1919-1923 Home Screen

Yea, I put Maxmanila aside for now too. I'm running 2011 with 28223 sys built from Calkulin's kitchen. The 2 things I do miss from Maxmanila are being able to have 2 Calendar entries on the home screen(this is a big one), along with the Call History and having 5 quick buttons on the homepage, not just 4 with the simple button mod.

I hope Max has something soon.
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  #329 (permalink)  
Old 02-06-2010, 01:31 AM
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Re: {BiGnAdAd}{MaxManila} Take Control Your Manila 2.5.1919-1923 Home Screen

Sitting here in la la land waiting for a 1922 port for VGA. Would love to try 2.9, but cannot until then. 2.7 is doing just fine for now.
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  #330 (permalink)  
Old 02-06-2010, 09:45 PM
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Re: {BiGnAdAd}{MaxManila} Take Control Your Manila 2.5.1919-1923 Home Screen

i gave up on this with 2.9, cant get backgrounds to change at all. It is always stuck on "B", no matter which ROM and even when it is the only thing installed.

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