Originally Posted by bignadad
mmm........ i might be able to help with the names....let me see if i can do anything.....
btw...about to try and cook max with caulkins... if i use the tool u posted from xda to get EXT, where does that go? into the OEM folder, or does the kitchen have to bring it in.....just getting feet wet with this kitchen....
Here's a link to the actual EXT that I used(it already includes patch4)...
I am trying to remember the directory it goes in but I am at work so I can't look it up. I wanna say OEM\Shared\EXT or something like that. In the directory it goes in, you will see separate directories for things like Manila 2011, Manila options like transparent top and bottom curtains and slider. The naming convention I used on the directory of the attached file, matches Calkulin's naming convention, so once you find the directory, it will be obvious it's the right directory. I also added a line in the packages.txt file as well.