Originally Posted by Chuck_IV
While it does work, since it was built on the prior version of manila, it essestially replaces version 2011 with 1922. Where I caught it was when I went to use the new delete feature on the email tab and it wasn't there. So in reality you will end up with almost 1922 all over again.
I'm guessing all those manila files needed to be replaced because of the full screen option. What I'd like to do is just have it only replace the home tab's files and leave every thing else alone since I don't use full screen anyway. The problem is I don;t know which manila files pertain to what tab since their naming convention isn't easy to follow.
mmm........ i might be able to help with the names....let me see if i can do anything.....
btw...about to try and cook max with caulkins... if i use the tool u posted from xda to get EXT, where does that go? into the OEM folder, or does the kitchen have to bring it in.....just getting feet wet with this kitchen....