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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 03-11-2008, 01:07 PM
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Upgrade Problem - Stumped Tech Support as well...

Sorry for creating a separate thread, however, this issue doesn't seem to be a common one and I've exhausted my searching on ppcgeeks, my google capabilities, Sprint Tech Support, and am waiting on an e-mail from HTC. I did clear this thread with a mod and rest assured I'm not going to bump it like a madman.

Here are the details:
For reference, here was my problem.
Alright... Here are my experiences:
Phone ROM is currently at 2.17.
Radio is 1.47.01
For one day in February, I ran the beta ROM that was leaked. Didn't like it and switched back.
To get back to 2.17, I was having problems and had to use the Titan relocker.
When I used that, everything worked and I was able to reload the 2.17 ROM.
Phone worked perfectly since then.

Come to yesterday.
I try to install the new ROM. It gets to the tri-color screen and just stops. The installation stops.
I can take the battery out and get out of the bootloader without issues. Phone starts up when the power button is pushed.

I've also tried the SD card installation
To flash from SD card:
1. Using a PC, format a microSD card to FAT32.
2. Using winrar or an unzipper, extract the *.nbh file from the ROM upgrade .exe.
3. Copy the *.nbh file to the formatted microSD card
4. Rename the file on the microSD card TITAIMG.nbh.
5. Insert the microSD card into the phone and reset into bootloader.
6. The phone will tell you to press the power button to flash the ROM; do so. (The phone never tells me to push the power button - it just sits at the bootloader screen)

This is the error I get when I run the ROM exe:
I keep getting this ERROR [260] : CONNECTION

The Update Utility cannot connect to your PDA Phone. Please check that your USB cradle/cable is connected properly between the PC and your PDA Phone.

Check the following:

1. The PDA Phone is connected to the USB cradle/cable.
2. The USB cradle/cable is connected to the PC.

In the meantime, my Mogul has a multi-color screen layered with red, green, blue, and white. The red layer has: "TITA100 SPL-1.07.000 CPLD-9", the green and blue layers are blank, and the white layer has "USB" within it.

Any suggestions?
I'm really stumped on this one.

Thanks in advance all-
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 03-11-2008, 01:13 PM
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Re: Upgrade Problem - Stumped Tech Support as well...

let it run when it hits the tri colored screen it took mine lik 5-10 mins to get out of the tri colored screen back to the progress bar screen. i thought my phone was messed to but i remembered the 11% problem with 3.16 and just let it be. so let it sit and it should install correctly. just make sure your phone is locked and not unlocked. if you havent installed a custom rom then just reflash to 2.17 then install the new 3.35 like you did with the 2.17 but just let it run its course. itll disconnect and not show connected in activesync on your computer.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 03-11-2008, 01:19 PM
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Re: Upgrade Problem - Stumped Tech Support as well...

I agree... I think the best course is "relock" it (again for good measure), flash 2.17 again, and then try 3.35 again.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 03-11-2008, 01:21 PM
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Re: Upgrade Problem - Stumped Tech Support as well...

Originally Posted by babair View Post
let it run when it hits the tri colored screen it took mine lik 5-10 mins to get out of the tri colored screen back to the progress bar screen. i thought my phone was messed to but i remembered the 11% problem with 3.16 and just let it be. so let it sit and it should install correctly. just make sure your phone is locked and not unlocked. if you havent installed a custom rom then just reflash to 2.17 then install the new 3.35 like you did with the 2.17 but just let it run its course. itll disconnect and not show connected in activesync on your computer.
I do let it run when it hits the tricolor screen. But the problem is the ROM update utility ends when it gives me that Error 260. So while I am willing to let it sit there till tomorrow, the whole process stops with that error.

I am currently running 2.17. I've tried to reflash with a fresh 2.17 in case there was a problem back in Feb, but I run into the same problem with that ROM. Error 260 and the app closes.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 03-11-2008, 01:21 PM
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Re: Upgrade Problem - Stumped Tech Support as well...

Do you get the progress bar or does it just stop on the gay-pride screen?
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 03-11-2008, 01:25 PM
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Re: Upgrade Problem - Stumped Tech Support as well...

this is what i would do. backup whatever you need to backup on your phone, run relocker, relock it, flash to 2.17, then do a hard reset, then redownload 3.35, and flash to new 3.35 rom. then reload your settings. When you reflash to new 3.35 just set it down and let it go.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 03-11-2008, 01:30 PM
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Re: Upgrade Problem - Stumped Tech Support as well...

Originally Posted by GoodThings2Life View Post
I agree... I think the best course is "relock" it (again for good measure), flash 2.17 again, and then try 3.35 again.
I'm trying this again now.
This will be the third time. Ugh.

Thanks for the suggestions all.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 03-11-2008, 01:33 PM
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Re: Upgrade Problem - Stumped Tech Support as well...

Originally Posted by dkincaid View Post
Do you get the progress bar or does it just stop on the gay-pride screen?
With the relocker, I get the progress bar. With the new ROM or the old 2.17 ROM I don't.

Using the relocker I just reflashed to 2.17. (It's odd that it didn't go back to the default windows startup making me recenter the touchscreen and enter the date stuff... I thought it did this??? Maybe I'm losing it)

Going to do a hard reset now and try reflashing the new ROM.

Performed the hard reset. It's going through the installation process for everything now.

Re-flashing the new ROM..... and it stopped again. Error 260.
So odd.
I found some mention of people recomending that the storage card be removed prior to relocking and reflashing.
I'm going to try that. This is crazy.

Last edited by _RT_; 03-11-2008 at 01:51 PM.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 03-11-2008, 01:51 PM
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Re: Upgrade Problem - Stumped Tech Support as well...

You need to be unlocked to flash via SD. I flashed from SD with the new olipro unlocker (that came out for 3.16). Also, make sure you're using the right NBH file, you want ruu_signed from the updater, not that special one.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 03-11-2008, 02:06 PM
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Re: Upgrade Problem - Stumped Tech Support as well...

Originally Posted by Baffles View Post
You need to be unlocked to flash via SD. I flashed from SD with the new olipro unlocker (that came out for 3.16). Also, make sure you're using the right NBH file, you want ruu_signed from the updater, not that special one.
AH. Well that explains why I wasn't able to load it that way.
I wasn't unlocked.
At least I was using the right file. I was halfway there.
Well... if this doesn't work, I'll give that a whirl.

I'll go read up on the unlockers now and figure out which one I would need.

WOAH. I removed the SD card. Reflashed using the relocker.
And FINALLY have the gray updating screen for the new ROM.
We might FINALLY have something here.

Thanks so much for the patience all.

Last edited by _RT_; 03-11-2008 at 02:41 PM.
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