Originally Posted by babair
let it run when it hits the tri colored screen it took mine lik 5-10 mins to get out of the tri colored screen back to the progress bar screen. i thought my phone was messed to but i remembered the 11% problem with 3.16 and just let it be. so let it sit and it should install correctly. just make sure your phone is locked and not unlocked. if you havent installed a custom rom then just reflash to 2.17 then install the new 3.35 like you did with the 2.17 but just let it run its course. itll disconnect and not show connected in activesync on your computer.
I do let it run when it hits the tricolor screen. But the problem is the ROM update utility ends when it gives me that Error 260. So while I am willing to let it sit there till tomorrow, the whole process stops with that error.
I am currently running 2.17. I've tried to reflash with a fresh 2.17 in case there was a problem back in Feb, but I run into the same problem with that ROM. Error 260 and the app closes.