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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 09-10-2010, 01:38 AM
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Re: new epic, looking for screen protector and tips

Originally Posted by austin420 View Post
anti glare... and besides, glass scratches. i can look at my dads iphone screen and see tons of little swirls. no big deep scratches but tons of little swishes all over it. why not put a screen protector on your several he=undred dollar investment?
are you sure he doesn't just wipe it clean on his shirt in a swirling pattern creating the appearance of swirls :P but yeah I understand better safe than sorry. but I personally couldn't WAIT to get a compasative glass screen phone so I WOULDN't absolutely require a screen protector, and when the sells person tryed to sell me a screen protector and I remembered the fact that its gorilla glass there was no way I could justify it and said to myself if it brakes it brakes little a screen protector can do to stop that. but again your right protect your investment. my uncle got a evo with a nearly microscopic pice of the glass chipped from asuron yesterday and hes sending it back... and it was brand new in box!.. but then again the evo dosen't have gerr-rea-rah glass. idk. i banished all screen protectors same time apple did i guess :P lol.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 09-10-2010, 06:25 AM
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Re: new epic, looking for screen protector and tips

Gorilla Glass or not, I'm going to put a screen protector on my phone, I just need to decide which one. I remember the first time I scratched the screen on my TP2 - man was I PISSED! I kept thinking "way to go dumb ass, if you had spent $6.00 that wouldn't have happened". I'm not going to make the the same mistake again.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 09-10-2010, 06:44 AM
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Re: new epic, looking for screen protector and tips

Originally Posted by ksfoster View Post
Gorilla Glass or not, I'm going to put a screen protector on my phone, I just need to decide which one. I remember the first time I scratched the screen on my TP2 - man was I PISSED! I kept thinking "way to go dumb ass, if you had spent $6.00 that wouldn't have happened". I'm not going to make the the same mistake again.
I totally feel ya on this but the TP2 has a different screen than the Epic.

Just for fun last night (you all will cringe) I was watching the gorilla glass reviews/tests on youtube .. I decided to take a hard metal object to my screen and see how durable it was. I took the end of a metal spoon handle to the screen pretty vigorously. Afterwards, it's in perfect condition. (My wife was pis$ed that I attempted to scratch my screen, but hey, I wanted proof that it was gorilla glass LMFAO).

I'll do it again w/ a video if ya wanna see.. hehe..
Samsung Galaxy S... Mine, is EPIC
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 09-10-2010, 09:51 AM
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Re: new epic, looking for screen protector and tips

Originally Posted by dumpringz View Post
Wirelessly posted (Samsung Epic : Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 2.1-update1; en-us; SPH-D700 Build/ECLAIR) AppleWebKit/530.17 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile Safari/530.17)

zaggs isn't good .. well it protects but on mine it has rainbow lines that are annoying to look at
I got the Zagg Invisisheild the installed it at best buy for me, no rainbow line or anything... at atcually is very good on mine. While its my 1st, i had to get used to the weird texture, after a day or two i dot more used to it, and it seems to have solidified more(or something) I personally love the memory shape/self healing feature on it also... ive noticed a couple time where i mightve dug to deep, using my nail or something (like when trying to place a curse accuratly somewhere) and was pissed cuz i though i messed it up, just to notice a couple hours later the indentation/scratch "healed" itself...i love that!

Originally Posted by ksfoster View Post
I did however buy the Sprint brand hard case with the rubberized coating. I was skeptical at first and had him take it out of the package so I could see what it looks like on the phone. Its surprisingly small and light and really looks nice. I can always take it back within 30 days if I don't like it, but so far I really like it.
I too bought this, maybe a week after having the phone after a freind w/ the tmobile version lectured me on how much ill be kicking my self if/when i drop and crack it or worse.... I didnt want to but after hearing him rant and rave i said f it lemme see what the sprint store has b/c bb had nothing... pich that up... they put it on at the store... and I was very iffy about it... didnt like that fat that it made the phone thick, i like how sleek it was before so the added bulk bother me (before it was much slimmer than my old touch pro, after it has same thickness) also i like the little glittery back and the rubberized thing i wasnt crazy about... took the case off as soon as I got home... i was considering just taking it back and trying to find a pouch or something i could just put it in... talked to my gf and let check it out, and she was like its a good investment keep it for a bit and see how it goes... next day Im at the dentist... getting my teeth check had the phone in my lap b/c i like to listen to loud music so i can drown out the drilling and other dentist sounds... end of my visit complety forgot phone was in my lap... stood up and BANG... phone drops hard to the floor... man was I glad I bought the case the night before...lol Keeping it now... and its actually grown on me... all balck doesnt look bad at all... and the thickness kind of works w/ the size of the phone (although it still feels a little funny in the pocket...but well worth it...

Originally Posted by daddymikey1975 View Post
I totally feel ya on this but the TP2 has a different screen than the Epic.

Just for fun last night (you all will cringe) I was watching the gorilla glass reviews/tests on youtube .. I decided to take a hard metal object to my screen and see how durable it was. I took the end of a metal spoon handle to the screen pretty vigorously. Afterwards, it's in perfect condition. (My wife was pis$ed that I attempted to scratch my screen, but hey, I wanted proof that it was gorilla glass LMFAO).

I'll do it again w/ a video if ya wanna see.. hehe..
Yeah... DO IT... but this time go full force,,, you should use a knife... and not some cheesy lil butter knife... a steak knife... yeah thats it, a steak knife... then you can be really sure! LOL!
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 09-10-2010, 01:09 PM
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Re: new epic, looking for screen protector and tips

I'm torn on this. I LOVE the feel of the Epic screen. My finger seems to glide over the surface. But I would HATE to have a scratch in it. I ordered skinomi skins. Never tried them but the reviews were good and they have a lifetime replacement policy. If I can't stand it, I guess I can remove it and go back to the naked screen. I know it is gorilla glass, but it just is hard to believe that it won't scratch. (daddymikey1975, would love to see the video, if you are brave enough to try scratching your phone again.)
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 09-10-2010, 02:27 PM
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Re: new epic, looking for screen protector and tips

Originally Posted by jasonsf View Post
I'm torn on this. I LOVE the feel of the Epic screen. My finger seems to glide over the surface. But I would HATE to have a scratch in it. I ordered skinomi skins. Never tried them but the reviews were good and they have a lifetime replacement policy. If I can't stand it, I guess I can remove it and go back to the naked screen. I know it is gorilla glass, but it just is hard to believe that it won't scratch. (daddymikey1975, would love to see the video, if you are brave enough to try scratching your phone again.)
There was another video of a Galaxy S being abused:


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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 09-10-2010, 02:32 PM
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Re: new epic, looking for screen protector and tips

your right. i almost fainted.
Originally Posted by wilw
Stupid and angry is no way to go through life, son.

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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 09-10-2010, 09:39 PM
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Re: new epic, looking for screen protector and tips

Originally Posted by jasonsf View Post
I know it is gorilla glass, but it just is hard to believe that it won't scratch. (daddymikey1975, would love to see the video, if you are brave enough to try scratching your phone again.)
Today when I got to work, I asked my boss for his Blackberry Storm 2. Then I grabbed a screwdriver (more destructive than a spoon handle :P ).. I asked him if I could violate the screen on his berry... hehe.. he almost flipped. Then I proceeded to hack away at the screen on my Epic LMFAO.. he almost fell over.. I told him to find a scratch. He was very impressed.

I'll get a video of some more abuse. I'm not 'too' shy about abusing it.. it seems as if it can handle it.

I'll post up a video of the violations LMFAO (still can't believe I was hacking at the screen w/ a screwdriver on a device that's only been available for a week and a half.. I've only had mine for a week :P )

Will update after I get outta "phone abuse rehab" LMFAO

EDIT: FWIW. .my wife told me "if you break that damn thing, you're not getting another one".. and that's the law.. lol.. I'll have to make sure "I don't break it " meh..
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 09-10-2010, 09:47 PM
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Re: new epic, looking for screen protector and tips

The Sprint branded screen protector for Samsung Epic is crap in that it doesn't cover the whole screen, has a speckle effect that degrades the screen quality and wasn't cheap at like $18. Also, the Sprint guy claimed he was an expert at putting them on but ended up getting two particles underneath mine. I'm going to try to get a refund and go with something else.

Last edited by mi7chy; 09-11-2010 at 03:19 PM.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 09-10-2010, 10:20 PM
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Re: new epic, looking for screen protector and tips

I have ghost armour on mine and you can't tell I have anything on my phone unless you look closely. I'm very happy with it, had it on my evo as well. Good product
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