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Old 09-10-2010, 09:39 PM
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Re: new epic, looking for screen protector and tips

Originally Posted by jasonsf View Post
I know it is gorilla glass, but it just is hard to believe that it won't scratch. (daddymikey1975, would love to see the video, if you are brave enough to try scratching your phone again.)
Today when I got to work, I asked my boss for his Blackberry Storm 2. Then I grabbed a screwdriver (more destructive than a spoon handle :P ).. I asked him if I could violate the screen on his berry... hehe.. he almost flipped. Then I proceeded to hack away at the screen on my Epic LMFAO.. he almost fell over.. I told him to find a scratch. He was very impressed.

I'll get a video of some more abuse. I'm not 'too' shy about abusing it.. it seems as if it can handle it.

I'll post up a video of the violations LMFAO (still can't believe I was hacking at the screen w/ a screwdriver on a device that's only been available for a week and a half.. I've only had mine for a week :P )

Will update after I get outta "phone abuse rehab" LMFAO

EDIT: FWIW. .my wife told me "if you break that damn thing, you're not getting another one".. and that's the law.. lol.. I'll have to make sure "I don't break it " meh..
Samsung Galaxy S... Mine, is EPIC
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