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Old 09-10-2010, 01:38 AM
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Re: new epic, looking for screen protector and tips

Originally Posted by austin420 View Post
anti glare... and besides, glass scratches. i can look at my dads iphone screen and see tons of little swirls. no big deep scratches but tons of little swishes all over it. why not put a screen protector on your several he=undred dollar investment?
are you sure he doesn't just wipe it clean on his shirt in a swirling pattern creating the appearance of swirls :P but yeah I understand better safe than sorry. but I personally couldn't WAIT to get a compasative glass screen phone so I WOULDN't absolutely require a screen protector, and when the sells person tryed to sell me a screen protector and I remembered the fact that its gorilla glass there was no way I could justify it and said to myself if it brakes it brakes little a screen protector can do to stop that. but again your right protect your investment. my uncle got a evo with a nearly microscopic pice of the glass chipped from asuron yesterday and hes sending it back... and it was brand new in box!.. but then again the evo dosen't have gerr-rea-rah glass. idk. i banished all screen protectors same time apple did i guess :P lol.
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