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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2009, 05:36 PM
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Lightbulb Omnia Hacks / Tips / Tricks

I figured I would start a thread to put all the reg settings, tweaks + tricks into one place!! I will fill in all the ones I have found in the past, but here are just a couple to start the ball rolling....feel free to contribute!!!

Screen sensitvity has been talked about a lot, and I ran across this just last night, so I haven't tried it out yet (I am waiting until I have time to work)!! As with any reg setting, I suggest doing a backup first, or keeping the old settings someplace for 'fixing' any possible problems no tweak is guaranteed to work, or not cause issues on your device, like anything else, they are at your own risk!!

For anyone that needs to do a hard reset and are at a point where they can't get to the icon for it in the menu:

Switch off your phone, Hold the CALL-END and the CALL-MAKE buttons simultaneously, don't let go of them, power on your device, keep on holding until you see the format screen, then release the buttons and make your choice. however this will not format your "My Storage" drive.



this is what worked for him:

Improve Screen Calibration (sensitivity)
1. Open your Registry Editor(PHM Registry Editor)
3. Click on CalibrationData
4. Value Data change to > 519,503 177,881 182,129 847,127 849,872
5. Click OK to save it.

You may also wish to copy down the old data before you input the new one.
His OLD Value Data was 505,512 172,875 163,147 846,148 829,876 and yours might be different a bit.

I will report back after I try, but there have been others over at Howard's forum + Modeco saying it does work!!

*edit* There have been mixed results being reported, so this may/may not work for you, as I mentioned, please play safe and always have a backup!!


The author of this one has joined the community!! Welcome Adrynalyne and thank you for the file, I am sure your work will be appreciated!!!!

Originally Posted by Adrynalyne View Post
Hey, that original .reg file I made in the today 2 post is broken (sammy2.zip). Use this one instead:
The file that controls Samsung Today 2, secst.dll, is already on our device. So...if you install the Samsung Today 2 cab floating around, you are adding ~700kb of unnecessary wasted space, because you aren't overwriting the ROM file, really.

All is needed is to create a registry entry.

[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Today\Items\ Samsung Today 2]

Thats it. Doesn't even require a reboot. This may also be the answer to those having issues with Samsung Today 2 on their VZW Omnias, too.

I was unable to import a .reg file with PHM registry editor, but if you have an app that can, here is the .reg file. (attached as 'sammy_2')


For all the people that like using the mouse settings, or the d-pad settings but find it would be great to be able to switch on the fly (each can work better in different situations), take the attached file (Chfingermouse) place it in 'My Device > Windows > Start Menu > Programs' and then map it to a button (I use camera)! Works GREAT!!!

More to come!!!!
Attached Files
File Type: zip Chgfingermouse.zip (1.8 KB, 752 views) Click for barcode!
File Type: zip Samsung Today 2.zip (387 Bytes, 936 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by syrguy1969; 03-18-2009 at 04:43 PM.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2009, 05:37 PM
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Re: Omnia Hacks / Tips / Tricks

Increase call volume:

Lower Incoming Call Volume

***and for BlueTooth volume: From OctaneMS over at Howard's forums!!!

Just import OctaneMS_SamsungBT.reg file into your phone's registry. I use CERegistryEditor which is free. Just connect you phone to you PC and and use the import feature in CERegistryEditor.

CERegistryEditor can be found at:http://ceregeditor.mdsoft.pl/


Disable Samsung Dialer. Save 10MB of Memory

- Disabling of Samsung dialer: (I didn't care for this one, but if interested, see if it works for you)

"Enabled"=dword:1, you should change to 0 and reboot your Omnia


Speed up applications in Windows Mobile by enforcing to use .NET 3.5 vs 2.0 (I haven't tried this one either)

1) First make sure you have .NET Compact 3.5 installed

2) Do registry fix


Here is one I am trying out tonight as well:

Change the cursor:
Change the CursorShape to a value from 0 to 24. No soft-reset required!

The filename is also mentioned in the key "FileName", haven't tried changing it, but you might be able to create custom cursors as well.

Notice that the cursor filename is +1 of the CursorShape value

More to come!!!!

smilepak posted a cool site for more tweaks!!! Here is his post:

Originally Posted by smilepak View Post
I composed a list of the tips and hack I've used here


To many thread pages to find thing each time I need reference to it. hehehe

Here is a thread I found @ Howard's forums to change the boot-screen:

Omnia i910 Guide to replace Verizon boot animation
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File Type: zip OctaneMS_SamsungBT.zip (260 Bytes, 476 views) Click for barcode!

Last edited by syrguy1969; 01-06-2009 at 02:07 PM.
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2009, 05:38 PM
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Re: Omnia Hacks / Tips / Tricks

Opera's cache is known to take a lot of memory, so to help solve the issue, moving the cache file to My Memory is the way to go!! Adrynalyne posted good instructions:

Originally Posted by Adrynalyne View Post
Yes. Open Opera, go to the address opera:config.

Under User Prefs, locate Cache Directory4. Change it to \My Storage\"insert your folder name"

Here is a little CAB that apparently allows you to change the colors + text in the system bars...I don't use it, but if you try it, please report back with results for other interested parties.


For SPB Mobile Shell users using a different SMS app:



Open your favorite registry editor and go to "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Shell\RAI\:MSINBOX" and change the value "1" from "tmail.exe" to the path of the program you wanna launch. And do not forget to set the " " ! For example:

"My Storage\Program Files\VITO\SMS-Chat\SMSChat.exe"

Save and your done, the SMS button on the main screen of spb mobile shell should now launch VITO SMS Chat.


Go to your windows folder on your phone and copy the file CallLog.exe to another directory, just for backup purpose. Open the attached file CallLog.run with any texteditor you have. Change the path inside to the program you wanna open with the CallLog button. No " " this time. Save and copy it with the also attached file CallLog.exe to your windows folder on your phone. Overwrite the existing CallLog.exe, ignore the warnings. Should work now.

No Solution for calendar yet and i dont use the mail button .

Tested on Samsung Omnia with german WM 6.1.


How to disable/enable the "Message Sent" notification after SMS sent
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\Settings\SMSNoSentMs g = 1
To enable:
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\Settings\SMSNoSentMs g = 0
(default = 1)

Last edited by syrguy1969; 01-22-2009 at 10:10 AM.
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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2009, 06:00 PM
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Re: Omnia Hacks / Tips / Tricks

This is a great F***ing post!!!! thanks!!!
When ur Sidekick/Iphone can do this...Holla at me
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2009, 11:24 PM
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Re: Omnia Hacks / Tips / Tricks

Hey, that original .reg file I made in the today 2 post is broken (sammy2.zip). Use this one instead:

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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2009, 11:27 PM
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Re: Omnia Hacks / Tips / Tricks

Originally Posted by Adrynalyne View Post
Hey, that original .reg file I made in the today 2 post is broken (sammy2.zip). Use this one instead:

Great!! Thanks for posting...I will change the post and change the description a bit!!!
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 01-02-2009, 11:43 PM
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Re: Omnia Hacks / Tips / Tricks

That .net reghack is awesome, by the way!
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 01-04-2009, 07:27 AM
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Re: Omnia Hacks / Tips / Tricks

The registry hack to enable Today 2 w/o having to install the new cab is pretty neat! Save some space on the phone. Now I can use Today 2 and TF2D and still have space. Lol!
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 01-04-2009, 08:38 PM
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Re: Omnia Hacks / Tips / Tricks

Disable keyboard from automatically popping up and obscuring your view when opening email or SMS/MMS:


Change TuronOffAutoDeploy from a 0 to a 1.

Soft reset.

Or import the attached reg file.
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Old 01-04-2009, 08:44 PM
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Re: Omnia Hacks / Tips / Tricks

Enable Low Battery Warning notification options.


Create a String Value named Default. For the value, name is Low Battery Warning.

You will now be able to modify the settings under Notifcations.

Or import this reg file.
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