Opera's cache is known to take a lot of memory, so to help solve the issue, moving the cache file to My Memory is the way to go!! Adrynalyne posted good instructions:
Originally Posted by Adrynalyne
Yes. Open Opera, go to the address opera:config.
Under User Prefs, locate Cache Directory4. Change it to \My Storage\"insert your folder name"
Here is a little CAB that apparently allows you to change the colors + text in the system bars...I don't use it, but if you try it, please report back with results for other interested parties.
For SPB Mobile Shell users using a different SMS app:
Open your favorite registry editor and go to "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Shell\RAI\:MSINBOX" and change the value "1" from "tmail.exe" to the path of the program you wanna launch. And do not forget to set the " " ! For example:
"My Storage\Program Files\VITO\SMS-Chat\SMSChat.exe"
Save and your done, the SMS button on the main screen of spb mobile shell should now launch VITO SMS Chat.
Go to your windows folder on your phone and copy the file CallLog.exe to another directory, just for backup purpose. Open the attached file CallLog.run with any texteditor you have. Change the path inside to the program you wanna open with the CallLog button. No " " this time. Save and copy it with the also attached file CallLog.exe to your windows folder on your phone. Overwrite the existing CallLog.exe, ignore the warnings. Should work now.
No Solution for calendar yet and i dont use the mail button .
Tested on Samsung Omnia with german WM 6.1.
How to disable/enable the "Message Sent" notification after SMS sent
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\Settings\SMSNoSentMs g = 1
To enable:
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Inbox\Settings\SMSNoSentMs g = 0
(default = 1)