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  #251 (permalink)  
Old 04-04-2009, 12:17 AM
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Re: Omnia problems and solutions thread!!!

lol, Nice, you May be rite, sux though, I really do like the phone, hey, while I have you, I have some signal issues as well, do you know anyway to upgrade the wireless redio, or any registry hacks to make it stronger for cell coverage, not internet. I think this too may be part of my issue, as it seems to happen more often when I am out of service for extended periods of time, or jumping in and out of service.
  #252 (permalink)  
Old 04-04-2009, 12:22 AM
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Re: Omnia problems and solutions thread!!!

Sorry, no aware of any (doesn't mean they don't exist).

This is probably the most common question I get. I don't know of a way to increase reception. The antenna in the Omnia just sucks. It works fine for me, but I am in a good signal area. I spent some time in S. Cali a few weeks ago, and I had the worst signal, while my wife's LG Dare held a solid three bars. Don't get me wrong, I adore my phone, but I recognize its shortcomings.

Maybe a firmware update will address that? Probably not, but we can all hope.
  #253 (permalink)  
Old 04-04-2009, 12:23 AM
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Re: Omnia problems and solutions thread!!!

Got something for you to try, though.

If you are using wifi, disable etiquette pause and see if your sleep lockup problem keeps happening.
  #254 (permalink)  
Old 04-04-2009, 02:55 AM
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Re: Omnia problems and solutions thread!!!

Hey all... just found this site this morning and looks like i'll be visiting often. some great discussions going on here for sure.

i just picked up my omnia a couple weeks ago, and i've been having fun with it so far. installed the trial versions of spb shell, keyboard, spb tv, and a couple other. mobile shell is pretty cool.

I have quite a few questions that i've tried searching the answers to on modaco, howardsforums, and everyone's favorite.... google.

first quick question. what's everyone using to edit the registry? i'm so used to hittin' start, run, regedit <enter>. can't do that on winmo.

so here's my second ordeal. sounds & notifications. i click on the notifications tab and i would like to assign a sound to messaging: new test message. i select one, but the repeat box is grayed out.. what gives? same thing with missed call, voice mail. however, when i select reminders, it's opened up and i can select repeat.

last for now.... is anyone using their omnia hooked to a laptop via usb for internet? i downloaded the internet sharing cab, installed it and everything seems to be working ok, but when i open up firefox, i get the page can't be diplayed message. i know that i'm missing something, and it's probably something simple. (i hope)

anyway, thanx in advance for any help.
  #255 (permalink)  
Old 04-04-2009, 04:33 AM
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Re: Omnia problems and solutions thread!!!

first quick question. what's everyone using to edit the registry? i'm so used to hittin' start, run, regedit <enter>. can't do that on winmo.
I use the registry addin for Resco Explorer. A good alternative is CERegEditor, which allows you to edit from your Windows PC.

so here's my second ordeal. sounds & notifications. i click on the notifications tab and i would like to assign a sound to messaging: new test message. i select one, but the repeat box is grayed out.. what gives? same thing with missed call, voice mail. however, when i select reminders, it's opened up and i can select repeat.
Call it a bug or a feature. Mine is the same way, and there is no apparent way to change it. I'd say thats how Windows Mobile is designed, for better or worse. YOu can get something like phoneAlarm to take care of that for you, though.

last for now.... is anyone using their omnia hooked to a laptop via usb for internet? i downloaded the internet sharing cab, installed it and everything seems to be working ok, but when i open up firefox, i get the page can't be diplayed message. i know that i'm missing something, and it's probably something simple. (i hope)
See here for the easiest solution.

  #256 (permalink)  
Old 04-04-2009, 04:59 AM
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Re: Omnia problems and solutions thread!!!

I have been having a problem since I first got the omnia. Every so often, the internet will not load. If I open Opera, it will display the verizon default site, but when I try to go to any other site, it just shows a white screen. This first happened a few days after I received the phone. I thought the network might be having problems, but it was doing the same thiing a day later. I reset the main phone memory and it worked, but began doing the same thing a week later. That time, I justcleared the cache, cookies, and history, and that worked. I searched the forum and found where adrenalyn posted about changing the cache location. I did that thinking all my problems would be solved, but, alas, it was just not meant to be. Last night the the same thing happened, but clearing the cache, etc., and hard reset did not help. I had to do "clear all" and reprogram the phone.

Does anyone have any ideas? It is a painhaving to reset my phone every so often, and I can,t afford a backup app at the moment. Thanks.
  #257 (permalink)  
Old 04-04-2009, 05:08 AM
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Re: Omnia problems and solutions thread!!!

Move to another browser

Try Iris, its pretty neat.

I have this same issue, and I am pretty sure its due to occasional hiccups in EVDO, or maybe a bug in Opera Mobile. Eventually, those white pages load, and sometimes they don't.

You aren't alone. Anyway, try Iris.
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  #258 (permalink)  
Old 04-04-2009, 05:40 AM
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Re: Omnia problems and solutions thread!!!

Thanks, I will try that. It's not just Opera though, skyfire and IE wouldn't load either. I have to give you props. Most of your previous posts have been really helpful... thanks again!
  #259 (permalink)  
Old 04-04-2009, 06:19 AM
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Re: Omnia problems and solutions thread!!!

Ok, it is installed.. Working great so far. I have to say, I may like this browser better than any other I have tried so far....
  #260 (permalink)  
Old 04-06-2009, 03:13 AM
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Re: Omnia problems and solutions thread!!!

Iris is tha bomb! I discovered it thanks to Adrynalyne too. If I could, I would delete IE and Opera from my phone and reclaim the space, that is how little I use them.
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