Originally Posted by syrguy1969
I can suggest two things:
1- If everything works, and it is a WM error screen, you could disable error reporting!! (Not sure how you feel about that one because I remember you have multiple messages going out!)
2- I did a little looking around and found this:
Do you have the "When available, use this store card to store attachments" checked under the storage tab? DON'T CHECK IT!
and this:
this error comes about when we cannot delete the tmail.exe which is used for the SMS integration.Simply go to \WINDOWS in your file explorer. DELETE the tmail.exe. If it won't let you, that means its in use. The OS and FM both use this and in some cases the OS can run it from startup. This is one area we could improve the uninstall and its one we will.So if its in use, two things you can do. One is to soft reset the device and try to delete it manually first and then uninstall. The other is to rename the file and then soft reset (so that its not in use) and then delete the renamed file.Hope that helps.
1, It resends the last message when the tmail.exe error pops up. So I dont think this is a good option.
2, Its not checked.
3, I cannot find tmail.exe in my windows folder

EDIT:: Found tmail.exe (after un hiding things lol) And I am unable to rename or delete it after a soft reset.
Originally Posted by Adrynalyne
Sorry, I must have missed this.
What is the tmail error you are receiving?
When I send a text message and close the window after its sent (popped up in the threaded text) I am getting "a problem has occurred with tmail.exe" "would you like to report?" After it does this, it resends the last text, pretty damn annoying for the person I'm texting

If I wait for a while before closing it doesnt happen... but its freaking annoying