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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 06-08-2010, 01:48 AM
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Anybody waiting to see what WP7 has to offer

I just got the Moment a few days ago because my touch pro was giving me problems. I have to say that I really like android the apps are great, and the os runs really smooth, and it's fairly easy to navigate. But as much as I want the Evo, i'm not ready to commit to android. I mean my contract is up on 10/1/2010 and i'm sure that by that time we should have some more info on what wp7 devices are coming out. So is anybody waiting like me? or have you guys jumped on android premanently.
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 06-08-2010, 07:55 AM
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Re: Anybody waiting to see what WP7 has to offer

Originally Posted by Try619 View Post
I just got the Moment a few days ago because my touch pro was giving me problems. I have to say that I really like android the apps are great, and the os runs really smooth, and it's fairly easy to navigate. But as much as I want the Evo, i'm not ready to commit to android. I mean my contract is up on 10/1/2010 and i'm sure that by that time we should have some more info on what wp7 devices are coming out. So is anybody waiting like me? or have you guys jumped on android permanently.
It could be quite possible that Windoze 7 comes out swinging, but we are still talking about Microsoft. A part of me thinks 7 won't be any different than 6.1/6.5. I'm perfectly satisfied with Android and don't ever see myself going back. Put the power in the hands of the users and give them freedom of choice. The biggest appeal for windoze for me when I got my first smartphone was the customization part. But Android is becoming more and more customize-able so there goes that whole thing.
Moto Q > HTC Touch Pro > Samsung Moment > Samsung Epic
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 06-08-2010, 10:20 AM
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Re: Anybody waiting to see what WP7 has to offer

+1 On the Customization....

I Have had a PPC 6700, Mogul, Touch, Touch Pro, and now my Moment.........

IMO........The Moment wins.....with Huge leaps and bounds....

I flashed ROMs.......I cooked ROMs....and could never get my windows phones to work quite the way that I believe they should.....But, the Moment..........Well, root it and your done.

I doubt windows mobile can ever convince me to return.

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  #4 (permalink)  
Old 06-09-2010, 08:40 PM
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Re: Anybody waiting to see what WP7 has to offer

was a big windows guy myself. used the ppc6700, then the vougue, then the mogul, then the touch pro, then the touch pro2. now have the moment and hands down android beats windows for me. i don't see myself EVER going back to windows mobile. windows7 is going to do the same thing windows6.5 does.
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 06-09-2010, 08:55 PM
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Re: Anybody waiting to see what WP7 has to offer

wp7 fan club is here.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 06-13-2010, 03:50 PM
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Re: Anybody waiting to see what WP7 has to offer

All windows phone suck, I use to be a fan until I had a "real" phone....they have...constant freezing, lockups, etc...I have owned, ppc 6700, Mogul, Touch, Treo 700wx, Diamond, Touch Pro and a TP2 and they all suck compared to anything Android or Iphone or the new Palm's. Terrible and I wouldn't expect anything great from them as the videos I have seen on them make it look okay at best.....Really, who needs an icon for Xbox Live? I want to know my achievements? See my Avatar? WTF, who cares...it'll blow and the fanboy's that are waiting are just lying to themselves.
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Old 06-13-2010, 03:55 PM
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Re: Anybody waiting to see what WP7 has to offer

Originally Posted by nvmyc View Post
All windows phone suck, I use to be a fan until I had a "real" phone....they have...constant freezing, lockups, etc...I have owned, ppc 6700, Mogul, Touch, Treo 700wx, Diamond, Touch Pro and a TP2 and they all suck compared to anything Android or Iphone or the new Palm's. Terrible and I wouldn't expect anything great from them as the videos I have seen on them make it look okay at best.....Really, who needs an icon for Xbox Live? I want to know my achievements? See my Avatar? WTF, who cares...it'll blow and the fanboy's that are waiting are just lying to themselves.

I am waiting....its a win win in my book...if I dont like it...the new droid phones will have 2ghz....cannot lose imo......btw I stongly disagree with Palm and Iphone beating out my TP2...

But for now....repping P7

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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 06-14-2010, 08:14 PM
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Re: Anybody waiting to see what WP7 has to offer

Im not waiting for anyone.. The new windows phones seem more like iPhones with less features then Windows Mobile 7.. Unless the os is pretty thoroughly revamped in the next few months I dont see it happening..

No copy paste
No multitasking
No customization
No HTC homescreens
No non market apps

You have to be kidding me Id take a Touch Pro 2 over that.. M$ had better hope the guys here and at XDA can fix these issues or they dont stand a chance
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 06-16-2010, 12:21 AM
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lol @ all windows phones suck. i only used tp & tp2 nothing previous but i agree !
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 06-17-2010, 01:45 PM
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Re: Anybody waiting to see what WP7 has to offer

Dude I jumped into Android with both feet and blindfolded not knowing a DAMN thing about Android other than what I had read.

I can say it's one of the best decisions I've ever made! I have an Evo, but Android is Android and it's so awesome, especially compared to WinMo. I upgraded from an HTC Touch which I had for 2 years and that thing was just problem after problem after problem. Crashes, freezes, reboots, etc. etc. What a PITA! I don't think I'll ever go back to a Winblows phone. Android is just fast and sexy out of the box and easy to customize, and on the Evo it flies.

I'm officially an Android convert.
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