Originally Posted by nvmyc
All windows phone suck, I use to be a fan until I had a "real" phone....they have...constant freezing, lockups, etc...I have owned, ppc 6700, Mogul, Touch, Treo 700wx, Diamond, Touch Pro and a TP2 and they all suck compared to anything Android or Iphone or the new Palm's. Terrible and I wouldn't expect anything great from them as the videos I have seen on them make it look okay at best.....Really, who needs an icon for Xbox Live? I want to know my achievements? See my Avatar? WTF, who cares...it'll blow and the fanboy's that are waiting are just lying to themselves.
I am waiting....its a win win in my book...if I dont like it...the new droid phones will have 2ghz....cannot lose imo
......btw I stongly disagree with Palm and Iphone beating out my TP2...
But for now....repping P7