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  #361 (permalink)  
Old 03-17-2009, 09:34 PM
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Re: Custom Task Bar

Originally Posted by teorouge View Post
Pardon guys, I've been trying to create a cab with BOTH QuickCab1.0 and WinCE CAB Manager but couldn't create a working one. Cabs created with quickcab looks like they install but in the end the phone reports "Impossible installing the cab". Ones made with WinCE CAB Manager (tsowen, I tried opening one of yours and copy your settings too! but no luck!) just don't reach the end of install and the go back asking where to install to... I mean, do I need anything else beyond the dll's, setting the path (%windows%) and save the generated cab? I mean, it's a simple overwriting copy, no registry tweaks, straightforward!

Sorry I skipped over this, In WinCE CAB Manager open up one of my cabs. On the left you will see the File Directory Tree, right click on the Files Icon and the click add, (here is the part your having trouble with I think) Navigate to the file you want to Add and click on it. This will bring up a window with three tabs up top, General, Flags and Location. From here click on location, click on Windows then click okay. This way you are telling the file you want it to go into the Windows directory when the cab is installing. You need not mess with the registry tweaks as I have added all the tweaks you need.
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  #362 (permalink)  
Old 03-17-2009, 10:10 PM
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Re: Custom Taskbar

I promise I will have this out tommorow just fixing the battery and that is the only thing left. Our man gadgetfreak has added to this taskbar making it the most complete one out there yet IMO. I really hope everyone enjoys the hard work that has been put into this bar. As stated it will be both GSM and CDMA and has the following files added in:
BT Discoverable.bmp
BT On Mode.bmp
BT Stereo Headset.bmp
GPS-icon Mask.bmp
HTCVolumeControl.dll   -- New Version to match MightMikes ROM
Stereo Headset.bmp

Also thanks EenieMINI for the donation it is very appreciated!

Last edited by tsowen; 03-19-2009 at 06:06 PM.
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  #363 (permalink)  
Old 03-17-2009, 10:30 PM
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Re: Taskbar icons change by itself.

Originally Posted by azahidi View Post
Gatget and tsowen,
Thanks anyway for your assistance and attempt solution. I guess I have to look elsewhere to sove the problem. Keep the good work up. Cheers
Sorry we weren't able to find a solution for you. With both of us using CDMA phones, we're just not familiar with GSM to nail something down that is that far out beyond anything we've experienced. Good luck!

WM 6.5 Taskbars | GadgetROM for Touch Diamond

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  #364 (permalink)  
Old 03-17-2009, 10:42 PM
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Re: Custom Taskbar

Thanks Tsowen, i used one of your sync icons and with a little photoshop it rotates and all now Can't wait to see the new project
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  #365 (permalink)  
Old 03-17-2009, 11:19 PM
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Re: Custom Taskbar

Just to expand on what our guru Tsowen has posted above, I plan to have the HTC Large Title Bar dll ready as soon as I can.
  • Please be aware that the MMSRes480x640.dll will not do anything unless you have Arcsoft MMS installed first. (Tsowen, I think I'll make that one a seperate cab, that way people that aren't using that program won't have to worry about an unneeded file in \Windows).
  • The same thing goes for the Notification Manager dll. It's a part of the Rhodium Notification Manager enhancment that is being ported from the WVGA ROM dump from the TP2. Conflipper has promised a cab that has all the functions working on a VGA screen tonight or tomorrow. Once he posts that, I'll tear it down and see if I need to redo the icons I've already created, as well as take care of a couple of more changes to the entire service to match this theme. (One critical note: I won't have time initially to change it from it's default 'Diamond Green' menu highlights to any other color other than a blue grey theme that matched HTCToucher's gloss theme over at XDA. Sorry.) This will also be a seperate cab. If you chose to install this, you'll need to disable the LTB in Touchflow. I'll provide instruction in that post.
  • I am about 2/3 of the way through getting this converted to QVGA. If there is anyone who want's to volunteer for a quick private beta that I should have ready about the same time Tsowen releases this, please send me a PM.
One final note, I'd like to thank Tsowen and HTCLeener for allowing me to contribute to their project. This is there work and I am just adding what they've created in to the appropriate dlls. Thanks guys!

Last edited by gadgetfreak; 03-18-2009 at 12:45 AM.
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  #366 (permalink)  
Old 03-18-2009, 12:26 AM
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Re: Custom Taskbar

Originally Posted by ou2mame View Post
anyone up to making arcsoft icons that somehow match the blue square icons? i can make the icon graphics actually, but i have no idea how to install them.
Like these?
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  #367 (permalink)  
Old 03-18-2009, 05:00 AM
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Re: Custom Taskbar

Really thanks tsowen, both for your walkthrough and your "template" cab (the 1.6 ). But I couldn't succeed. It starts installing, and before finishing it just starts from the beginning again and again. I took your cab, deleted the 5 dll's i meant to install, told 'em to install in windows but no luck... IF you can, I append here the cab to be checked. Thanks again!
Attached Files
File Type: cab taskbar_0.91.cab (1.22 MB, 34 views) Click for barcode!
HTC Diamond (ex H3G) running WM 6.5 diamond_lover's Mako 1.36 - Radio v.
  #368 (permalink)  
Old 03-18-2009, 10:27 AM
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Re: Custom Taskbar

Originally Posted by DaPeeps View Post
Hey...i've searched and i cant find the registry edit for cdma_rssi_ppc.dll to change it from 5 signal bars to 7. Can someone point me in the right direction?

Here you go!

Registry Hack to Change from Sprint 7 Bars to Telus 5 Bars (only 6 & 4 bars show up)
<characteristic type="HKCU\ControlPanel\PhoneExtendFunction\CDMA" translation="filesystem">
<parm name="SignalStrengthLevel" datatype="integer" value="5"/>

5 = Telus Thick bars
7= Sprint Skinny Bars updated 11/25/08
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  #369 (permalink)  
Old 03-18-2009, 11:21 AM
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Re: Custom Taskbar

mY Blourtooth icon sundendly disappear..
any idea??
pleace help!
  #370 (permalink)  
Old 03-18-2009, 11:31 AM
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Re: Custom Taskbar

Originally Posted by Vlip3 View Post
I installed SDKCerts.CAB, the neuPowerDriver and then tsowntaskbar2.cab but I did not get the same speaker icon shown in the thumbnails. My speaker icon has a green check when speaker is on, red x when off. This is a minor point and am very happy with the icons.
My real question is regarding the start icon. I followed the link provided that shows how to customize the start menu but the thread talks about shellres.96.dll.0409.mui but I have only a shelres.192.dll.0409.mui. Also, when I rename the .mui file and add .bak, the system immediately creates a new .muii file and when I try to copy the new file over, it tells me I can't. I am using Resco File Explorer 2008. I ran the Icone Demarrer.cab before trying to do this. Can someone help me with this?
I am having trouble getting the start icon to change on Mightys Rom... For your speaker icons not showing as they should, make sure you did install those cabs in order. Looks to me like you have the icons from the neuPowerDriver... Just try re-installing everything, but before you install tsowens taskbar, soft-reset. Then install tsowens taskbar, soft-rest and you should be good to go.
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