Re: what will i miss on iPhone
Also the ablity to for tethering, wmwifirouter and the speeds of evdo reva vs 3g dont compare. |
Re: what will i miss on iPhone
never really looked into much for iphone stuff myself.. but these are questions i would ask myself:
tether, mms, hulu, mutliple backup options(similar to our PIMB, Dashwire, ms MYPhone, etc), are iPhones skinable/customizable like winmo is- themes,dialers,plug ins, ROMs, Mutiple UIs avaible, Radios, mutiple GPS systems- what kind of Nav systems are available for iPhone, things like TVOut and car stero capabilities... thats really just a small list of things that if an iphone cant or doesnt have all that stuff available and More, i wouldnt do it... doesnt matter to me how fast something can go, what kind of processing power, who made it, keyboard/nokeyboard.. But if i can make it do tons of crazy stuff most people cant, legal or illegal, however,whenever, and to whomever, thats what i want!!!! and winmo allows that to happen-well it helps staying connected with everyone on here and xda too, but i dont think you can do all the crazy stuff without winmo.. can you?
Sprints new slogan should be " Whether its a Early Upgrade or charges for nothing, We'll be there"
Re: what will i miss on iPhone
You might miss being part of the coolest forum EVER! Once you go iPhone, you are kicked out for life man!
It's an HTC EVOlution!
http://www.heydjbobby.com/ Audiovox 6700> Samsung i760> HTC Touch Pro> HTC Touch Pro2> HTC HeRooted> HTC EVOlutionized! |
This post has been thanked 1 times. |
Re: what will i miss on iPhone
Well you will be getting a MUCH better screen! Im tired of how microsoft refuses to add a capacitive to their phones when it IS possible (http://wmpoweruser.com/?p=3100). Especially with the way wm6.5 is designed, a capacitive screen would work perfectly. Only difficult thing would be pressing the X button to close a program but that can easily be fixed by remapping the end key of the phone to end the program. You also will be missing a phone that youll need to return every couple of months. I bought my phone in january and Im already on my 4th touch pro (first two keyboard would stop working randomly and third one's camera would freeze and require a soft reset all the time) and my friend is on his 3rd. Microsoft is still playing catch up and once Blackberry fixes the storm, Palm redoes the Pre's keyboard, and Htc agrees to turn the touch pro 2 to android and give it a capacitive screen, Microsoft better watch out
Not much of a ppcgeeker but I have a tf3d themes thread on xda http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=541113
Re: what will i miss on iPhone
This definitely is the coolest forum ever... How about the tons of different customizations you can do with windows mobile. Is iphone that versatile? and what about roms? knowing apple you probably have to do some outlandish stuff to unlock it (if it's even possible), it has so many sensors you might have to go to certain altitude and sing to it for it to unlock... lol Oh, the ability to remove your battery? My boss told me his daughter's battery on her iphone died and you have to make an appointment with the apple store and go to them and they can open it and replace battery? maybe this has changed with the latest revision.. nobody will ever get me to part with my touch pro. |
Re: what will i miss on iPhone
Re: what will i miss on iPhone
+1 lol
I hate apple with a passion. Everything about the way they do business. But the iphone is a good product. As others have said it has a beautiful screen which WinMo phones are lacking. Biggest things you'll miss are are the keyboard and I guess multitasking. |