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  #71 (permalink)  
Old 06-12-2009, 08:16 AM
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Re: New Touch Pro 2 not worth upgrade, must read!

HTC is going to pull the same thing again. They will get you excited for this then in 3 months come out with tegra/snapdragon device with OLED screen and other better upgrades wasting your money here!
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  #72 (permalink)  
Old 06-12-2009, 11:45 AM
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Re: New Touch Pro 2 not worth upgrade, must read!

I think the screen size alone is worth the upgrade. Just do it when you have the 150$ rebate don't go out and but one straight up. Then it's not worth it.
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  #73 (permalink)  
Old 06-12-2009, 12:05 PM
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Re: New Touch Pro 2 not worth upgrade, must read!

Originally Posted by myxheroxfell View Post
I think the screen size alone is worth the upgrade. Just do it when you have the 150$ rebate don't go out and but one straight up. Then it's not worth it.
Good point, but all of us TP owners have had the TP for less than a year. The TP 2 will probably be out 3rd or 4th quarter which then would only give us a $75 rebate. The TP 2 will probably come out at $500 or $600. For those who have a TP already, even a TP 2 at $450 or $350 doesn't make too much sense outside of bragging rights, the need to have the latests gadget, or the money just buring a hole in your pocket. Some will be able to negoitiate a new TP 2 through different means and/or buy at a huge discount but not many. The upgrade seems more suitable for Mogul, Touch and 6700 users. I feel like I am waiting or the next HTC WIndows based PPC phone after the TP2 with Windows Mobile 7, 5 megapixel camera, faster processor, and other uprades.

I have tried to talk myself into finding a good reason to buy the TP2 and haven't come up with a good reason yet.
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  #74 (permalink)  
Old 06-12-2009, 12:20 PM
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Re: New Touch Pro 2 not worth upgrade, must read!

The link pretty much summed up my analysis. I really like larger screens, but the TP is pretty much optimal in overall size, so I decided to go with it and not wait.

WM7 (or whatever they call it) and LTE or WiMax will be necessary for me to upgrade.
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  #75 (permalink)  
Old 06-12-2009, 12:29 PM
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Re: New Touch Pro 2 not worth upgrade, must read!

Originally Posted by worldwide View Post
It won't kill my pockets im premier anyway. TP2 for me when it drops
what's the deal with premier? i also have that status on my account but never use any of that stuff. What am i missing out on??
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  #76 (permalink)  
Old 06-12-2009, 12:36 PM
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Re: New Touch Pro 2 not worth upgrade, must read!

I was told by a sprint rep that since i have had about three replacements of my touch pro that he can bump up my $150 dollar upgrade. So when the touch pro 2 comes out i will just have him do that. Also i have 2 lines and i haven't used my upgrade for that line yet so if all else fails i will just get the touch pro 2 on that line. No biggy
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  #77 (permalink)  
Old 06-12-2009, 12:36 PM
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Re: New Touch Pro 2 not worth upgrade, must read!

Originally Posted by GhettoBSD View Post
what's the deal with premier? i also have that status on my account but never use any of that stuff. What am i missing out on??
I have that status to.... Here is a breakdown of what your entitled to...
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  #78 (permalink)  
Old 06-12-2009, 12:37 PM
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Re: New Touch Pro 2 not worth upgrade, must read!

Originally Posted by charm1718 View Post
Hopefully Sprint will let me swap for a TP2 4 months after it comes out. I have returned 3 Touch Pro because the keyboard stopped working and 2 others because of the Rainbow square on the screen. I'm tired of going to the Sprint store waiting for them to ship a new phone for me. I have bad luck with the Pro 1. That alone is a good reason for me to get the TP2
if you can go to a different store... they are probably giving you phones other people took in... wouldn't be the first time that sort of thing happens. it's so sad that we get treated like this but how can so many people have so many issues with the phone???

More people have satisfactory phones than messed up phones, so how can 1 person get 3-5 bad phones back to back???

Demand a credit on your account each month (so you'll get the phone for free and then some) and demand a new in box phone each time. You'll get it eventually. Also you want to call and complain, and don't forget to mention canceling your account!
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  #79 (permalink)  
Old 06-12-2009, 12:50 PM
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Re: New Touch Pro 2 not worth upgrade, must read!

Originally Posted by zepsamsung View Post
yeah that blog sucks but i still left a comment :P
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  #80 (permalink)  
Old 06-12-2009, 01:40 PM
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Re: New Touch Pro 2 not worth upgrade, must read!

There is definitely NOT a performance hit with the TP2. I use one regularly. The stock rom is really fast compared to the TP which I was using with the latest Mighty Rom.

I'm surprised that the screen size makes such a difference, but it does. For any of you that use (or who were thinking about using) remote desktop, you will be very happy.

Despite this increase in screen size, I notice the TP2 less in my pocket than I did the TP. Spreading out the surface area and making it a little less thick makes a big difference.

I didn't think I'd really care for the tilt screen, but it actually makes it a bit more comfortable for me to hold because I can hold my hands at a more natural angle. That and you can pop it on your desk, tilt the screen, and watch videos. The downside there is that the great speaker is then blocked by the desk...

The keyboard is MUCH easier for those of us with fat thumbs.

No outside reset button sucks. Have to take off the cover.

No OK button sucks and I am having a harder time getting used to that than I thought I would.

On the whole it is, indeed, about the same in internal specs as the TP. You wouldn't know it to use it though. Larger surface area makes it seem more responsive to touch. Extra pixels make a huge difference in useability for Remote Desktop. Extra screen size makes a huge difference for watching videos and for Remote Desktop. Overall I am impressed, though I have to admit that if I weren't forced to buy a new phone (needed a GSM), I probably would have just waited for a full internal upgrade.

I like the idea of the Pre, but I don't think there's much comparison. Between the TP2 and the Pre, I would take the TP2 any day.
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