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  #1 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2009, 05:32 AM
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Pre or Iphone

alright so i have a pre now (just upgraded from touch pro) and my iphone 3g. My personal opinion is that the touch pro and iphone are both better then the pre. I ve been playing with it non stop and nothing really impresses me. The touch pro is the best out of the the three but the pre is defetly not worth getting. the keyboard is ****. the app store is nothing compared to the iphone's and the small screen is just a boner killer. just given my review for people to read and maybe help you decide to just wait for either the iphone 3gs or touch pro 2!! (excitedabout the tp2). What is every one elses feed back?
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  #2 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2009, 06:24 AM
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Re: Pre or Iphone

going from at tp to the pre isnt a upgreade imo, as for the iphony, more crap .
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  #3 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2009, 08:30 AM
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Re: Pre or Iphone

Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1 View Post
going from at tp to the pre isnt a upgreade imo
Well, like... it depends, right? I went from an TP to a Pre (still have the TP as a backup).

Is it an upgrade in visual appeal? Oh yes.
Is it an upgrade in basic physical operation? Yes
Is it an upgrade is ease of UI use and multi-tasking? Very yes.
Is it an upgrade in functionality? No (at least not yet, hopefully it will be)
Is it an upgrade in overall enjoyment? For me yes, obviously this is pretty subjective.

I am a lot happier with the Pre than with the TP, and I loved my TP with all various MightyROM releases over the 7-8 months that I had it.

I will admit though, that I work in a technology industry, so right now the concept of "new shiny" and the new WebOS and such is very appealing. If Palm isn't able to keep the fixes, updates, apps, etc moving steadily I might start to miss the "tinkerability" of WinMo (but I definitely won't miss a lot of the crappiness of it, lol).
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Old 06-10-2009, 08:52 AM
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Re: Pre or Iphone

Originally Posted by DrSuSE View Post
Is it an upgrade in functionality? No (at least not yet, hopefully it will be)
Thanks for the comments.

What do you mean by functionality? What do you find is lacking?
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  #5 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2009, 09:04 AM
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Re: Pre or Iphone

Originally Posted by Drybonz View Post
Thanks for the comments.

What do you mean by functionality? What do you find is lacking?
A lot of basic little things that I am sure are on the way. For example, you can only change the ring tone, not the tone for any other notifications.

Lots of little basic things.

Aside from that, the list of apps is just limited right now. They're coming along though. I think it was like, 12 on release day, then another 8 on Monday, a few yesterday, etc etc. So a lot of things people are really into doing around here (VNC, tethering, Office mobile, etc)... not quite ready yet.
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  #6 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2009, 10:13 AM
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Re: Pre or Iphone

Originally Posted by DrSuSE View Post
Well, like... it depends, right? I went from an TP to a Pre (still have the TP as a backup).

Is it an upgrade in visual appeal? Oh yes.
Is it an upgrade in basic physical operation? Yes
Is it an upgrade is ease of UI use and multi-tasking? Very yes.
Is it an upgrade in functionality? No (at least not yet, hopefully it will be)
Is it an upgrade in overall enjoyment? For me yes, obviously this is pretty subjective.

I am a lot happier with the Pre than with the TP, and I loved my TP with all various MightyROM releases over the 7-8 months that I had it.

I will admit though, that I work in a technology industry, so right now the concept of "new shiny" and the new WebOS and such is very appealing. If Palm isn't able to keep the fixes, updates, apps, etc moving steadily I might start to miss the "tinkerability" of WinMo (but I definitely won't miss a lot of the crappiness of it, lol).
since your not the op, my reply wasnt for you, i dont care what you like as i was answering the ops question. start a thread and ill answer you.
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  #7 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2009, 10:21 AM
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Re: Pre or Iphone

Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1 View Post
since your not the op, my reply wasnt for you, i dont care what you like as i was answering the ops question. start a thread and ill answer you.
If you noticed in between your childish attitude flare-ups, the OP asked for everyone's feedback and this is a discussion forum. Not a answer the OP and nothing else forum.

Get over yourself.

Edit: Additionally, I am not sure what question of mine you are going to answer since I didn't have one. Unless you're just unfamiliar with rhetorical questions.

Last edited by DrSuSE; 06-10-2009 at 10:23 AM.
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  #8 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2009, 09:25 AM
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Re: Pre or Iphone

It seems like the iPhone or the TP is the phone for you OP...enjoy.

There's a lot to think about when going into the Pre.

First, one has to understand this is a First Generation OS that has been out for less than a WEEK. Its at the "floor" of things.

This compares to the Touch Pro which is essentially one of the last few devices on an old OS that is set to be phased out probably in about a year with a new modern one. That means its got almost a decade worth of tweaking and upgrading under its belt along with that long of time of programs.

Similarly, the iPhone is a few years into its life span, above its "floor" and just about hitting the end of its growth area.

No, the Pre is not going to be hands down, feature for feature, app for app, equal to either of them.

However, I would dare say that its floor of entry is higher than the floor the iPhone came in at, and leaps and bounds above Windows Mobile's entry point.

The question for the Pre is going to be the next 6 months to a year. The amount of tweeks and updates that Palm can do for the WebOS. The amount of apps that come out after the SDK. Its going to probably take a year to really truly judge the Pre up against the other juggernauts of this industry on a full feature for feature level.

So, the question posed in the topic is Pre or iPhone. This would be my suggestion to you.

First the basic divergence. If a keyboard or multitasking extremely important to you above anything else. If so, you can stop, Pre is yours. If a large screen and a focus on multimedia is extremely important to you above anything else than the iPhone will likely matter.

After that, it becomes a bit muddled. Each have its advantages....the iPhone G3S will have voice and video, while the Pre has a far faster camera and removal battery. Its also been stated they plan on bringing Video to it and hacking of the OS shows hooks for Voice command. And that's really ultimately what it comes to....

For each, you're essentially going to be signing a 2 year contract.

If you want EVERYTHING immedietely and this moment, the iPhone is going to give it to you. However, certain things just aren't likely to be showing up soon in it such as multitasking or a keyboard. And you'll have to understand if there's things in the Pre you like but you're not going to it due to software limitations then sometime during those 2 years you may be looking longingly over to sprint soon enough.


If the Pre does everything you NEED now and does things you really like, and you're willing to wait a few months as updates come down the pike and applications get made, then go for that. It may not do EVERYTHING now, but a year down the road when its getting a ton of applications and they start updating the OS to fix its little deficiencies you likely won't be looking over to the iPhone and going "damn I wish I went there instead".

Do you want it now, or do you go for potential.
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  #9 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2009, 10:00 AM
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Re: Pre or Iphone

Originally Posted by Zyphlin View Post
Do you want it now
Good comments/review. Thank you.

I actually want it now... I just can't find one.
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  #10 (permalink)  
Old 06-10-2009, 10:16 AM
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Re: Pre or Iphone

the nextel i1000s are better than the iphone
Im coz boogie-ing!

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