Re: New Touch Pro 2 not worth upgrade, must read!
There is definitely NOT a performance hit with the TP2. I use one regularly. The stock rom is really fast compared to the TP which I was using with the latest Mighty Rom.
I'm surprised that the screen size makes such a difference, but it does. For any of you that use (or who were thinking about using) remote desktop, you will be very happy.
Despite this increase in screen size, I notice the TP2 less in my pocket than I did the TP. Spreading out the surface area and making it a little less thick makes a big difference.
I didn't think I'd really care for the tilt screen, but it actually makes it a bit more comfortable for me to hold because I can hold my hands at a more natural angle. That and you can pop it on your desk, tilt the screen, and watch videos. The downside there is that the great speaker is then blocked by the desk...
The keyboard is MUCH easier for those of us with fat thumbs.
No outside reset button sucks. Have to take off the cover.
No OK button sucks and I am having a harder time getting used to that than I thought I would.
On the whole it is, indeed, about the same in internal specs as the TP. You wouldn't know it to use it though. Larger surface area makes it seem more responsive to touch. Extra pixels make a huge difference in useability for Remote Desktop. Extra screen size makes a huge difference for watching videos and for Remote Desktop. Overall I am impressed, though I have to admit that if I weren't forced to buy a new phone (needed a GSM), I probably would have just waited for a full internal upgrade.
I like the idea of the Pre, but I don't think there's much comparison. Between the TP2 and the Pre, I would take the TP2 any day.