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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 03-20-2009, 07:24 PM
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Re: Should I get it?

1. I live in a completely rural area and get more coverage with Sprint than I do Verizon at some spots, and Sprint roams on Verizon network.

3. I've agreed this is a fault on the current Diamond's setup, but it's not a giant difference. Like I said, you should have a dedicated device if you're completely into it...

4. It's nice? Have you ever owned an HTC handset? Do you know the feeling of getting new builds for you phone every few days, knowing that each is faster than the last, and that your phone is always going to continue to get better?

6. How abusive do you plan on being to your phone? I treat my Diamond like my baby, and anyone who's sensible will do the same.

7. Out of the box. Again, we can flash custom ROMs to do anything, to fix any issue, to add anything. No one who is a power user keeps it "out of the box". I'm sure uurrrnn will flash a custom ROM within the first few days.
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 03-20-2009, 07:36 PM
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Re: Should I get it?

Originally Posted by intx View Post
1. I live in a completely rural area and get more coverage with Sprint than I do Verizon at some spots, and Sprint roams on Verizon network.

3. I've agreed this is a fault on the current Diamond's setup, but it's not a giant difference. Like I said, you should have a dedicated device if you're completely into it...

4. It's nice? Have you ever owned an HTC handset? Do you know the feeling of getting new builds for you phone every few days, knowing that each is faster than the last, and that your phone is always going to continue to get better?

6. How abusive do you plan on being to your phone? I treat my Diamond like my baby, and anyone who's sensible will do the same.

7. Out of the box. Again, we can flash custom ROMs to do anything, to fix any issue, to add anything. No one who is a power user keeps it "out of the box". I'm sure uurrrnn will flash a custom ROM within the first few days.
3. I don't have to though and that is the point.

4. Owned several of them. Did I flash my phone? Yes. Will I flash the Omnia? Probably. Though I must say that I can do just about everything on this device without the need to flash to another ROM. It works well out of the box.

6. It's a phone. If I drop it I want to know that it is still going to work. In my line of work I need this. I've already broken some of my other devices because they can't stand a fall.

7. Nah, I know several people that are "power users" that don't feel the need to flash.
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Last edited by blazingwolf; 03-20-2009 at 07:38 PM.
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 03-20-2009, 08:48 PM
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Re: Should I get it?

I think it's going to come down to tomorrow when I go up to the vzw store and get to use it in person.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 03-20-2009, 09:14 PM
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Re: Should I get it?

Switching from local to roaming constantly kills battery life.

Something else to consider, as well.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 03-21-2009, 03:51 AM
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Re: Should I get it?

Thanks adrynalyne. I'm really leaning towards the Omnia now, I've seen a couple video reviews, comparisons with the diamond and other phones etc. Plus I'd like to help build a user base around it. Hopefully everything is good at the store when I check it out.

Thanks for everyones help here!
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 03-22-2009, 01:43 AM
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Re: Should I get it?

I know that I do not want a hardware keyboard because I have always had them and want something different.
Take it from someone who has also used one for several years -- you will regret that decision. I returned my omnia mainly for this reason. If you are an avid texter be forewarned.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 03-22-2009, 09:11 AM
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Re: Should I get it?

Well I know someone that has the HTC diamond with touchpal installed, and they can type faster than I can on a normal keyboard.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 03-22-2009, 02:11 PM
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Re: Should I get it?

"Alright, I saw this post earlier this morning when I didn't have time, but this is really a joke, I'm going to have to put a stop to that right about here."

I didn't realize that this was Intx Johnny Jerkwad Blogoshere to put a stop to anything?
I don't see a single FACT that you disputed, you simply disagreed with my opinion.

Customizable does not mean that the guy wants to do custom ROMS, it just means he wants to make it his own.

If you think that you are the only person who can have an opinion and any other opinion must be stopped, then a community forum may end up being very disappointing to you. I completely expect people to have varying opinions from mine but I don't see any reason for you to attempt to put a stop to the madness of anyone not sharing your opinion.

Again, just my opinion and you can continue to be disrespectul of others opinions or you can choose to share ideas in a constructive forum so everyone can benefit from what they choose to utilize.
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 03-22-2009, 04:13 PM
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Re: Should I get it?

I would like to say this about Omina. The screen is not as good for movies. Diamonds is much harder to see.I have found with my omnia It works best with just today 2...Spb freezes it to much..Tried other but didnt work well. Omnia is best Verizon has at this time. I do wish the screen looked better. Sprint doesent have good enough coverage in my area.Not really much you can do to Omnia at this time....but it is sill a great phone in its own way.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 03-22-2009, 08:58 PM
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Re: Should I get it?

Well I know someone that has the HTC diamond with touchpal installed, and they can type faster than I can on a normal keyboard.
If someone is out-typing you on a a touchscreen and your using a physical keyboard, your really going to have problems with a touchscreen one. Just my 0.02.
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