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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2009, 03:01 AM
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Re: Is this phone worth buying for $299? (I have a mogul)

Some people have kept the battery, but maybe for safe going go ahead and return it. Your choice=your bill...........if you get what Im saying? It could go one way or the other.

Good luck.

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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2009, 03:07 AM
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Re: Is this phone worth buying for $299? (I have a mogul)

no dice on the sprint replacement program, they said my replacement phone would be

Replacement Phone Model: REC UTStarcom PPC-6800 Handset Single

I am half tempted to buy a HTC Touch(vogue) from this guy for 50$, activate it, then buy the insurance; switch back to my mogul saying I missed my keyboard.

and then how long do I have to wait till I am able to make a claim? do I need to wait 30 days after buying TEP, or could I do it then on the spot?
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2009, 12:31 PM
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Re: Is this phone worth buying for $299? (I have a mogul)

i bought a used mogul off a guy for $30, it had a bad digitizer, called sprint added the tep then took it to the sprint store and they ordered me a refurb mogul.. ran with it for a week, and called sprint tech support with a few common mogul issoues and they agreed to an advanced exchange for the touch pro... but they said it was on backorder and it would be a few weeks... I got bored one day and called the sprint store and explained what the tech had told me, and they said to come in and they gave me a tp on the spot
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2009, 12:38 PM
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Re: Is this phone worth buying for $299? (I have a mogul)

I loved my Mogul, I rarely had any of the problems that most people whine about on a daily basis. I think that for the type of phone it is and limitations HTC placed on it, it functioned as well or better than it should. I tweaked the hell out of my Mogul thanks to this forum and I wasn't going to trade it in for anything.

Well, 3 days ago my buddy finally killed his 755p and wanted to upgrade. He has a tradition of purchasing my old phones because they're already upgraded and since I take care of my equipment, he doesn't have to worry about any issues with them. He made me an offer on my Mogul and I checked out the TouchPro for the first time since its inception...

This phone is what the Mogul should have been from the initial release...not only are the cool points way off the charts, the memory and endless personal touches HTC put into this phone make it one of, if not the, best phone on the market (for me anyway) right now.

I think that as soon as you crack open the box and see the minute details (the charger with the built in HTC logo for instance) and the quality and care they put into this piece of equipment, you'll know you've made the right choice.

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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2009, 01:12 PM
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Re: Is this phone worth buying for $299? (I have a mogul)

Originally Posted by airibis View Post
I am in dire need of a new phone,

My mogul has become pretty much unusable, a call would come in, I would hit the send/answer button, and by the time the lag finally resolves, the call has went to voicemail. (This happens even after a hardreset)

I do have a Treo 700wx that I am tempted to switch back to. (although the problems with the treo caused me to pick up a mogul in the first place)

I have 2 options,

Option 1 (Would be nice but I doubt it could happen)

I do not have TEP for my Mogul, and I fall about 4 months outside of the 30 day point.

(so kudos to all of you lucky guys who were able to trade your moguls out for TP)

I was wondering if I reactivate my Treo, buy insurance on that, and then switch over to my mogul the next day... would that work? (or any other ways around it?)

Option 2 (most likely the option I will be stuck going with)

My 2 year contract will end this Sunday on the 1st; if it comes down to it; Is it worth paying the full $299 for this phone? Or should I try option 1, or wait for something new?

you can do option 1 have done it myself in the past.


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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 01-28-2009, 01:46 PM
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Re: Is this phone worth buying for $299? (I have a mogul)

Originally Posted by ClevelandWheeler View Post
you can do option 1 have done it myself in the past.
Alright guys, thanks for all the advice

I just have 1 last question for you

After i get TEP; how long do I have to wait until I am able to make a claim?

the sooner I can pass on the mogul, the better
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