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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 06-06-2012, 04:57 PM
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Re: LTE vs S3: S3 wins in every category

Originally Posted by Riley View Post
one word, Pentile. lol. Also not to get off topic but what are you talking about regarding the rezound software? Sense?

Well stock ANY phone on verizon is pretty terrible, can we agree on that? All that garbage bloatware and carrier crap.

Now I am not as much into CDMA as when I actually had Sprint but I've seen the rezound and honestly I've grown to dislike Sense quite a bit. It's such a resource hog, some apps don't work on it, and those widgets are so clunky. Everything is over the top. Sense 4 is quite an improvement and I actually like it, I actually use the Sense 4 clock on any ROM I flash. I'm a themed AOSP kinda person though. I basically throw Nova themed with icons I like and a transparent genie widget and transparent power widget etc... so it looks really nice and clean and FAST, I mean I throw AOKP when I can, hands down the best ROM imo on any phone.

But I digress. I think it's stupid to compare exynos to krait. I'll be getting an SGS3, but haven't decided if I'll get the american 2GB ram version or intl exynos version. My opinion is that the Sprint SGS3 will run "better" than the Evo LTE because touchwiz is a lot lighter than Sense and ironically they gave more RAM to the phone that needs it less (I don't know why the sense framework uses so much damn RAM). It's the same SoC, basically the same specs. 2GB ram is so stupid on a phone, I never suffer low ram issues on 1gb and I have like 10 apps open, lol.

That article was pretty arbitrary. It's a matter of preference. These days HTC is looking more and more like Apple with no removable battery and no SD card slot (although I think the Sprint version might have an SD slot?) and locked bootloader (so stupid) that you either lose your warranty to unlock thru the htc dev crap or you can't even do that on the ATT variant. The devs had to hack that shit.

So yeah , SGS3 vs Evo LTE. Same shit under the hood.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 06-06-2012, 05:28 PM
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Re: LTE vs S3: S3 wins in every category

Originally Posted by orangekid View Post
Well stock ANY phone on verizon is pretty terrible, can we agree on that? All that garbage bloatware and carrier crap.

Now I am not as much into CDMA as when I actually had Sprint but I've seen the rezound and honestly I've grown to dislike Sense quite a bit. It's such a resource hog, some apps don't work on it, and those widgets are so clunky. Everything is over the top. Sense 4 is quite an improvement and I actually like it, I actually use the Sense 4 clock on any ROM I flash. I'm a themed AOSP kinda person though. I basically throw Nova themed with icons I like and a transparent genie widget and transparent power widget etc... so it looks really nice and clean and FAST, I mean I throw AOKP when I can, hands down the best ROM imo on any phone.

But I digress. I think it's stupid to compare exynos to krait. I'll be getting an SGS3, but haven't decided if I'll get the american 2GB ram version or intl exynos version. My opinion is that the Sprint SGS3 will run "better" than the Evo LTE because touchwiz is a lot lighter than Sense and ironically they gave more RAM to the phone that needs it less (I don't know why the sense framework uses so much damn RAM). It's the same SoC, basically the same specs. 2GB ram is so stupid on a phone, I never suffer low ram issues on 1gb and I have like 10 apps open, lol.

That article was pretty arbitrary. It's a matter of preference. These days HTC is looking more and more like Apple with no removable battery and no SD card slot (although I think the Sprint version might have an SD slot?) and locked bootloader (so stupid) that you either lose your warranty to unlock thru the htc dev crap or you can't even do that on the ATT variant. The devs had to hack that shit.

So yeah , SGS3 vs Evo LTE. Same shit under the hood.
agreed on Verizon and HTC not having removable batteries. ugh, that's just makes no sense to me. Sense 3.6 is a resource hog for sure but the custom roms do a great job removing some of the bloat and speeding it up quite a bit. Plus I love Apex and use that alot these days. Sense 4 is an improvement for sure and I've tried some of the betas out there for the Rezound. The SGS3 should be great as well. I just like the hd lcd screens more so I really like the Evo LTE screen.
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 06-06-2012, 05:42 PM
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Re: LTE vs S3: S3 wins in every category

Well I've been on the Galaxy Note and I can tell you that that is hands down the best screen I have ever seen, we're talking 720p SALMOED and that is freaking awesome. Now if they mess up the Sprint SGS3 screen then ya go with the LTEvo, but I'm kinda over HTC and their locked down ways. It's so easy to just fire up Odin and flash whatever the hell you want than going thru all these hoops with HTC shit and you have to worry about which HBOOT version you're on and so much drama just to root and flash. Samsung has the right idea, takes 1 second to unlock the bootloader and 5 seconds to flash a rooted system.img and you're donzo, you don't have to spend hours of ADB time and spin 4 times and sacrifice 4 pigs.
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Old 06-06-2012, 11:07 PM
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Re: LTE vs S3: S3 wins in every category

What is this thing about amoled screen? I read that it is natural deep black and it save on your battery. Only Samsung have this right?

I dont have any of these phone but I did hold n touch a dead display LTE.
HTC Evo LTE > (Dell x51v → Motorola Q (Verizon) → Mogul → 800w → Treo Pro → Touch Pro 2 → EVO 3D (SERO) ) > iPhone 5
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 06-07-2012, 12:28 AM
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Re: LTE vs S3: S3 wins in every category

Originally Posted by chong67 View Post
What is this thing about amoled screen? I read that it is natural deep black and it save on your battery. Only Samsung have this right?

I dont have any of these phone but I did hold n touch a dead display LTE.
Super amoled screen does have some excellent blacks but when it comes to the overall quality of the screen its not even close, the slcd 2 on the evo owns the super amoled hd sceeen on the gs3.

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Old 06-07-2012, 09:46 AM
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Re: LTE vs S3: S3 wins in every category

Originally Posted by themuffinman View Post
Super amoled screen does have some excellent blacks but when it comes to the overall quality of the screen its not even close, the slcd 2 on the evo owns the super amoled hd sceeen on the gs3.
Wow you've seen them both up close?

I have actually compared a One X and a Note side by side and the Note had a better display IMO, I guess it's personal preference but the Note has deeper blacks, better color all around and better saturation. On a 720P screen it just looks amazing.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 06-07-2012, 11:17 AM
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Re: LTE vs S3: S3 wins in every category

Originally Posted by orangekid View Post
Wow you've seen them both up close?

I have actually compared a One X and a Note side by side and the Note had a better display IMO, I guess it's personal preference but the Note has deeper blacks, better color all around and better saturation. On a 720P screen it just looks amazing.
Well the galaxy note has a 800 X 1280 super amoled screen(5.3") which comes out to about 285ppi. The galaxy nexus has 720 X 1280 super amoled screen(4.65") which comes out to about 316ppi. I own a galaxy nexus and I also compared it to a galaxy note just this past weekend and IMO the nexus screen looks a little sharper than the note. Now don't get me wrong, the average person probably wouldn't even notice or even care for that matter but to me the nexus has the better screen. I also have the evo lte and side by side with the nexus you can really see the difference in the two. You can easily see the pentile layout, especially when it came to smaller fonts which annoys the hell out of me. I do like how the colors pop on the nexus but the slight over saturation makes most things look slightly unrealistic and "cartoony". The slcd 2 on the evo can't compete when it comes to black levels but in my opinion it destroys samoled every where else. The gs3 will basically have the same screen as the gnex with some slight improvements but the pentile layout is definitely a turn off for me. If the gs3 has a super amoled hd+ screen(aka, no pentile) I would sell my gnex right now and get that when it comes out.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 06-07-2012, 01:23 PM
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Re: LTE vs S3: S3 wins in every category

Originally Posted by themuffinman View Post
Well the galaxy note has a 800 X 1280 super amoled screen(5.3") which comes out to about 285ppi. The galaxy nexus has 720 X 1280 super amoled screen(4.65") which comes out to about 316ppi. I own a galaxy nexus and I also compared it to a galaxy note just this past weekend and IMO the nexus screen looks a little sharper than the note. Now don't get me wrong, the average person probably wouldn't even notice or even care for that matter but to me the nexus has the better screen. I also have the evo lte and side by side with the nexus you can really see the difference in the two. You can easily see the pentile layout, especially when it came to smaller fonts which annoys the hell out of me. I do like how the colors pop on the nexus but the slight over saturation makes most things look slightly unrealistic and "cartoony". The slcd 2 on the evo can't compete when it comes to black levels but in my opinion it destroys samoled every where else. The gs3 will basically have the same screen as the gnex with some slight improvements but the pentile layout is definitely a turn off for me. If the gs3 has a super amoled hd+ screen(aka, no pentile) I would sell my gnex right now and get that when it comes out.
That's actually a good point, I guess it's all in what you want. Pentile doesn't bother me and I actually owned a gnexus and Note simultaneously, the PPI doesn't really seem to make a difference. ~720P on a 5.3" screen I can't see ANY pixelation. For me the ultimate chooser for Sprint users is the previously mentioned fact that HTC phones are such a pita to mod now and samsung phones are like 2 clicks with Odin and you're flashing away.
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  #19 (permalink)  
Old 06-07-2012, 07:02 PM
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A phone that has yet to be actually released in this country, can't compare to what I have. Real world tests are all that matters to me, not some nerd on an obscure website

Sent From My Righteous EVO 4G LTE
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Old 06-07-2012, 11:37 PM
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I have had several Sammy devices and they all stunk as far as my experiences go.
Compared to all the HTC devices in have had.
HTC all the way.
Even if the next Sammy has better hardware specs it will still blow as far as I can imagine.
Just from my experience.

Judge for yourselves but my mind is made up.

Sent from my PG86100 using Tapatalk 2
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