Oh man.
I cant believe S3 wins in every category! Samsung Galaxy S3 vs. HTC One X (EVO 4G LTE): In-depth comparison | Digital Trends I only like LTE for the kickstand and I cant live without it. I dont know what to do.
HTC Evo LTE > (Dell x51v → Motorola Q (Verizon) → Mogul → 800w → Treo Pro → Touch Pro 2 → EVO 3D (SERO) ) > iPhone 5
First, it didn't win every category. Second, so what if one website that I've never been to before says they like one over the other. It's really up to you what you like, not everyone is going to like the same phone.
Sent from my Bananalicious Evo 3D
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Re: LTE vs S3: S3 wins in every category
i heard the opposite considering the LTE can support more bandwidths of 4G than the S3 and in other respects is almost identical. I think it's a matter of preference in some respects.
Re: LTE vs S3: S3 wins in every category
I dont like the button that is at the bottom of the S3. 4G LTE does not have this and I like it better.
S3 back is all shiny and slippery. S3 screen is far superior to the LTE. S3 battery you can take out. I am still debating. |
Re: LTE vs S3: S3 wins in every category
Say what? The screen on the s3 is far superior? It may 1/10th of an inch larger but definitely not superior. If the s3 had the super amoled hd+ screen then maybe but being that it still has the same pentile layout as galaxy nexus then no the screen is not better.
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Re: LTE vs S3: S3 wins in every category
Re: LTE vs S3: S3 wins in every category
The S3 samoled HD kills the rezound screen. And the rezound software is so abysmal does it really matter how the screen is? |
Re: LTE vs S3: S3 wins in every category
one word, Pentile. lol. Also not to get off topic but what are you talking about regarding the rezound software? Sense?
Last edited by Riley; 06-06-2012 at 04:01 PM. |
Re: LTE vs S3: S3 wins in every category
Wait a minute, did they compare the INTERNATIONAL SGS3 against the Sprint HOX variant? You know what SoC the Sprint S3 has? The exact same one as the Evo LTE. If they compare a quad core exynos against a snapdragon S4 krait, guess what, we already knew the exynos was way better. Who cares? None of the US SGS3 are getting Exynos. It's all Snapdragon S4. The HOX and SGS3 USA variants are basically identical other than removable battery and removable storage, and the SGS3 is getting 2GB RAM (a gimmick to make up for downgrading the processor if you ask me). I actually like SLCD2 over SAMOLED HD.
I'm going international SGS3 all the way. That and the Meizu MX (quad core) both have that awesome exynos processor that flies like a boss. |
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