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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 09-20-2011, 04:36 AM
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Re: Thinking about moving on...

Hmm..if you want more detailed opinions, I think you should provide what exactly you use the phone for on a daily bases. Then we can assist by telling you what it is and isn't capable of and how well it does it. Each of our uses varies.

For example, I spend a lot of time tethering and on my Epic 4g I tethered 24/7 for over 30 days at one point without being disconnected or shutting it off once. On my TP2 I get disconnected around once or twice a day so even that alone makes me much more happier.

Personally though, I am not a fan of sense ui..I didn't mind the interface of it on my TP2 but on both Android and Winmo its very bloated. So even if you get an HTC device, I would suggest getting rid of sense and try a custom UI or stock UI.

Speaking of UIs, if you want another UI that you might be very familiar with on winmo..there is SPB Mobile shell for Android.

SPB Shell 3D Brings Next Generation UI to Android Users » Press Releases » SPB Software

And to to your question, Epic 4g is latest kb phone atm..(there are leaks of newer ones but we haven't seen them land just yet and no telling if sprint will get them) The Epic Touch 4G is a touchscreen only phone but is 4.5" in size so it gives you extra real estate.

As for your brother, I am guessing he has a Moment? if so that phone is a low end phone..you can't compare low end phones with high end ones...

Also, how much of a hurry are you to swap? I mean by when do you feel you need to make the decision and get a new phone by?
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 09-20-2011, 06:38 AM
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Re: Thinking about moving on...

what? considering an iPhony over wp7? seriously?
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 09-20-2011, 12:43 PM
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Re: Thinking about moving on...

Originally Posted by dtrush View Post
I think it is fine that people move to other platforms if that's what works for them. You really have to define what it is that you're using the phone for.

Yes, if you like to have all of the eye candy, customizable, stare at the home screen and marvel how pretty it looks, go Android or iOS.

WP7 is designed for the communication & information power user which I happen to be. I don't spend much time on the home screen so it doesn't need to be pretty. It gives me the info I need via live tiles and allows me to use it as a quick launchpad into the next communication task if the built in integration doesn't already support the numerous ways to communicate.

Sure, there's games and other things I could do with my phone but choose not to. Why? Because I'm too busy using the phone for it's primary intended purposes coupled with the sweet PIM functionalities!
Thats what I dont like about the wp7 though.
I spent SSOOOO much time learning how to custimize 6.5 to exactly how I like it, I made all sorts of skins for keyboards and taskbars and such and it was alot of work for sure, but def worth it

I love 6.5
But its pretty dead.. and the tp2 is just.. well dying. Mine is lagging up alot latly and its frustrating.

The iOS has always kinda bothered me.. My friend that I mensioned ealier has customized pretty much everything, but all he was really able to do was simple things.

He would never, to my understanding, be able to have a keyboard like the one I made on his iphone.

And from what he has been telling me, the newer versions of the ios only get harder and harder to custimize and jailbreak... so idk

Android has only been getting better.. thats for sure.
But I cant seem to find anyone with the time to help me figure out how to custimize skins like i did for winmo.
everyone has a god complex it seems and dont want to be bothered by noobs..
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 09-20-2011, 12:52 PM
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Re: Thinking about moving on...

Originally Posted by eric12341 View Post
what? considering an iPhony over wp7? seriously?
no offence to windows phone 7, but I have just been thouroly unimpressed by them
I just dont like its simplicity..
If I could find a compleatly rewriten home ui for it that made it more... senselike I sapouse, and find a way to make new taskbars and keyboards and everything pretty much.. It might be more worth while in my opinion

as far as the iphony, its in the back of my mind as a possibility.
As ive said, I know someone who knows them in and out and I would be a a great running start with one from the information I can get from him.

I personally never really liked the iPhones. But then again I never owned one, I just always saw my buddy with it. (As well as practicly the rest of the world)

But with it comming to sprint its worth me at least looking into it a bit to see wether or not I might like it after using it a bit.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 09-20-2011, 01:38 PM
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Re: Thinking about moving on...

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
Hmm..if you want more detailed opinions, I think you should provide what exactly you use the phone for on a daily bases. Then we can assist by telling you what it is and isn't capable of and how well it does it. Each of our uses varies.

For example, I spend a lot of time tethering and on my Epic 4g I tethered 24/7 for over 30 days at one point without being disconnected or shutting it off once. On my TP2 I get disconnected around once or twice a day so even that alone makes me much more happier.

Personally though, I am not a fan of sense ui..I didn't mind the interface of it on my TP2 but on both Android and Winmo its very bloated. So even if you get an HTC device, I would suggest getting rid of sense and try a custom UI or stock UI.

Speaking of UIs, if you want another UI that you might be very familiar with on winmo..there is SPB Mobile shell for Android.

SPB Shell 3D Brings Next Generation UI to Android Users » Press Releases » SPB Software

And to to your question, Epic 4g is latest kb phone atm..(there are leaks of newer ones but we haven't seen them land just yet and no telling if sprint will get them) The Epic Touch 4G is a touchscreen only phone but is 4.5" in size so it gives you extra real estate.

As for your brother, I am guessing he has a Moment? if so that phone is a low end phone..you can't compare low end phones with high end ones...

Also, how much of a hurry are you to swap? I mean by when do you feel you need to make the decision and get a new phone by?

Im not so much in a drastic hurry to get a new phone. Im not thrilled about having to pay an extra 20 bucks a month for any phone I might get

as far as the size of the screen goes, im pretty comfertable with the size of the screen I have now. Not saying that getting a larger screen would bother me

As far as what I do..
I tether ALOT.
I text nonstop, go online, make phone calls, email.

Im not so much into playing games on my phone

But mostly aside from texting I listen to a lot of music. I have pandora open all day pretty much

I tried using a few roms with maxsense and I hated it at first but I got used to it and ended up liking it.

But the phone just ended up getting toooooo slooooow to handle it.
So idk.

As for my brothers phone, he has an Intercept.
Wich from the looks of it after I rooted and flashed his phone is very similar to the moment.

It might be low end now but he got it like the day it came out and spent like 350 for it

Ive never spent that much on a phone lol
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 09-20-2011, 03:24 PM
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Re: Thinking about moving on...

Originally Posted by aedon View Post
Im not so much in a drastic hurry to get a new phone. Im not thrilled about having to pay an extra 20 bucks a month for any phone I might get

as far as the size of the screen goes, im pretty comfertable with the size of the screen I have now. Not saying that getting a larger screen would bother me
There is an android phone which has no $10 fee and a keyboard(blackberry style)...its a low end phone but definitely better then an intercept by a HUGE margin.

As far as what I do..
I tether ALOT.
I text nonstop, go online, make phone calls, email.

Im not so much into playing games on my phone

But mostly aside from texting I listen to a lot of music. I have pandora open all day pretty much
hmmm...if this is whats important to you..then maybe get an Epic 4g..it has a keyboard, and it has a Wolfson audio DAC...which is like a dedicated sound card for cellphones.

But you will need to load up a custom rom cause:

1) If your a fast typer to prevent the key skipping

2) To take full advantage of the audio DAC

but as you said you like customization so that shouldn't be a problem...And as Darren mentioned its reaching its end of life already..but it should definitely be a huge upgrade over a TP2..and it seems to fit your "usage"..

I tried using a few roms with maxsense and I hated it at first but I got used to it and ended up liking it.

But the phone just ended up getting toooooo slooooow to handle it.
So idk.
Thats prob #1 thing that killed winmo..if only they would have had better hardware and proper drivers it would still be alive today.

As for my brothers phone, he has an Intercept.
Wich from the looks of it after I rooted and flashed his phone is very similar to the moment.

It might be low end now but he got it like the day it came out and spent like 350 for it

Ive never spent that much on a phone lol
lol..yes intercept is a moment with a different screen..same for transform...yes its junk..its below low end even...the processor inside is equivalent to a TP2 processor overclocked to 800mhz..and its based on same old ARM11 that the TP2 processor is based on...even the low end 600mhz Cortex A8 phones run circles around that ARM11 800mhz processor.

oh and Intercept got 2.2 update FYI...not that it does you any good because ARM11 processors don't have Hardware Acceleration support...
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 09-21-2011, 12:28 AM
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Re: Thinking about moving on...

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
There is an android phone which has no $10 fee and a keyboard(blackberry style)...its a low end phone but definitely better then an intercept by a HUGE margin.

hmmm...if this is whats important to you..then maybe get an Epic 4g..it has a keyboard, and it has a Wolfson audio DAC...which is like a dedicated sound card for cellphones.

But you will need to load up a custom rom cause:

1) If your a fast typer to prevent the key skipping

2) To take full advantage of the audio DAC

but as you said you like customization so that shouldn't be a problem...And as Darren mentioned its reaching its end of life already..but it should definitely be a huge upgrade over a TP2..and it seems to fit your "usage"..

Thats prob #1 thing that killed winmo..if only they would have had better hardware and proper drivers it would still be alive today.

lol..yes intercept is a moment with a different screen..same for transform...yes its junk..its below low end even...the processor inside is equivalent to a TP2 processor overclocked to 800mhz..and its based on same old ARM11 that the TP2 processor is based on...even the low end 600mhz Cortex A8 phones run circles around that ARM11 800mhz processor.

oh and Intercept got 2.2 update FYI...not that it does you any good because ARM11 processors don't have Hardware Acceleration support...
Ya I know, But my brother has a Virgin mobile so they didnt get the update till a the begining of the summer just a few months ago.
I ended up rooting and flashing a custom rom on his phone and its ALOT better.. but i still think its pretty trashy of a device.

As far as the typing goes, I type WAY to fast for my tp2 to keep up with. I'll be like 10 words ahead of it at any givin time...

And its not just a 10 dollar fee, its 2 10 dollar fees.
Im on SERO 500.
I need to go SERO premium to get any android device.
And then SERO premium plus data for any win 7 or 4g phone

Each of wich is an added 10 bucks hence the 20 dollar raise.

Now with the epic 4g, is that a newer device?
I mean comparitivly to whats around now, Im sure its newer then what im lugging around at the moment

Last edited by aedon; 09-21-2011 at 01:25 AM.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 09-21-2011, 12:34 AM
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Wirelessly posted (WP7 Beta Tester: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 7.0; Windows Phone OS 7.0; Trident/3.1; IEMobile/7.0; HTC; HD7))

I've been reading this from afar, and I am really impressed with this conversation.
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 09-21-2011, 12:58 AM
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Re: Thinking about moving on...

Originally Posted by Dr.8820 View Post
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I've been reading this from afar, and I am really impressed with this conversation.
Feel free to chim in what ever you got. I welcome ANY information on this topic.

When I got the tp2 I pretty much just boned up on this one device itself.

When my brother got his intercept I did just enough reading on it to set his phone up like my winmo cause hes 12 and cried that my phone was cooler lol
So I rooted his phone and flashed Ubuntodroid on it and it bricked.
After AAAALLLLLL the reading I did it never once mensioned that I had to flash Insaines Kernal with the Insaine Recovery inorder to get Ubunto to work,

Once flashed it all ran fine for 5 mins.
Then It started getting force close from HELL. Every error message ever recieved by anyone on android showed up in that short minute i was just franticly hitting close

Then i said this is bs and turned the screen off and then it bricked into a bootloop.

I spent the next week undoing all the changes the ubunto rom messed up, flashed probably 10 more revoceries and kernals and managed to get back to compleat stock virgin mobile 2.1 and then flash 2.2

and then finally BasicRom, wich from everything Ive read states that its a 2.2 structured rom, but from what little I played the phone when "upgrading" it for him, still pretty much seems like a slightly snappier and more colorfull 2.1 rom.
It even tells him at least once a week that official 2.2 update is available but always fails to launch. That leads me to believe that it might still just be a 2.1 kernal

He loves it now. Then again he is 12 and just wanted live wallpaper wich I figured out how to add to stock only after getting the custom rom to work.

Other then that I dont know anything about any other android device because going through all that trouble really put me off them till now.

WinMobile was just soooo much friendlier to me

So let me know what your thoughts are

Last edited by aedon; 09-21-2011 at 01:28 AM.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 09-21-2011, 01:09 AM
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I really don't have any...I think you should try them all, and then decide . What works for some may not work with others, I'm just really impressed that this is a conversation and not a flamewar .
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