Originally Posted by eric12341
what? considering an iPhony over wp7? seriously?
no offence to windows phone 7, but I have just been thouroly unimpressed by them
I just dont like its simplicity..
If I could find a compleatly rewriten home ui for it that made it more... senselike I sapouse, and find a way to make new taskbars and keyboards and everything pretty much.. It might be more worth while in my opinion
as far as the iphony, its in the back of my mind as a possibility.
As ive said, I know someone who knows them in and out and I would be a a great running start with one from the information I can get from him.
I personally never really liked the iPhones. But then again I never owned one, I just always saw my buddy with it. (As well as practicly the rest of the world)
But with it comming to sprint its worth me at least looking into it a bit to see wether or not I might like it after using it a bit.