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  #31 (permalink)  
Old 07-11-2011, 04:13 PM
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Re: Comparing 3D vs Iphone 4

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
You can get 4mb sec - 7mb sec on vzw/att 3g?!?!? also I'm sure if you remove sense, undervolt the cpu you can achieve better battery life then the cdma version...

3rd part insurance is not the same...most people dont get 3rd party insurance..reason why insurance makes a big deal is because it guarantees that you will have an iphone come next generation, thus making you more likely to sell...the more the market is filled with the product you compete to sell thus cheaper..simple capitalism concept...

unless of course iphone users are typically less likely to sell their old phones...

As for contracts I meant you can usually get phones discounted by the contracts on deals..which are usually none existent on iphones..
I would be willing to put that to a test, iPhone 4 CDMA stock vs, undervolted senseless Evo3D I would put money on the iPhone4 having significantly better battery life. Especially if you try to use 3D shit (which is what the phone is being advertised as its specialty)

I'm not really sure what you're talking about on the contract thing. You can get an iPhone4 for $200 on contract and sell it all day long for $400 whenever you want, there will be people lining up. Hell, you can sell the 3GS you got for $200 on contract TWO years ago for $250-$300 easy, more than you can sell an Evo4G for really. It has nothing to do with contracts or insurance, it's all market.
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  #32 (permalink)  
Old 07-11-2011, 05:22 PM
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Re: Comparing 3D vs Iphone 4

Originally Posted by orangekid View Post
I would be willing to put that to a test, iPhone 4 CDMA stock vs, undervolted senseless Evo3D I would put money on the iPhone4 having significantly better battery life. Especially if you try to use 3D shit (which is what the phone is being advertised as its specialty)
Without 3d, sense, and undervolted vs cdma iphone I guarantee you evo 3d will win in battery life...mostly due to the help of the large battery...

I'm not really sure what you're talking about on the contract thing. You can get an iPhone4 for $200 on contract and sell it all day long for $400 whenever you want, there will be people lining up. Hell, you can sell the 3GS you got for $200 on contract TWO years ago for $250-$300 easy, more than you can sell an Evo4G for really. It has nothing to do with contracts or insurance, it's all market.
The market is not magic..there is always a driving factor which justifies things as they are...

Things like insurance, contracts, undercutting play a big role in the price..for example..lets say I took 10 million iphone 4s and sold them 200$ no contract..your telling me the price will not budge? Its a game of supply and demand...

Fact of the matter is..give it a week or 2 and evo 3d will be selling for 175$ somewhere on contract, while another place it will be selling 100$ on contract..Apple on purpose makes sure carriers do not drop the price too much...

For one the retail price of an iphone 4 is like 600$-650$..Apple forces the carriers to cough up money per month to them similar to blackberry to give the device cheaper on contract being 200$...

This is why Apple products retain their value...
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  #33 (permalink)  
Old 07-11-2011, 05:57 PM
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Re: Comparing 3D vs Iphone 4

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
Without 3d, sense, and undervolted vs cdma iphone I guarantee you evo 3d will win in battery life...mostly due to the help of the large battery...

The market is not magic..there is always a driving factor which justifies things as they are...

Things like insurance, contracts, undercutting play a big role in the price..for example..lets say I took 10 million iphone 4s and sold them 200$ no contract..your telling me the price will not budge? Its a game of supply and demand...

Fact of the matter is..give it a week or 2 and evo 3d will be selling for 175$ somewhere on contract, while another place it will be selling 100$ on contract..Apple on purpose makes sure carriers do not drop the price too much...

For one the retail price of an iphone 4 is like 600$-650$..Apple forces the carriers to cough up money per month to them similar to blackberry to give the device cheaper on contract being 200$...

This is why Apple products retain their value...
I am not so sure the Evo3D would win, even with that big ass battery unless you also turn off auto-sync; but if you do all of that 1st you have to root the phone and flash a uv kernel as well as a senseless ROM, and you're not using 4G nor 3D which begs the question of why you even bought the phone since now the only thing it has to offer you is 1080p playback over an Evo4G. If we're talking practical usage then the iPhone4 wins hands down.

The factors are what they are, but the point is that if I bought an iPhone 4 3rd party for $400 10 months ago (I could have gotten a few at that price) I could make the same back now or even make more because I bet you anything I could resell it for $450 to the right person. No other phone on the market can do that, so maybe the Apple model isn't so bad after all to the consumer.

My point isn't to go back and forth on how can you strip down your phone's software to take away every reason people are buying it to compete in battery power with a phone that came out a year ago nor the economic science theory of why said year old phone is still worth as much/more than the comparison. My point is that in practical real use the iPhone 4 does kill the Evo3D in battery life and does kill it in market value, reasons and endless tweaks notwithstanding.

iOS is just so much more efficient than Android and especially Sense in resources and battery usage and always will be.

Having said all that I'd still rather have the Evo3D over the iPhone4, and I'd probably take an SGS2 or a Sensation over an iPhone5 because with the battery life loss comes so many more features that I like including the ability to flash custom ROMs, custom kernels, custom themes, and the market value thing actually works in my favor because I can pick up a Sensation for $350 right now which i STILL cannot find an iPhone4 at that price, lol.
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  #34 (permalink)  
Old 07-12-2011, 12:23 PM
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Originally Posted by orangekid View Post
iOS is just so much more efficient than Android and especially Sense in resources and battery usage and always will be.

Having said all that I'd still rather have the Evo3D over the iPhone4, and I'd probably take an SGS2 or a Sensation over an iPhone5 because with the battery life loss comes so many more features that I like including the ability to flash custom ROMs, custom kernels, custom themes, and the market value thing actually works in my favor because I can pick up a Sensation for $350 right now which i STILL cannot find an iPhone4 at that price, lol.
I couldn't agree more. Except for the part about "always will be." We don't know what optimizations android will make in the future and we don't know what battery consuming features Apple will add in future iterations of iOS. I imagine they will take another page from Android's book in the future and add widgets, though to be fair credit for widgets on cell phones can't be given solely to Android, they just made it well known and popular, much like apple has done with so many features.

tapa tapa tapa
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  #35 (permalink)  
Old 07-12-2011, 12:53 PM
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Re: Comparing 3D vs Iphone 4

Originally Posted by mlin View Post
I couldn't agree more. Except for the part about "always will be." We don't know what optimizations android will make in the future and we don't know what battery consuming features Apple will add in future iterations of iOS. I imagine they will take another page from Android's book in the future and add widgets, though to be fair credit for widgets on cell phones can't be given solely to Android, they just made it well known and popular, much like apple has done with so many features.

tapa tapa tapa
well the "always will" comment comes from the entire framework of the OS.

iOS is not fragmented, and rolls out universal updates when it wants to and much faster than Android ever will. There is only one iPhone OEM and only one crew writing code for it who know it backwards and forwards, and it seems to perfectly utilize the hardware without any broken drivers or anything.

Even if they add widgets to the homescreen I don't see Android competing with iOS for battery life, but like I said, I'd take worse battery life if it means I get so many other things.

edit: btw you can probs change your sig now mlin
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  #36 (permalink)  
Old 07-12-2011, 01:40 PM
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Originally Posted by orangekid View Post
well the "always will" comment comes from the entire framework of the OS.

iOS is not fragmented, and rolls out universal updates when it wants to and much faster than Android ever will. There is only one iPhone OEM and only one crew writing code for it who know it backwards and forwards, and it seems to perfectly utilize the hardware without any broken drivers or anything.

Even if they add widgets to the homescreen I don't see Android competing with iOS for battery life, but like I said, I'd take worse battery life if it means I get so many other things.

edit: btw you can probs change your sig now mlin
I see your point. Nonetheless, no one can predict the future.

Yeah, about that Sig- I usually post via mobile and never see it. Thanks for the heads up.

tapa tapa tapa
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  #37 (permalink)  
Old 07-12-2011, 02:05 PM
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Re: Comparing 3D vs Iphone 4

Originally Posted by orangekid View Post
well the "always will" comment comes from the entire framework of the OS.

iOS is not fragmented, and rolls out universal updates when it wants to and much faster than Android ever will. There is only one iPhone OEM and only one crew writing code for it who know it backwards and forwards, and it seems to perfectly utilize the hardware without any broken drivers or anything.

Even if they add widgets to the homescreen I don't see Android competing with iOS for battery life, but like I said, I'd take worse battery life if it means I get so many other things.

edit: btw you can probs change your sig now mlin
That goes both ways actually...for example..the SGS2 is definitely faster and smoother then the iphone 4 which is to be expected considering the processor...now if I were to guess the iphone 5 may match or beat that and SGS 3 will surpass even the iphone 5...

As long as Apple releases 1 device a year, companies have multiple attempts at one upping them..

At one point we will come to the "limit" of smoothness...I mean if we get 8 core phones with 2gb ram..if they can't make the UI smooth whether it be sense on top or stock then I'd be shocked...

Samsung for one actually includes cpu optimization within their TouchWiz Framework...

As for battery..cellphones are low powered devices..considering Apple's obsession with thinness and built in batteries...I don't see it out of the ordinary if a company goes in with a phone that charges of solar/heat etc and has a 2x larger battery...

Realistically speaking I see a phone with unlimited power in the near future..considering the low power consumption of cellphones and how they are shrinking the die size...
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  #38 (permalink)  
Old 07-12-2011, 02:20 PM
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Re: Comparing 3D vs Iphone 4

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
That goes both ways actually...for example..the SGS2 is definitely faster and smoother then the iphone 4 which is to be expected considering the processor...now if I were to guess the iphone 5 may match or beat that and SGS 3 will surpass even the iphone 5...

As long as Apple releases 1 device a year, companies have multiple attempts at one upping them..

At one point we will come to the "limit" of smoothness...I mean if we get 8 core phones with 2gb ram..if they can't make the UI smooth whether it be sense on top or stock then I'd be shocked...

Samsung for one actually includes cpu optimization within their TouchWiz Framework...

As for battery..cellphones are low powered devices..considering Apple's obsession with thinness and built in batteries...I don't see it out of the ordinary if a company goes in with a phone that charges of solar/heat etc and has a 2x larger battery...

Realistically speaking I see a phone with unlimited power in the near future..considering the low power consumption of cellphones and how they are shrinking the die size...
I don't know if I agree with the whole "SGS2 is faster than iPhone 4" bit, we've already established that the Evo3D/Sensation aren't as smooth/fast/etc.. and only offer dual-core pros such as 1080p video playback and such.

I'll have to play with an SGS2 and that TW4 launcher before I decide that.

But yeah, I'll agree that either phone flashed with CM7/CM8 (when ICS comes out) will blow the iPhone4 out of the water, and I see where you're going, but when is the SGS2 hitting the US market again? The iPhone5 is slated for a sept release and will basically outperform any dual-core Android phone for a year till the quad-cores hit the scene, so I guess if the SGS2 hits US market in 2 weeks, they'll have an entire 6 week head start...

And if you put a car battery on your phone and 5 solar panels and maybe glue a windmill to it so it competes with the iPhone built-in then that's fine, but personally I like being able to keep my phone in my pocket or being able to put a case on my phone that doesn't have to accommodate an extra thick battery rear case.

But right now, the iPhone is king of battery power, and will be for some time. And the fact that iOS doesn't need the gpu to run the UI shows again how well coded it is because I don't see that the TW4 framework is any better than iOS5 unless you add LWPs into the mix.

Overall though I'd take an SGS2 flashed with CM7/CM8 over iOS5.
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  #39 (permalink)  
Old 07-12-2011, 03:36 PM
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Re: Comparing 3D vs Iphone 4

Originally Posted by orangekid View Post
I don't know if I agree with the whole "SGS2 is faster than iPhone 4" bit, we've already established that the Evo3D/Sensation aren't as smooth/fast/etc.. and only offer dual-core pros such as 1080p video playback and such.
Don't compare an SGS 2 to a Evo3d/Sensation...the smoothness of the SGS2 has no comparison to anything else...and if you read around the web its very high rated by reviewers...and if benchmarks is your thing..the SGS2 scored 2x higher on most benchmarks...

I'll have to play with an SGS2 and that TW4 launcher before I decide that.
TW4 launcher is very light..someone ported TW4 as a flash-able zip that any phone can use..there is also an apk version but has some features missing...

And unlike sense framework as I said, Samsung includes cpu optimization in the framework..(this is a big advantage when you make your own CPUs...)

But yeah, I'll agree that either phone flashed with CM7/CM8 (when ICS comes out) will blow the iPhone4 out of the water, and I see where you're going, but when is the SGS2 hitting the US market again? The iPhone5 is slated for a sept release and will basically outperform any dual-core Android phone for a year till the quad-cores hit the scene, so I guess if the SGS2 hits US market in 2 weeks, they'll have an entire 6 week head start...
Well depends you can use an international SGS2 on AT&T network from day 1...and SGS 3 will come out in first quarter of 2012...Even without CM7/8 SGS2 is top notch..biggest thing that was slowing down the original SGS was their use of RFS file system...RFS is no more so you get pure speed!

And if you put a car battery on your phone and 5 solar panels and maybe glue a windmill to it so it competes with the iPhone built-in then that's fine, but personally I like being able to keep my phone in my pocket or being able to put a case on my phone that doesn't have to accommodate an extra thick battery rear case.
Not really.. there are many new ways to get energy..not just solar..

like radio signals:

Georgia Tech engineers pull energy out of atmospheric hat, go on electromagnetic scavenger hunt -- Engadget

or this:

Researchers develop tiny, autonomous piezoelectric energy harvester -- Engadget

or if your into solar there is a new way to make cheap solar panels that will double energy efficiency:

Nanocones make solar cells more efficient, sinister looking -- Engadget

or better yet tech like this:

Mizzou Professor says nantenna solar sheet soaks up 90 percent of the sun's rays, puts sunscreen to shame -- Engadget


Solar-Piezoelectric Hybrid Fiber Could Create Energy-Generating Clothes | Ecouterre

And there are large companies actually working on standards for energy harvesting:

ZigBee Alliances developing Green Power standards for energy harvesting devices -- Engadget

..give it 5 more years and I guarantee you we will have a cellphone that is cell sufficient...

But right now, the iPhone is king of battery power, and will be for some time. And the fact that iOS doesn't need the gpu to run the UI shows again how well coded it is because I don't see that the TW4 framework is any better than iOS5 unless you add LWPs into the mix.

Overall though I'd take an SGS2 flashed with CM7/CM8 over iOS5.
umm..android smartphones are not GPU accelerated UI yet...dont remember if honeycomb is or not off the top of my head...so SGS2 is fairly smooth with no GPU accelerated UI...

And thing is...the original Galaxy S with Gingerbread, Touchwiz and EXT4 actually beats Stock/CM7/Nexus S in terms of speed lol..thats how much of a difference the framework makes...

so what you really want is CM7/8 + TouchWiz Framework port...then you will see speeds beyond your wildest imagination...

Also people have been reporting really awesome battery life on the SGS2...


summary: 20 hours of battery(it was at 15% after 20 hours) with 10 hours of actual use and push notifications! gmail and twitter on! and wifi on! this is for stock..no undervolting or optimization!!!! or increased battery size..

Last edited by gTen; 07-12-2011 at 03:43 PM.
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  #40 (permalink)  
Old 07-12-2011, 05:09 PM
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Re: Comparing 3D vs Iphone 4

Originally Posted by gTen View Post

Yes...they are...Korea on the other hand is not..
this statement is incorrect. china is a totalitarian type environment where everything is controlled and limited by the government. Taiwan is a democracy like the united states is. furthermore in China they speak simplified Chinese while in Taiwan they speak traditional Chinese. people from china also tend to be more closed and reserved (especially when it comes to a slightly darker skinned individual like me) while the Taiwanese are more open minded and laid back. ok this is all I want to say now back to the EVO3D vs iPhoney4 flamefest.
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