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Old 07-12-2011, 01:40 PM
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Originally Posted by orangekid View Post
well the "always will" comment comes from the entire framework of the OS.

iOS is not fragmented, and rolls out universal updates when it wants to and much faster than Android ever will. There is only one iPhone OEM and only one crew writing code for it who know it backwards and forwards, and it seems to perfectly utilize the hardware without any broken drivers or anything.

Even if they add widgets to the homescreen I don't see Android competing with iOS for battery life, but like I said, I'd take worse battery life if it means I get so many other things.

edit: btw you can probs change your sig now mlin
I see your point. Nonetheless, no one can predict the future.

Yeah, about that Sig- I usually post via mobile and never see it. Thanks for the heads up.

tapa tapa tapa
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