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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 07-07-2011, 11:11 PM
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Re: Comparing 3D vs Iphone 4

Is there anything that iphone can do that 3D cannot do ?

For hardware spec, 3D > iphone4 for sure. You cant dispute this.

iphone 5 will have face recognization login. I wish 3D has this. But if you broke your camera, then u cant log in?

If Apple copy HTC cool corossal, then thats copycat.

China and Taiwan is the same. One is red and one is not.

For any Android phone, sorry I have too choose HTC. Cause they own XDA forum.

No to Samsung or other phone. And definately no to Apple for me. I boycott Apple. I dont like the way they claim down their device. This is monopoly. You can go and see for youself that big company have the worst customer service!
HTC Evo LTE > (Dell x51v → Motorola Q (Verizon) → Mogul → 800w → Treo Pro → Touch Pro 2 → EVO 3D (SERO) ) > iPhone 5

Last edited by chong67; 07-07-2011 at 11:16 PM.
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2011, 03:07 AM
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Re: Comparing 3D vs Iphone 4

Originally Posted by chong67 View Post
Is there anything that iphone can do that 3D cannot do ?
Take better 2d pictures? produce better audio?..since you asked...every device has its ups and downs...

For hardware spec, 3D > iphone4 for sure. You cant dispute this.
In raw hardware specs yes...not in all specs like as mentioned above camera and sound chipset...but overall hardware yes Evo 3d wins as it should considering iphone 4 is last years hardware..

iphone 5 will have face recognization login. I wish 3D has this. But if you broke your camera, then u cant log in?
SGS2 already has this so I am sure it probably can be ported..or you can wait for this..

Blue Planet Apps - BioLock v1.0

I am sure there is a pin code alternative, not just facial recognition..but have you ever considered how to unlock your phone if your touch screen stopped working? you cant plan for everything...

If Apple copy HTC cool corossal, then thats copycat.
Everyone copy everyone, everyone sues everyone, everyone cross licences each other ever after..

China and Taiwan is the same. One is red and one is not.
Yes...they are...Korea on the other hand is not..

For any Android phone, sorry I have too choose HTC. Cause they own XDA forum.
not really..right now they are embracing all phones...SGS makes up one of their most popular sections actually...

No to Samsung or other phone. And definitely no to Apple for me. I boycott Apple. I dont like the way they claim down their device. This is monopoly. You can go and see for youself that big company have the worst customer service!
Not true..it depends on the company..there are big companies with good CS and some with bad CS..based on reviews I've read Apple actually has pretty good customer service...Samsung usually wins JD power awards in many fields on customer service...HTC on the other hand has sub par customer service...but I hear its improving...
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2011, 03:38 AM
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Re: Comparing 3D vs Iphone 4

funny though i see tons of ev3d threads with issues out the but ranging from phone not waking up to weather not showing full temp. (1 in 100deg not showing) and i know theres not lots of iphony users but rarely do i see them posting all the issues ev3d has if any. i like evo4g better and seems to have way less issues. i like almost all devices better than iphony but i like to tinker (not fix) with my phones or i would give iphony a try.
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2011, 08:33 AM
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Re: Comparing 3D vs Iphone 4

Originally Posted by chong67 View Post
Is there anything that iphone can do that 3D cannot do ?

For hardware spec, 3D > iphone4 for sure. You cant dispute this.

iphone 5 will have face recognization login. I wish 3D has this. But if you broke your camera, then u cant log in?

If Apple copy HTC cool corossal, then thats copycat.

China and Taiwan is the same. One is red and one is not.

For any Android phone, sorry I have too choose HTC. Cause they own XDA forum.

No to Samsung or other phone. And definately no to Apple for me. I boycott Apple. I dont like the way they claim down their device. This is monopoly. You can go and see for youself that big company have the worst customer service!
My iPhone 4 can go two days with moderate to heavy usage on a single charge and still have 25% power left. I'll bet your EVO 3D doesn't do that; certainly not stock.

My iPhone 4 can be fully charged in about 30 minutes. HTC phones have never charged fully that quickly for me (with the stock battery and charger).

My iPhone 4 never locks up, never has apps crash, never needs root for necessary apps (i.e. task killer, CPU overclock, etc), and never gets slow or unresponsive after running for two to three weeks without a restart (don't bother lying about yours, I can read all of the other complaints from people with your device).


Your EVO 3D can load customized ROMs, taskbars, themes, etc. and my iPhone 4 cannot (without being Jailbroken, but I personally don't care about this anymore).

Your EVO 3D has some better hardware specs than my iPhone 4 (I would hope so, it came out almost a year after mine did).

Your EVO 3D has a replaceable battery and memory card and my iPhone 4 does not (though my iPhone 4 has Apple Care which covers the battery and 32GB of internal storage is plenty for me).

Like I said previously, each device has it's pros and cons.
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  #15 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2011, 09:45 AM
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Originally Posted by gTen View Post
That's same reason I got the Epic, It just "works" ..I actually used stock rom most of the time...
Agreed. My EVO and 3SOME "just work." It's not until I start rooting and flashing custom ROMs that things break. Also, forgive me if I'm wrong but isn't there quite a bit you can tweak/customize on a jail broken iPhone?

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  #16 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2011, 10:00 AM
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Re: Comparing 3D vs Iphone 4

Originally Posted by mlin View Post
Agreed. My EVO and 3SOME "just work." It's not until I start rooting and flashing custom ROMs that things break. Also, forgive me if I'm wrong but isn't there quite a bit you can tweak/customize on a jail broken iPhone?

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Absolutely. You can add custom docks, themes, lock screens, icons and plenty more. That's why I mentioned that it could be done if jailbroken in my reply to chong.
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  #17 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2011, 11:24 AM
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Re: Comparing 3D vs Iphone 4

Originally Posted by rainfreak View Post
Absolutely. You can add custom docks, themes, lock screens, icons and plenty more. That's why I mentioned that it could be done if jailbroken in my reply to chong.
Touche, I didn't see your response before I wrote mine.

Originally Posted by rainfreak View Post
My iPhone 4 never locks up, never has apps crash, never needs root for necessary apps (i.e. task killer, CPU overclock, etc), and never gets slow or unresponsive after running for two to three weeks without a restart (don't bother lying about yours, I can read all of the other complaints from people with your device).
But, you do need to be jailbroken to run certain apps. Its analagous to rooting. You don't have to root or jailbreak but, if you want to run certain apps then yo will have to. Also, my mother-in-law has an iP4 on VZW. I have seen at least 2 occasions where her phone was unresponsive/laggy for no apparent reason- once while using the camera which she could not get to respond/take a picture and the other while showing me something online. They're all computers- none is perfect and all are limited by the same restrictions. My die hard Apple friend told me recently that he is so frustrated with Apple lately because his iP4 becomes unresponsive for somethimes up to a minute, apps will randomly close, and his iMAC is keeps needing a reset to function "normally."

There was a point where I almost drank the koolaid and thought that maybe Apple's products did always run flawlessly. I had some issues with my 3Gs but is was jailbroken from day one so I attributed the problems to that. I wasn't willing to have a non-JB iphone so I just accepted it as a consequence. However, it was refreshing in a way to see people having problems with their various non-JB/hacked iProducts. I knew it couldn't be so perfect.
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  #18 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2011, 11:56 AM
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Re: Comparing 3D vs Iphone 4

Originally Posted by rainfreak View Post
My iPhone 4 can be fully charged in about 30 minutes. HTC phones have never charged fully that quickly for me (with the stock battery and charger).
Hmm..TP2 with fast charge was around 30min to charge :/

Originally Posted by mlin View Post
But, you do need to be jailbroken to run certain apps. Its analagous to rooting. You don't have to root or jailbreak but, if you want to run certain apps then yo will have to. Also, my mother-in-law has an iP4 on VZW. I have seen at least 2 occasions where her phone was unresponsive/laggy for no apparent reason- once while using the camera which she could not get to respond/take a picture and the other while showing me something online. They're all computers- none is perfect and all are limited by the same restrictions. My die hard Apple friend told me recently that he is so frustrated with Apple lately because his iP4 becomes unresponsive for somethimes up to a minute, apps will randomly close, and his iMAC is keeps needing a reset to function "normally."

There was a point where I almost drank the koolaid and thought that maybe Apple's products did always run flawlessly. I had some issues with my 3Gs but is was jailbroken from day one so I attributed the problems to that. I wasn't willing to have a non-JB iphone so I just accepted it as a consequence. However, it was refreshing in a way to see people having problems with their various non-JB/hacked iProducts. I knew it couldn't be so perfect.
Because the notion that Apple products "Just Work" is a myth created by Apple marketing team..when dealing with hardware, radio signals and etc things are bound to go wrong somewhere eventually..

Personally for me my Epic "Just Works", but at same time there are people who are constantly plagued with issues...the issues may not even be device dependent but carrier dependent but people take it out on the device...My TP2 for example had an issue where it would constantly reset...I upgraded to 6.5 and it still continued and on all roms and sprint radios...then I loaded up USC radio and it never happened again...

I mean as an example, I personally never had any of my devices break on me..and my phone used to fall on the floor like EVERY day..I had phones catapult across the room, I had phones fly out slam the wall and fall on the floor..and they all turned on phone without any major damage..others I have seen break their phones just from dropping it once from a short distance...

It boils down to luck...your location and many other conditions...
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Old 07-08-2011, 01:34 PM
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Re: Comparing 3D vs Iphone 4

may be iphone4 has something more than features, may be it says that you are techno savvy, updated, stylish and likes some fun in your life? definitely social features are a factor in iphone's success, which till now neither HTC nor RIM has considered to be a factor
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  #20 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2011, 01:40 PM
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Re: Comparing 3D vs Iphone 4

I'm sure that isn't it because everyone here will rally to agree that they are far more techno savvy then any iPhone user. I swear, I don't know why I even bother to try and get into a dialog about anything of value on this site because panties get all twisted up.

Enough is enough. The Kool-Aid drinking, uninformed, unable to navigate web sites, lonely Apple fanboy is out.
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