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  #21 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2011, 02:13 PM
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Re: Comparing 3D vs Iphone 4

Originally Posted by rainfreak View Post
I'm sure that isn't it because everyone here will rally to agree that they are far more techno savvy then any iPhone user. I swear, I don't know why I even bother to try and get into a dialog about anything of value on this site because panties get all twisted up.

Enough is enough. The Kool-Aid drinking, uninformed, unable to navigate web sites, lonely Apple fanboy is out.
lmao, when will you learn silly?
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  #22 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2011, 02:21 PM
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Re: Comparing 3D vs Iphone 4

Originally Posted by soma View Post
may be iphone4 has something more than features, may be it says that you are techno savvy, updated, stylish and likes some fun in your life? definitely social features are a factor in iphone's success, which till now neither HTC nor RIM has considered to be a factor
I don't think the type of phone you use has any indication of a person's character, for one most people can't tell if your holding an iphone or an android device unless they start looking REALLY closely..which I doubt most people bother...That said RIM is actually fairly popular among teenagers...

Originally Posted by rainfreak View Post
I'm sure that isn't it because everyone here will rally to agree that they are far more techno savvy then any iPhone user. I swear, I don't know why I even bother to try and get into a dialog about anything of value on this site because panties get all twisted up.

Enough is enough. The Kool-Aid drinking, uninformed, unable to navigate web sites, lonely Apple fanboy is out.
Well iphone does have devs too..and a lot of them..so they obviously must have some technical knowledge..that said I'm pretty sure most people on this site have more technical knowledge then most iphone users..considering this is a cellphone site and there are A LOT of users...but same can be said for any platform...aka people on this site are more tech savvy then most Android users too..

What exactly got twisted up again?
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  #23 (permalink)  
Old 07-08-2011, 02:43 PM
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Re: Comparing 3D vs Iphone 4

Originally Posted by darren.wlsn1 View Post
lmao, when will you learn silly?
I just did.
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  #24 (permalink)  
Old 07-09-2011, 12:43 AM
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Re: Comparing 3D vs Iphone 4

But I just dont understand why so many people have iphone at my work place though. My workplace is not a phone company.

I have been trying to show off my 3D at work and they all say NICE. But everyone said they are waiting for iphone 5.

See I just dont get it.

I love my 3D phone man. I hope there is a fix for a louder speaker soon.
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  #25 (permalink)  
Old 07-09-2011, 01:47 AM
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Re: Comparing 3D vs Iphone 4

Originally Posted by chong67 View Post
But I just dont understand why so many people have iphone at my work place though. My workplace is not a phone company.

I have been trying to show off my 3D at work and they all say NICE. But everyone said they are waiting for iphone 5.

See I just dont get it.

I love my 3D phone man. I hope there is a fix for a louder speaker soon.
Well..have you tried asking them "why"? it would probably help you understand..

One thing I will tell you is 3D is a gimmick and its a cool feature to impress friends with..but in the end of the day its a niche market that considers 3D as a "requirement"..hence why TV sales have been doing so poorly lately...3D which manufacturers have been pushing is not as enticing to people as swapping to HD..

Last edited by gTen; 07-09-2011 at 01:54 AM.
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  #26 (permalink)  
Old 07-09-2011, 10:14 AM
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Re: Comparing 3D vs Iphone 4

I am not too crazy about the 3D also. It is giving me a headache looking at it.

I prefer upgrade to higher front facing camera, etc.

Those fans of iphone at my workt, then just want to stick with apple.

I seem to notice people that listen to music alot will eventually get a iphone. My niece went from itune to ipod and now got the iphone.

ABC, CNN, etc all use Apple. 8 out 10 times when I watch movie, there is another Apple.

Yah Apple stuff are small and cute. Alot of company have made head ways in this also.
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  #27 (permalink)  
Old 07-11-2011, 03:01 PM
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Re: Comparing 3D vs Iphone 4

There are legitimate arguments in favor of an iPhone 4 over an Evo 4D. Let's compare some things:

1) Battery life - not even freaking close. No matter what settings you have enabled/disabled/tweaked/hacked/flashed you will never even come close to matching the battery life the iPhone 4 has to offer over the Evo3D. The non soc wimax radio is a freaking hog. ok turn it off, you now have only a 3G phone. The "3D Stuff" from what I hear/see is insanely power hungry, and we all know that iOS just gets much better battery life general than Android.

Winner = iPhone 4

2) Resolution: They come very close, I think this one's a tie. I've seen both screens and even though the iPhone 4 gets better PPI it's not noticeably different (compared with the Sensation that is).

Winner = tie

3) OS Fluidity: I'd have to give the iPhone 4. Even with its single-core A4, it outperforms IMO because it doesn't have to power Sense 3.0 in its framework along with everything else.

Winner = iPhone 4

4) Form Factor: The iPhone 4 is really nice to hold and feels solid but so does the Evo3D, and HTC wasn't as stupid as Apple and didn't put gorrila glass on the back of the phone. It's also slimmer than the Evo so easier to hold, overall I think the Evo3D feels more solid

Winner = Evo3D

5) Gaming/Apps: I didn't notice any lag on either phone for apps/games, but of course as games get more advanced the MSM will outperform, but when the iPhone 4 comes out with the dual-core A5 in 2 months then we will really see what's up.

Winner = tie for now.

6) overall OS: I think Sense 3 is a little buggy personally. I've noticed hiccups here and there with some lag, some touches not responding on the weather widget or clicking on certain icons. It's actually a little disappointing to me and I would really just be waiting for a good CM7 ROM to flash on there, which actually makes me want to wait for an SGS2 or a good CM7 ROM (because CM7 on qhd would be nicer than the WVGA they rock on the SGS2, I'll just have to wait and see how the new super duper awesome extra AMOLED extreme edition 5000 or whatever they're calling it now looks). iOS is fast, sleek, no lag, no hiccups, but also no Widgets (except lockscreen), no LWPs...

Having said that, I do like Widgets, I do like toggles/settings wherever I want, and I do like scrolling left and right. I also like the fact that Android has more free apps than iOS and growing big time. I don't like the Android fragmentation problem and I don't like that my wii remote cannot connect to the Evo3D because it hates Sense but can connect to the iPhone 4 or any CM7 or nonSense ROM. Ultimately though I like GB more than iOS5

Winner = Evo3D, (but it's close)

There are other factors to consider for sure and opinions etc... and I would prefer the Evo3D over the iPhone 4, but having gone back and forth on this I really would rather have a Sensation over both, and I think I'd rather have an iPhone 5 over an Evo3D any day.

Also, if it's important, Apple products maintain their value far far better than Android/WP7/RIM. The iPhone 4 came out a year ago and still sells on 3rd party for $400+, I can get an Evo3D locally sealed in box for $370 already, lol.
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  #28 (permalink)  
Old 07-11-2011, 03:21 PM
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Re: Comparing 3D vs Iphone 4

Originally Posted by orangekid View Post
1) Battery life - not even freaking close. No matter what settings you have enabled/disabled/tweaked/hacked/flashed you will never even come close to matching the battery life the iPhone 4 has to offer over the Evo3D. The non soc wimax radio is a freaking hog. ok turn it off, you now have only a 3G phone. The "3D Stuff" from what I hear/see is insanely power hungry, and we all know that iOS just gets much better battery life general than Android.

Winner = iPhone 4
While wimax does hog battery keep in mind how much battery iphone wastes on 4g..oh wait...so it would be more fair to compare 3g to 3g... also you would want to compare verizon iphone to evo3d over gsm one as GSM will ALWAYS have better battery life then cdma...

5) Gaming/Apps: I didn't notice any lag on either phone for apps/games, but of course as games get more advanced the MSM will outperform, but when the iPhone 4 comes out with the dual-core A5 in 2 months then we will really see what's up.

Winner = tie for now.
iphone 4 with dual core? you meant iphone 5 or iphone 4gs no? That said wouldn't the cdma variant end up with same processor as evo3d anyways?

Also, if it's important, Apple products maintain their value far far better than Android/WP7/RIM. The iPhone 4 came out a year ago and still sells on 3rd party for $400+, I can get an Evo3D locally sealed in box for $370 already, lol.
Well it kinda boils down to the contracts and other factors..also only recently did AT&T allow insurance claims on iphones..which plays a large role in the value...
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  #29 (permalink)  
Old 07-11-2011, 03:31 PM
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Re: Comparing 3D vs Iphone 4

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
While wimax does hog battery keep in mind how much battery iphone wastes on 4g..oh wait...so it would be more fair to compare 3g to 3g... also you would want to compare verizon iphone to evo3d over gsm one as GSM will ALWAYS have better battery life then cdma...

iphone 4 with dual core? you meant iphone 5 or iphone 4gs no? That said wouldn't the cdma variant end up with same processor as evo3d anyways?

Well it kinda boils down to the contracts and other factors..also only recently did AT&T allow insurance claims on iphones..which plays a large role in the value...
lol, you know I meant iPhone 5.

And honestly I'm not so sure that WiMax gets that much real life better speed than VZW or ATT 3G. But even with WiMax turned off, the iPhone 4 gets significantly better battery life than the Evo3D tweaked any way you want, even the CDMA iPhone 4.

You can get 3rd party insurance on iPhones, and of course the standard 1 yr warranty. The value has nothing to do with contracts. Try to get an iPad1 and people are still getting $400 for the 16gb wifi version NOW even though you can get that thru the Apple website for the same price.

Try to get an iPhone 4 on either carrier and see how much you have to give up, people are doing straight up trades for iPhone 4 for Sensation/Evo3D, I don't think the value point is really arguable.

Last edited by orangekid; 07-11-2011 at 03:33 PM.
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  #30 (permalink)  
Old 07-11-2011, 03:44 PM
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Re: Comparing 3D vs Iphone 4

Originally Posted by orangekid View Post
And honestly I'm not so sure that WiMax gets that much real life better speed than VZW or ATT 3G. But even with WiMax turned off, the iPhone 4 gets significantly better battery life than the Evo3D tweaked any way you want, even the CDMA iPhone 4.
You can get 4mb sec - 7mb sec on vzw/att 3g?!?!? also I'm sure if you remove sense, undervolt the cpu you can achieve better battery life then the cdma version...

You can get 3rd party insurance on iPhones, and of course the standard 1 yr warranty. The value has nothing to do with contracts. Try to get an iPad1 and people are still getting $400 for the 16gb wifi version NOW even though you can get that thru the Apple website for the same price.
3rd part insurance is not the same...most people dont get 3rd party insurance..reason why insurance makes a big deal is because it guarantees that you will have an iphone come next generation, thus making you more likely to sell...the more the market is filled with the product you compete to sell thus cheaper..simple capitalism concept...

unless of course iphone users are typically less likely to sell their old phones...

As for contracts I meant you can usually get phones discounted by the contracts on deals..which are usually none existent on iphones..

Try to get an iPhone 4 on either carrier and see how much you have to give up, people are doing straight up trades for iPhone 4 for Sensation/Evo3D, I don't think the value point is really arguable.
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