Re: Comparing 3D vs Iphone 4
I am not too crazy about the 3D also. It is giving me a headache looking at it.
I prefer upgrade to higher front facing camera, etc.
Those fans of iphone at my workt, then just want to stick with apple.
I seem to notice people that listen to music alot will eventually get a iphone. My niece went from itune to ipod and now got the iphone.
ABC, CNN, etc all use Apple. 8 out 10 times when I watch movie, there is another Apple.
Yah Apple stuff are small and cute. Alot of company have made head ways in this also.
HTC Evo LTE > (Dell x51v → Motorola Q (Verizon) → Mogul → 800w → Treo Pro → Touch Pro 2 → EVO 3D (SERO) ) > iPhone 5