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  #11 (permalink)  
Old 05-11-2011, 05:01 PM
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Re: Evo or Epic

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
Oh I read DL as Download >.> lol...generally speaking its never been a problem with sprint...other networks like Telus it charged people for it. But if you feel worried you can download a rom with Carrier IQ removed...

Well it depends..in my case usually I do a few things here and there then need to write a short script to fix things or use powershell/ command prompt and etc to execute commands. so in that way a keyboard helps a lot.

I mean I hate it when an onscreen keyboard takes up half the screen >.>..kinda counter productive..
Gotcha, well I bought one and now just awaiting delivery...I noticed the wiki being a bit dated, how much in there still applies to the new official 2.2.1 rom, or any of the current custom ones? I may totally be wrong about that but it seems that a large amount of info predates 2.2, is this a correct assumption?

I'm trying to find a place to start reading without making my head hurt. Some of these threads are 50+ pages long but I'm guessing don't apply to the current ROMs available. Any suggestions on where to start, obviously I'm going to root and then use one of the roms you mentioned shortly there after.

Is there any reason that I shouldn't let the phone download the latest updates from Sprint? Does rooting still work in the official version, the phone is shipping with, gasp--Eclair?
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  #12 (permalink)  
Old 05-11-2011, 05:14 PM
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Re: Evo or Epic

Originally Posted by testacon View Post
Gotcha, well I bought one and now just awaiting delivery...I noticed the wiki being a bit dated, how much in there still applies to the new official 2.2.1 rom, or any of the current custom ones? I may totally be wrong about that but it seems that a large amount of info predates 2.2, is this a correct assumption?

I'm trying to find a place to start reading without making my head hurt. Some of these threads are 50+ pages long but I'm guessing don't apply to the current ROMs available. Any suggestions on where to start, obviously I'm going to root and then use one of the roms you mentioned shortly there after.

Is there any reason that I shouldn't let the phone download the latest updates from Sprint? Does rooting still work in the official version, the phone is shipping with, gasp--Eclair?
All phones should be shipping with Froyo 2.2.1..EC05...Yes, most of the wiki is outdated, I am working on a new version...just have been rather busy this past days (I mean I still have yet to fix my Epic )..just moved and have a lot of work deadlines pop at the same time so its been hell..

Its not as hard as it looks and to start I suggest just playing with the device and getting a "feel" for it..once you got it down, post a thread on what you'd like to do/see..then me and/or other will assist you or point you to the location on the wiki where to look and explain it to you.

The biggest hurdle is understanding what EXT4, and Journaling on/off works..but again its easier then it looks..

we also have video guides in the dev section to help assist you in doing stuff as well..
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old 05-12-2011, 12:03 PM
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Re: Evo or Epic

Originally Posted by gTen View Post
I suggest running ACS/midnight rom with Genocide Kernel..ATM I am running a brick lol (I installed a very risky kernel which underclocked CPU, ram and the screen)..otherwise Epic is "almost" impossible to brick..
Can you point to me the thread that has the latest STAPLE version of this ROM please?

After this is installed I can always ODIN back to stock if I wish--correct? If you don't mind me asking what did you do to brick your phone? I thought it was next to impossible to do...
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  #14 (permalink)  
Old 05-12-2011, 01:12 PM
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Re: Evo or Epic

Originally Posted by testacon View Post
Can you point to me the thread that has the latest STAPLE version of this ROM please?

After this is installed I can always ODIN back to stock if I wish--correct? If you don't mind me asking what did you do to brick your phone? I thought it was next to impossible to do...
First you gotta flash the custom recovery, if you want the most popular thats EXT 4 roms.

I do suggest playing with stock first so that you can compare..

This is custom recovery: (3.0 is ofr EXT4, 2.55 is RFS)..it'll also root your phone



- ACS:


Flash this to enable journaling: http://forum.ppcgeeks.com/sprint-epi...d-instant.html

- Midnight:



Genocide .. one sec let me find it..

As for what I did to brick..there was a kernel called VisionKernel 1.2..something didnt play well and when I turned off my phone it never turned on again...people are guessing its the undervolting of the ram..but we got no official word yet to the cause.
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